~*~Chapter 16~*~

(One Year Later)

The events in the hospital after the surgery were blurry at best. I still hadn't regained full use of my extremities, one of the side effects of them cutting into my brain I assumed. I could walk, but only for very short distances at a time, which meant I couldn't go to school and had to have a tutor instead. Hojo had volunteered to bring me all my school work and return it for me, as well as tutor me, but I refused. It just felt wrong to encourage his efforts when my heart belonged to a figment of my imagination. I knew I needed to move on, but for some reason, I still couldn't shake the feeling that it had been real. Sometimes at night, I dreamed of him still, but these were different from the old dreams. These were just memories of the old ones. Memories of how his lips felt against mine when we kissed. Memories of how he would carry me because I walked too slow. There was nothing left but memories and I was too selfish to let them go and try to move on with my life.

I still had several monthly doctor appointments, they had to watch and make sure they got it all and it didn't come back. I was also forced to go to counseling which I hated. I never talked to the guy who sat there with a cheap black suit and his fingers crossed as he asked question after question with my silence as the only reply. At first, I tried to talk to him, but when I admitted that I was so sorely tempted to climb back into that well just to see if It would work, he suggested I go to an insane asylum. From that point on I kept my silence and it infuriated him. The strangest thing was how he reminded me so much of Naraku, only with short gray hair. I told myself I was being silly, there was no Naraku remember? Well, except the one in my head. I thought of the tumor as Naraku, my own personal joke. I sighed heavily, how could everyone expect me to forget and move on like it never happened. I had to constantly remind myself that for them, it really didn't ever happen. There was no feudal era, the well wasn't magic and the Shikon jewel was just a legend. I sighed heavily again and pulled myself up into a sitting position.

"Mom?" I called loud enough for her to hear me if she was in the house. I listened but there were no footsteps. Something felt off. I could feel a strange presence suddenly, and it would have frightened me had it not been so familiar. "Inuyasha?" I called out quietly, knowing he should still be able to hear me. I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed the cane I had to use to get around. Partial paralysis, a common side effect of brain surgery. The doctors said if I worked hard I could regain feeling in my legs and walk like normal again. I didn't care enough to do the work so I was stuck with this cane until I made the choice to change that or until my body healed.

I stumbled down the hall and limped to the stairs. This part was tricky, mom or Sota usually helped me down them. I was determined and stubborn though and although it took a while I made it down them. No one was home, the shrine was empty. How strange. With every step I took, the feeling got stronger. "Inuyasha?" I called questioningly, not wanting anyone but him to hear me. I didn't understand it, there was no way this was possible. I looked outside. There was a strange aura coming from the well house again. I wasted no time hobbling out there and threw the doors open. Coming from inside the well was the familiar blue light I had been so longing to see. Without hesitation I threw myself in, not bothering to try and climb down with my legs the way they were. I didn't care.

Next thing I knew, I was being lifted up by strong familiar arms, and I opened my eyes to see the face I'd been so longing to see. "Inuyasha!" I breathed, a happy sigh of relief as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "How?"

He grinned at me and planted a kiss on my forehead. "We found the rest of the Shikon jewel and I made a wish. I hope you don't mind staying here with me, the jewel disappeared into the well right before you came back. I don't think it will work again."

I was back, and I could stay. At least I hoped I wasn't dreaming again.

A.N: Here you go guys, the last chapter. Hope you all liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you think I did good for my first Fic, leave me a review and let me know.