This is going to be an interactive story where readers can be in the story, not just reading :D! You'll be able to influence the plot and characters in the story, and really it's you guys who make the story.

Basically how it's going to work is if you want to be in the story, 1. Review, 2. In your review, write "Application" or something like that. Then, tell me what you want to be called in the story: it can be your username or not. Then tell me about yourself I.E. boy or girl, age, favorite things to do, foods, characters and how you act around them, etc., personality, and what makes you angry, happy, sad, calm, are you caring, and dramatic, etc.

Important! Make sure you tell me what you are: Soul Reaper, Arrancar, Human, Human with powers, etc., your power level, and a background if you want. I'm not making you super-powerful ridiculousness though, sorry! Also, if you have specific powers in mind, i.e. a shikai you think sounds cool, write that as well. I'm not promising I can give it to you, but I'll try to keep your preferences in mind. Perhaps I'll let some have Bankais.

I will then write you in the story.

After each chapter, or main event, I will probably ask a choice question. Tell me what you want to do. If your name in the story isn't your username, write the story-name before you tell me your decision, so I can keep track!

Remember, the more you tell me about yourself, the better I can portray you in the story!

If you don't like how I portrayed you, let me know. Don't just fume about it silently. Sorry if I peg you completely wrong!

This is kind of like a sequel, or really goes along with my story Shunned and Dead (hence the name Shunned Adventure). But the adventure can really stray off the story if you guys make it that way! Remember, you influence the story.

Also, this story rides on you readers, so apply, review, and join in! Otherwise I would just have to copy and paste the other story hereā€¦ XD.


If you don't tell me enough about yourself, I may portray you in a way that's not you or how you like it. IF YOU ARE UNHAPPY WITH YOUR CHARACTER OR PERSONALITY, LET ME KNOW. I've already said it and I'll say it again. DON'T WHINE ABOUT THINGS IF YOU DIDN'T WRITE DETAIL IN YOUR APPLICATION! THE MORE YOU GIVE ME, THE MORE I HAVE TO WORK WITH.

If you don't respond to the choice question, I will choose what you do, where you go, or I can leave you out.

You may not necessarily be as strong as you will like, or have the exact powers you want.

You can drop out of a chapter if you want, just let me know that you don't want to be in that chapter. And if you're reading this after it has already begun, of course you can still join in! Just read as far as we've got so you're up-to-date on what's going on, and submit an application!

So this is how it goes:

Currently, all of the Espada are still on the island. Stark is about to call the meeting, but he has not yet. The choice question to start is: Do you wish to remain on the island with Lilynette, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, and Nnoitra, or go with Stark, Harribel, and Szayel to the inhabited one?

Also: you can write that you want to push for one to go as well or stay, and I will formulate the adventure based on your choices. If you feel strongly about say, Grimmjow coming along, tell me that! Write it how you feel it, and I'll hopefully be able to understand it that way.

So have fun with this, and apply!

EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM! (even though I hate worms). Faster applications means more involvement in the story, better positions as you want, and first pick on powers or strength level!

Also, you should probably read the first three chapters of Shunned and Dead so that you understand what is going on.