Connecting With The Whole


SHOW: "Teen Wolf"

TIMELINE: Let's just say "Future"

PREMISE: Sequel to "When Your Soul Cries Out" and "Lucky Valentine", same Universe, no Lydia or Allison. Derek and Stiles are engaged, Danny & Jackson are a couple, Scott finds his mate in Ted, Danny's date from their winter formal. Everyone is/will be a wolf.

CATEGORIZATION: SLASH; M/M; Stiles/Derek "Sterek", Danny/Jackson "Dax", Scott/Ted "Tott", humor, angst, romance, fraternity, supernatural, spirituality, charity, death, murder, mayhem, super smut, perhaps a 3-way, perhaps not. Yes, a tease. You know who you are and you love it. Might even be some cotton candy in pink of course!

DISCLAIMER: All references to the show "Teen Wolf" are owned by MTV and only this plot and alternate universe belongs to me, well, I inherited it from my partner in crime, Blooboy70.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who reviewed/commented/alerted on the last chapter. Thanks to the anonymous reviewer who pointed out my age typo. As all of you might have surmised, none of this is beta'd. I also am bad at catching my own errors, so please forgive.


Chapter 14 – Re-Birthday

(con't from Ch. 13 – Ted speaking: "I want to give thanks for all that I have and hope to have in the future. Father-Mother-Creator God, or gods… Fenris…" He smiled when he heard the pack inhale softly. "Please know that I am thankful for it all. For everything I have and am. Thanks for the food, the gifts of the hands that prepared it, the love I feel for everyone here at this table. I want everyone here to hear me." He dropped the hands he was holding, and raised his glass, waiting for everyone to act in kind. "I offer this: a toast, an affirmation, a prayer of thanks. I want you to know that, wherever we find ourselves in this world, whatever our successes or failures, you will always have a place in my heart." Everyone resounded again in agreement, toasting to the wonderful words they all shared and felt.

Before they could dig in, Derek spoke. "Sometimes it all still feels like a mass of dots. But more and more these days, I feel like we're all connected." Before he could continue, everyone joined in and they all finished the line from the movie in unison: "And it's beautiful... and funny... and good." They all paused and laughed and hugged, and began to eat. After a few minutes of everyone laughing, and eating, and enjoying the food and the time together, Ted just paused and grew still, drinking it all in. He whispered softly. "I love this. I love you all. Thank you." Everyone looked at him and smiled. )


They ate the delicious food. "Everything was wonderful!" sighed Ted, falling back into his chair. "I feel like I might burst!" The pack laughed. Ted surveyed the table and what was left of his birthday dinner.

"Wow, we cleaned house!" chuckled Danny looking around and the sated smiles on everyone's faces. They all nodded or snorted in agreement. "What was in that baste, Patrick? It was awesome!"

"I'm glad you liked it," replied Patrick. "It's a very simple but very old recipe. When we came to, um, this, um, America, my grandmother, um, taught it to me." Jean kicked him under the table, for the third time that night. He glared at her but continued. "She's an excellent cook. Most of what I learned about food and serving people I learned from her." He smiled in a way that everyone knew he was recalling happy memories.

"Wait," said Ted. "You said 'she's as in she is."

"Yes, that's right," said Patrick softly.

"Your 'grandmother' is still alive?" Ted asked.

"Yes, why wouldn't she be?" queried Patrick with a puzzled look.

"Dude! If you're like, 200 something, then she must be like what?" interjected Stiles.

Jean and Patrick exchanged knowing glances and laughed. "Yes, she's still alive." He took a drink. Looking at Stiles, "And since you asked, she's 350 this past April."

Jackson whistled. "Damn, that's old." He quickly coughed and tried to recover, "Um, what I mean, is that's cool… you know… to live so long… and see so much." Danny just closed his eyes shaking his head. Jackson blushed and looked down embarrassed.

"Don't sweat it," Patrick said smiling. "It's no biggie. Like I said, we live a very long time compared to the numbers people are used to. We age much more slowly than humans, and slower than werewolves."

"Not vampires," interrupted Scott.

Patrick smiled. "Yes, except for vampires. They technically aren't aging as they aren't necessarily considered alive, at least by most standards. But as they can be killed," he made 'air quotes', "then perhaps they are alive to a philosophical extent." He heard everyone chuckling as he looked over and saw Jean miming she was gagging. When he whirled to scowl at her, she quickly straightened her face into a smile, and nodded. Everyone just laughed at their antics.

Scott interrupted by kissing Ted and then spoke. "Well I for one, can't wait to meet her and all of Ted's relatives, but now…" he motioned to Jackson, "I think it's time for presents."

"Scooooot!" whined Ted smiling at the same time. "No... you guys… you didn't have to do this. Dinner was more than I deserved…"

"No," barked Derek. "We're family. So there." He flashed his eyes and then sat back smiling.

"You big softie," cooed Stiles, kissing his blushing face.

"He's right, Ted," said Stiles. "You should just let us spoil you and like it."

