Obviously he had to be having some kind of hallucination. Bonnie, his Bonnie, was dead. Yet there she was as if she was just making her usual rounds around the place.
As if she wasn't dead.
He could vaguely hear Jonah spouting off something he truly didn't care about and he completely forgot about the siblings and all their previous indiscretions because all he could focus on was the wind in his ears and Bonnie getting closer by the second.
But, apparently running full speed at a small girl you thought you killed might look the tiniest bit aggressive to others. Or says the body tackling him from behind.
Dr. Jonah had tackled him full force to the ground, making him bust his lip open on impact. Damon was now struggling to get the unwanted weight off of him.
"Damon you need to calm down," Dr. Jonah said between the bucking, kicking, and thrown elbows.
But Damon wasn't hearing any of it, his entire mind was devoted to Bonnie. Her beautiful brown hair was messy and tangled, her full bottom lip was bleeding from how hard she was biting it, and her usual bright green eyes were dull and unfocused. She stood not three feet in front of him yet she had no idea he was there.
"Bonnie?" Damon tried, finally ceasing his struggle as Jonah called for back up.
No response. "Hey Judgey? Come on Judgey don't...don't be like that." It was like that first day, that blank empty stare that he loved so much was coming back to bite him in the ass.
She still refused to acknowledge he was there. He couldn't even reach not to touch her Jonah had him pinned so tight. "Get the hell off of me I just wanna talk to her." Damon bucked to enforce his statement. The weight off him disappeared.
"Finally-" he was cut off when hands pulled him off the ground and pushed him into a wall. Two nurses and three guys in white had crowded the hall and were all here to stop the homicidal maniac from killing the pyromaniac.
"Oh, Damon do you never learn?" A voice said.
This voice made Bonnie's eyes focus and the chewing of her lip cease completely.
Dr. Dulce stomped down the hall her wretched heels clicking against the tile floor as she made her way towards Damon. "Poor Bonnie just got back today and you're already harassing her," she smirked all the while, looking Damon straight in the eyes.
"You bitch!" Damon spat. "You told me she was dead!" He once again began to struggle and push himself off the wall, but was smashed back against it twice as hard. In hindsight this was probably karma punishing him for pushing so many others against walls not unlike this one.
Bonnie, who had been staring at Dr. Dulce, now looked at Damon. He thought she was dead? The entire time he thought she was gone. Sympathy seeped into her brain but she squashed it down with the memory that he was the one who had tried to kill her. He didn't seem to care all that much when he was choking the life from her.
"Damon! I am terribly sorry if that's what you thought when I was updating you on Ms. Bennett's condition," she said with a saccharine sweetness.
Damon didn't even act to dignify such a statement with a response. He instead craned his head to get a good look at Bonnie, who miraculously was staring at him with clarity. She was wrapped in gauze completely on one leg but didn't seem to be favoring it. She was also covered in bandages a bit on her hand and upper arm. And when his gazed traveled upward to inspect her face he fell short at the marks peppered on her neck. His brain stuttered to a halt and his eyes remained pinned to her throat.
The marks that he made with his own hands. He had been hoping that he was wrong when he figured his illness made him see Katherine instead of Bonnie but this was irrefutable proof.
"Bonnieā¦" he breathed.
At the utterance of her named Bonnie's look turned absolutely lethal. How dare he say her name like that?! She thought. He had no right.
Bonnie ripped her gaze from his face and stalked out towards the direction of the lounge, grinding her teeth and not daring to look at anyone else on her way.
Dr. Jonah let her pass and rounded back on Damon. "What we're you thinking Damon? Running at her like that?"
In a rare moment of honesty brought on by Bonnie suddenly ghosting her way in and out his life in what felt like several seconds, Damon spoke, "I was thinking that she was alive. I was thinking that I killed her, that I took her life with my own hands and that nothing I would ever do could bring her back. I was thinking that my brother just died and only other person I cared about in this world was standing a few feet in front of me and I just wanted her to be near," he said this in a somber voice. Leaving no room for his usual sarcastic crass self. There was none of the flippancy in his voice that usually guarded him against the evaluation of others, just pure sincerity.
Dr. Jonah drew his hands down his face in huge sigh, "I'll take you to see Julian," he said simply. He motioned for the men in white restraining him to the wall to let him up.
"What? No!" Dr. Dulce said in a rush. "He's mine, you're supposed to hand him to me so I can give him his treatment!"
"Not today," he said, not bothering to get into a shouting match with his fellow doctor. "Just take care of this" Dr. Jonah gestured to the siblings still standing off to the side.
For their part they looked wholly uncomfortable, but Jonah wasn't sure if that was due to Damon's accusations or the scene that just unfolding right in front of them.
"It has been made known that there may or may not be entirely sibling bonding going on behind closed doors."
Dr. Dulce's eyebrows shot up and her eyes widen drastically. "I'll deal with it," she said.
"Just until I drop Damon off," he clarified.
She waved him off and began herding the Mikaelson siblings down the hall.
Jonah shook his hand and shepherded him in the opposite direction.
Bonnie made her way into the lounge and plopped down on the couch. She couldn't believe Damon had the nerve to try and kill her, then act as if he was upset about it. Him being a sociopath may have impaired his emotions but it gave him no right to treat her like this.
She sighed, obviously it was her fault for not taking it seriously enough when everyone told her was a serial killer. She let her dumb feelings get in the way of how things should truly be. She was better off alone and she needs to stop pretending like she isn't.
It didn't matter though, in the grand scheme of things it was fine. This situation would soon be rectified and she wouldn't have deal with those stupid blue and eyes and that smirking face ever again. A hollow smile appeared on her face as she looked at the bindings covering her hand. Her sweet fire and licked and bite and danced its way across her fingers and her palm. Leaving her a gift in the guise of scar that would likely be with her forever. She'd rather have this mark with her for the rest of her days than the ones marring her neck.