I do not own Hetalia. I will call Chibitala, Italy in this chapter. Randomness. Hope you like.

Italy looked at the blonde kid in front of him, as he tried to paint a bunny. The same kid who thought he was a girl. Italy didn't mind that at all. He would have to tell him some day though. He couldn't keep his gender a secret from Holy Rome forever. But for now, he would play dumb since everyone else in the house, except Hungary, thought he was a girl too. Italy sighed. He really did like Holy Rome, and he could tell that Holy Rome like him too, not that Holy Rome would come right out and say it. Italy hoped that Holy Rome wouldn't hate him when he finds out he's a guy and not a girl. Italy walked away to finish his chores. He still had to sweep the whole house. He hoped Mr. Austria wouldn't get mad at him for not getting it done sooner.

A few hours later, Italy was walking through the large house, still sweeping. He sudenly overheard Holy Rome and Mr. Austria talking about something. Italy stopped to listen, even though he knew it was wrong to eavesdrop. "Are you sure about this Holy Rome?" Aurstia asked.

"I don't have a choice in the matter Austria." Holy Rome said.

"What about Italy? Are you just going to leave without telling her the truth?" Austria asked again.

"Yes. What will happen if I die in this war? I don't want Italy to have to deal with my being gone if she knows I love her. If she knows, she will be even sadder if I die." Holy Rome said. Italy had to hold back a gasp. He didn't want to hear Holy Rome talk about dieing.

"You are not going to die Holy Rome. Why do you keep saying that? Do you think you are going to die in this battle?" Austia looked at the shorter nation, but all he could see was the top of the black hat he wore.

"I don't know Austria, but if I do, please take care of Italy. Keep her safe. I don't want anything to happen to her." Holy Rome said, walking from the room to prepare his troops for departure.

Italy hid in the next room, and watched Holy Rome walk by, tears in his eyes. Italy felt like crying now. He had never seen Holy Rome cry, and wished he could make the sadness go away. Italy had known about the war, and knew there was the possibility that Holy Rome could die, but he didn't want to think about it. Why would the heavens take him away? Hearing Holy Rome talk about death, gave Italy an idea. It was something he had learned from Grandpa Rome, and had hoped he would never have to use. He went to get everything ready, and hoped with all his being, that he still wouldn't have to use it. He didn't want to loose Holy Rome, whether it by death, or by this.

A few months later, Holy Rome and Italy were saying there good byes. Italy gave Holy Rome his broom for two reasons; 1) So he would have something to remember him by, and 2) So Italy would be able to find him he if he was hurt enough to almost die. Holy Rome left, and Italy got a new broom to do more sweeping. Some time passed, and Italy had aged into a teenager, but everyone still thought he was a girl. He knew Holy Rome was a teenager now too. I had been quiet some time before Italy felt it. The spell Italy had put on the broom was calling to him, telling him Holy Rome was about to die. Italy took off with a bag, and didn't even stop when Austria called to him.

It wasn't long before Italy found Holy Rome, and Prussia. Prussia was kneeling over Holy Rome, no doubt, wishing there was something he could do. "Italy?" He exclaimed upon seeing the small nation in the green dress. "Don't came any closer, stay there." He yelled, trying his best to hide Holy Rome from Italy.

"Move Prussia." Italy said, walking right by him to the fallen nation's side. "You idiot. I told you you shouldn't have gone." He whispered when he saw the bloody Holy Rome. Italy pulled some things out of his bag, and layed them next to Holy Rome.

"What are you doing Italy?" Prussia asked.

"You can't let him know about any of this." Italy said after placing everything around Holy Rome.

"About what?" Prussia asked.

"Any of it. The war, who he really is, me." Italy said.

"What are you talking about? Why would you say that? Italy, Holy Rome is going to die. There is nothing you can do about it." Prussia said, being blunt about it, and surprised that Italy didn't show anything, not even a flinch.

"He will not die, but he will no longer be Holy Rome. He is now Germany, your younger brother. You better take good care of him." Italy stood and turned to Prussia. "You can not tell him who he used to be. He will not remember it, so don't tell him. He can't even know about me." Italy started to walk away.

"Wait, Italy." Prussia said.

"I'm sorry to put this all on you, but it's the only way to save him. I wish I didn't have to do it, but I do. Please forgive me Prussia. Please forgive me Holy Rome." Italy said, walking away. "I love you too. Good bye."

Prussia looked back at Holy Rome. He was no longer covered him wounds, though the blood was still there. He was smaller too, as if he had aged backwards, and was now a baby. Prussia walked over to him, and saw that he was a baby. "Germany, huh? You are kind of cute. Poor Italy." Prussia said, looking back at the little girl in the green dress walking away. Prussia wrapped little Germany in his coat, and took him back to his place, where he raised Germany until Germany was the one pretty much raising him. Italy's words were always in the back of Prussia's mind. He wondered what would happen if he had told Germany the truth from the begining. He wondered how Germany would be if he had known. It was a few year later that Prussia found out that Italy was a guy and not a girl, but it didn't bother him. Germany really didn't remember anything from his days as Holy Rome. He was told stories about Holy Rome, but was unaware of the fact that it was him they were talking about.

We all know what happens next. Germay finds Italy in the box marked tomatoes, then he can't get rid of him. All the while, Prussia still wonders what would happen if Germany ever found out the truth about how Italy had saved his life, and given him a knew one, all the while pushing himself out to do it. It must have hurt Italy to do it, but he showed no sign of it bothering him now. Prussia wondered if Italy would tell him the truth. He wondered how they would all act if they knew. Prussia had not told anyone who Germany really was. The only ones to knew, where himself, and Italy. Prussia was also worried for Germany, and hoped he would never find out. He knew Germany could probably handle it well, but there was still the chance Germany would break down, and that was why Prussia had told no one of the whole thing. For all anyone knew, Germany had just appeared out of nowhere like the rest of them, and Prussia was just the one who found him.

Might do another chapter. I have one in mind.