Ted raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. As you wish. Just remember, payback's a bitch." He winked at Scott who squeezed his hand as Jackson returned to the table with a bright blue box with a white ribbon on it. He handed it across the table to Ted, winking at Scott.

Scott was practically bouncing in his seat. "Go on, open it!" he pressured.

"Okay, okay, hold your water." Ted grinned and began to open the box. He lifted the lid and peered inside. His eyes bugged. His mouth fell open and slowly he looked up at Scott. Scott's grin was from ear to ear. "Do you like it?" he asked.

Ted didn't reply, just reached in and pulled the gift out in his left hand, setting the box on the ground beside him with his right. He pulled the gift into his lap and smiled, gingerly tracing his hands over its smooth surface. He smiled a very large smile and looked at Scott with a soft look in his eyes of disbelief. "For me?" he peeped very softly. Scott just nodded, biting his bottom lip.

"We hope you like it," stated Patrick. "We all sorta had the idea and we sent Jackson out while we were prepping dinner."

He continued to handle the gift as if it were glass. "Well, don't just sit there," boomed Jean. "Put it on and let's see!"

Ted smiled even wider, if that was possible, and pulled the present over his head. It fit perfect. He turned to the side and pulled the visor up. The helmet was perfect. Red. Matched Scott's. He quickly ripped it off and fell against Scott, kissing him hard. He then leaned to his left, hugging his Uncle Patrick. He jumped up and went around the table giving everyone a hug, thanking them a million times over. He was babbling his thanks and gratitude to the point Scott's smile was making his face hurt. "I can't wait to see you wearing it when we go out riding," exclaimed Scott. "It's gonna be awesome."

Ted sat back next to Scott, and put the helmet back on, pulling the visor down. It didn't take werewolf eyes to see the happiness under the helmet. It was almost palpable. Ted felt like the luckiest boy in the world. Suddenly, he snapped forward. "What about now?" he asked looking over at Scott. "Why don't we take the bike out?" Derek raised an eyebrow and looked over at Patrick.

"Do you know how to ride?" asked Stiles, taking his cue from Derek.

Ted deflated just a bit at that. "Well, technically no, but I want to learn. Scott can teach me." He looked over at Scott with expectation and hope in his gaze.

Jean interrupted. "No offense to Scott, but I think you should take a safety course and training to get your license. I don't want my favorite nephew ending up a squid on the highway."

Scott looked at Jean. "Where did you hear the term 'squid'?" he asked, squinting at her slightly.

Patrick smiled a wide smile and turned to look at her. "You shut up!" she said smacking him. "For your information, I have a class M license. I've been riding for years." She raised an eyebrow at the snickers from the table. "Uh huh, funny," she groaned. "I'm serious. It's what we call someone who was in a crash and ended up lying on the pavement limbs just wiggling like a squid." She paused and took a drink. Everyone was looking at her somber now. Jean had a sad little smile on her face giving a small shrug. "I just want you to be safe, sweetheart. Please consider taking a course or staying in the woods before you go out on the pavement. And please always wear a helmet. Patrick can show you how to use your abilities to save most things, but despite how long we live, we are mortal and we don't heal like wolves." She stopped talking and just took a drink and sat back in her chair.

The mood was more quiet now and some of the charge gone. "She's right," interjected Scott. "I can teach you, out here on the dirt and grass where it's safer than on the roads. Tomorrow we can look at some courses. The one I took was at the high school after-hours in their parking lot. They have smaller bikes like 250s so even if you fall, you are barely moving and it's like falling off a chair." He rubbed Ted's thigh in small circles, smiling at him.

"I have an idea," shouted Stiles, startling everyone. They all looked at him with daggers. "Sorry. But why don't you take Ted on a ride with you now? Now that you both have helmets it will be safer, and it will give us time to get dessert ready. We have one more surprise up our sleeves for you." Ted looked at Jackson who just winked at him and smiled.

Scott gazed at Ted imploringly. "Well?" he cooed.

Ted jumped up from the table pulling down the visor on his new helmet. "Well don't just stand there fuzzy, let's go?" Scott's eyes flew up.

"Fuzzy?" He pulled Ted closer flipping open the visor. "Fuzzy? Is that supposed to be some sort of cutesy nickname or something?" He pressed closer, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, who wrapped his arms in kind.

Light danced in Ted's eyes. "You don't like it? I think it's kinda cute. It was kinda sexy too seeing you all wolfed out." Behind them they heard the scraping of chairs, and voices. "That's our cue to leave." "I'm out!" "Gag me with a spoon." "Me too. I don't need any more sugar."

Ignoring the rest of the table, Ted reached up and removed his helmet. He pressed his lips against Scott's in a passionate kiss, his arm softly caressing up and down the brown-eyed boy in his embrace. Patrick softly took the helmet from Ted's hand, and it immediately shot to join its match to hold Scott close. Scott ran his fingers through Ted's hair and pulled gently making his boyfriend moan softly against his mouth. "Let's go for a ride," said Ted. He could feel Scott's erection pressing against his own and wanted to feel himself wrapped against the wolf's back as they raced through the countryside like earlier that same day. Scott released Ted from his grasp and took his hand, leading him out to the garage. Ted paused just long enough to pick up his helmet, kissing Scott and saying "Thank you!" to him and kissing him softly. "Thank you everyone; we'll be back in a bit in time for dessert." The guests, now in the house and at the back door just shook their heads and smiled. Derek and Stiles looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

"Remember when we were like that?" asked Derek.

