Author's Note: So this is my first chapter of How I Met Your Father. For those of you who waited for it, I hope it comes up to your expectations :)

I watched this awesome video on YouTube (link is in my bio, you gotta watch it!) which was basically How I Met Your Mother in The Vampire Diaries Style. Ever since this idea is stuck in my head and I just had to write something like it down. So in this story the TVD cast live in New York in HIMYM style. But it's not about how the mother is met; in my story the father is the mystery ;) And you don't have to watch HIMYM to understand it, although I'd totally recommend it!

It contains a lot of couple cuz I just wanted to try different pairings although I don't ship all of them. In the story are only TVD characters, some are only mentioned or have different roles. Stefan won't be part of the main part cuz he pissed me of in the last couple of episodes ;) And of course they're all human!

Btw the normal story is written this way and when the mom is talking or it's in the future it's like this :)

And sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes I'm not a native speaker :)

Thanks for reading my blather and without further ado here we go, I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries or its cast or How I Met Your Mother. And I don't own the quotes from both shows I will use.

A gorgeous blonde in her forties sits down in her favorite armchair in her living room. She touches the golden wedding ring on her left ring finger and smiles as memories rush into her head. Then she looks up to her children who sit on the couch in front of her. 'Alright kids, I know I promised to tell you the story of how I met your father, how we fell in love and married. But I gotta warn you, it'll be a loong story and I will start from the very beginning and leave nothing out, so be prepared!' She pauses and sees the excitement of her children, so she takes a deep breath and starts:

'Kids, you know I was born in this small town Mystic Falls in Virginia. Back then I was still Caroline Forbes and I had the world's best two friends, Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett. There were also Jeremy Gilbert, Elena's little brother and Matt Donavan, her best friend. O and of course Matt's sister Vicki Donavan whom I never really liked and her boyfriend and Matt's best friend Tyler Lockwood- What?'

Caroline raises an eyebrow at the confused looks on her children's faces. 'Mom, why are you starting your story with your teen years? We know about it and we know you met dad in New York.' 'Yeah, I know that, but everything is important and belongs to the story. And you don't know that much about my teen years. But for you I'll speed up. But don't expect me to speed up when I'll come to the actual story! So shut up and listen!' She grins when they all nod.

'Okay great! Anyways Elena and Matt started dating in college and were totally in love.

Bonnie had a couple of boyfriends, but nothing is worth mentioning.

Tyler was being a first rate jackass –sorry, but it's true –and Vicki broke up with him. I wonder why they'd dated so long in the first place. He had only flings and one-night-stands; at least that's what I heard.

Jeremy fell for Vicki –I have absolutely no idea why –and they started dating. But of course it didn't last very long because Vicki went all bad girl –well, more than she's already been her whole life –and he broke up with her.

And for me? Well, I won't spill too much about my college time, not to give you silly ideas! Let's just say, I had many offers because I was kinda popular. Some were more serious, some less.

Anyways the real story picks up a few years after college when somehow Bonnie, Elena, Matt, Jeremy and Tyler all ended up in New York. Bonnie and I lived in the greatest loft ever and Elena and Matt shared a small apartment.

I was a journalist on TV which was awesome most of the time. I moderated an afternoon show with my co-worker Andie Star.

Elena actually did it and became a writer. She had published her first novel and was currently working on her second one. She had a sometimes bitchy, but pretty cool publisher, Rebekah Mikealson.

Bonnie was trying her best in PR, but her new boss Greta Martin was all bitchy and hated her.

Tyler was some businessman and Matt was just working hard in his office the whole time. And Jeremy wanted to become a surgeon and fell in love with one of his colleagues, Anna Johnson. She was really cute and they suited perfectly together.

Elena and Matt were still dating, but things weren't so smooth anymore. Well not for Elena anyways, Matt never actually realized it, I guess. But we'll come to this later.

Tyler was still this total womanizer. And Bonnie recently started dating this cute and handsome lawyer, Elijah Mikaelson. Yes, he was Rebekah's brother. She and Rebekah kind of set them up together. But it was all still really new.

I was single that time. That was definitely going to change really soon, but this is a huge storyline!

By the way the main actors of my little story are Bonnie, Elena, Elijah, someone we haven't met in the story yet and of course me. Before, we've been all still engaged with our High School friends and stuff, but things change when you grow up, sometimes pretty fast and harsh. Especially in the city.

Anyways remember when I mentioned Bonnie's and mine loft? It wasn't just huge and so beautiful, it was also right next to the world's best bar, 'Puzzles'. We were there like every night and everyone knew us and we had our favorite seats we always got.

So one night Elena, Matt, Bonnie, Elijah and I were in 'Puzzles' again:

Caroline Forbes took her beer from the bartender's hands. "Thanks, Callie" she murmured with a smile. She looked up at her two best friends, Elena and Bonnie who were sitting across to each other with their boyfriends, Matt and Elijah.

"So, Bon-Bon. How was work today? Anything you would like to spill?" Caroline raised her eyebrows and looked at Bonnie knowingly. "Care, I told ya, I can't take off a whole day only to help you prepare your party!" Bonnie exclaimed.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking, kids. I asked Bonnie to skip work to help me prepare the party I was throwing on Friday. And she actually said NO! Can you believe that? I bet you're wondering what party of the huge amount of mind-blowing parties I was throwing I am talking about. It was the four-days-till-Valentine's-Day-Party! You know the one your dad and I are throwing every year the Friday before Valentine's Day. And that year, it'd be the first time ever! And hell, it was a party! And I'm talking about so many guests and heartbreak and hook-ups and new love. Yes, I had it all on my party and it was unforgettable. But again, one thing after another! The whole party was actually quite spontaneous. The idea came to me exactly one week before the party. On a Friday night where I was, well I wasn't completely sober anymore. Ah forget about it, you aren't little children anymore! I was frustrated and drunk way too much, so I was pretty much wasted. I don't remember everything anymore, so Bonnie and Elena helped me out a bit.

So that was the first part, I hope you liked it! Yeah I know Cliffhanger ;) That one was a rather short chapter, but it was like the Prologue and there'll be more storylines in the following :)

Thank you so much for reading my story you're awesome! I'd love reviews because I'm quite unsure about this whole thing! I appreciate critic! And if you have any ideas or requests for this story (a storyline or a specific couple or whatever you can think of :) feel free to share it with me! I'd love to hear your thoughts! I didn't describe the children more because I'm not so sure about how many Caroline should have, how they look like and how old they are. That's all your decision, so what would you like? :) I'll try to update asap!

p.s.: If you watch HIMYM: Did you notice the little allusion with the bar 'Puzzles'? I took the name from the one Ted and Barney open :)