"Were?" teased Danny. "Since when do you two not crawl all over each other like teenagers in heat?" Jackson and Jean snorted laughing. Patrick just shook his head and closed the sliding door behind him.

Stiles slipped over to Derek's side, his fingers sliding under Derek's shirt. "Have you seen him?" asked Stiles of the room. "Who can blame a boy? I mean when you got all this," motioning to Derek, "and then you add all this," motioning to himself, "it's gonna get all hot up in here-uh!"

Everyone just laughed at Stiles' antics and helped clean up after dinner. "Jackson did you get the cake?" asked Patrick.

"Yes, it's not the same since the bakery burned down and I know we don't have time to bake one," he nodded to Stiles who gave a mock bow, "so I went to Pixie Cakes and had them decorate one already ready." He went over to the very tall pink and cardboard box and opened the lid. "It was baked today of course, never frozen, and they make them from scratch." He turned to show everyone the beautiful tiered cake. (readers: google wonky cake or mad hatter cake for the outside, and also look at the inside by looking up rainbow cake at playinghouseblog dot com from July of 2009)

Jackson went on to describe the cake and how it was rainbow inside and tiered and they keep them ready to assemble and airbrush even for walk-in customers like he was that day. "When the bakery burned down and Mr. Winters left Beacon Hills, over half of their new business was from his customers so they now have a very large retail front, so it was no problem to get a cake that normally would take a day or so to get in less than an hour. It's not as good as blue-velvet, but they are still excellent cakes." Danny hugged him from behind and kissed him.

"I can't wait to see it," replied Patrick. "I know he will love it." He smiled at Jean who was looking at their new family with joy in her eyes.


Scott and Ted had mounted the bike, Ted in back again, and sped off through the woods. Scott, despite now wearing his helmet and Ted wearing his own, new one, could hear Ted's heartbeat hammering inside Ted's chest with excitement. He could also feel Ted's heated crotch grinding against his ass as they left the dirt and once again made it out on the pavement. He released his left hand and placed it over Ted's as they clasped each other holding Scott tight. In no hurry, Scott held tight in return pressing back into Ted, and Ted was softly rubbing circles against Scott's chest. Scott felt his inner wolf practically purring with contentment. He felt at peace and was excited at the same time. After being alone for so long he had found his boyfriend, his partner, his mate. Ted loosened his grip and let his right hand drift down to Scott's hip. Scott felt the heat in his cheeks rise as he felt Ted's hand slide over his thigh making its way to his… he jerked slightly as Ted's fingers grazed across his too tight jeans, dragging softly across the head of his dick. Ted thrusted slightly forward into him making sure Scott could feel how much Ted liked him. Scott growled low and Ted could feel it against his chest. "Oh, you like that?" he said, knowing Scott would be able to hear even over the roar of the engine and the wind rushing past their helmets. Ted felt Scott's dick pulse up against the black denim as he ran the palm of his hand over its length and down to cup at his imprisoned balls. "I'll give you three hours to stop that," Scott said not sure if Ted could hear him or not. Ted did, being pressed up against his back.

"I don't know how this happened. Maybe Uncle Patrick is right; maybe mates are destined for each other, but I think I am falling in love with you." Ted said this softly, to no one in particular, forgetting that Scott could hear him. Inside, Scott's wolf did a backflip. Scott squeezed Ted's left hand that was still wrapped around his chest in response. He felt Ted smiling behind him.


Stiles handed Derek the last of the dishes from the patio to load into the dishwasher. He poured in the powder and started the cycle. Everyone was once again out back, setting the table again and lighting candles and the lawn torches. "I hope they get back soon," muttered Jean. "That cake looks freaking awesome." Patrick, overhearing her, nodded in agreement.

Derek grabbed the candles from the pantry and joined them outside. He looked around at all the lights and marveled at how quickly they had transformed the place into one of celebration. Suddenly the pack froze. Derek snapped his head toward the west, toward town. "No!" he cried and the wolves raced for their cars. Patrick and Jean didn't know what was going on but both of their stomachs were flashing blue. Jean looked at Patrick as they ran and piled into the jeep. "It's bad," she said. "I know," whispered Patrick. They fell against each other as the jeep flew out of the driveway and down towards the sound that made everyone's blood run cold.


A small flash caught Scott's eye to his right. He flicked his gaze over and saw the front of a semi truck less than two feet away. The only sound heard was screeching tires and the cry of an air horn. Then silence.


Don't shoot me. You know how I love cliffhangers and the drama. Listen to "Freedom Fighters" from Two Steps from Hell and imagine the pack racing off toward the sound. If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye, then you are as bitter as me. ;)

Reviews/comments requested. Just be kind. If you want to be mean, please direct those comments to /dev/null