The eight Vocaloids in this story are actually people who were in the Seven Deadly Sins series, including Len (who sang as part of an individual series) and Gumi (who actually doesn't have a song yet, but you get the point). Somehow, when they died, they were reborn into immortal (they are immortal, right?), and now represent the sin (sloth, pride, gluttony, envy, lust, greed, and wrath for those of you who don't know) they made.

They also remember their lives in other times, which they make into songs. However, they mostly remember their lives in the Seven Deadly Sins series. They call each other by their robot names when around others as to not alert anyone about who they are, unless the people were already told. When their alone, like in the mansion they live in, they call each other by their real names, or nicknames. Here is some info before we get into the real story:

Vocaloid Name: Hatsune Miku

Real Name: Margarita Blankenheim

Sin: Sloth

Song: Gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep (Nemurase Hime Kara no Okurimono)

Official English Title: Belphegor's Gift

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Wind/Clockwork Doll of Sloth

Past Life: Margarita was once the wealthy daughter of a doctor in Torgary, Elphegort. She was recently married to Marquis Casper Blankenheim (Kaito), and childhood friend who only wanted her for her money and kept was with other women. Her other childhood friend, Julia Abelard (Meiko), taught her how to make a 'medicine' that helps people sleep. She gave it to her husband as a 'gift', and eventually gave it to everyone in the town. When it was too late, she realized that her 'gift' was actually poison (in German, 'gift' is poison, which is where this place is based off of). She then took the 'gift,' forever plunging the truth of what happened to Torgary into darkness.

Current Life: She still remembers how to make the 'remedy', but Allen Avadonia (see below) makes sure she doesn't use it (on anyone that's innocent, a friend, or an important people like presidents and royalty). She gets along very well with the twins (see below), Gumi (see below), and Gallerian Marlon (see below). She doesn't really like Sateriajis Venomania (see below) because of what he did to her look-alike (since that wasn't actually her).

Vocaloid Name: Len Kagamine

Real Name: Allen Avadonia

Sin: Pride/Vanity (Good)

Song(s): Servant of Evil and Rebirthday

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Stones/Four Mirrors of Pride

Past Life: Allen Avadonia was the servant and younger twin brother of Princess Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche (see below). When she asked him to kill a girl named Michaela (Miku), a girl he'd fallen in love with, he did so since he's so loyal to his sister. When the angry citizens came to get Riliane, Allen switched clothes with her in order for her to live. Since they're twins, they look the same, and he is killed in Riliane's place.

Current Life: Allen makes sure the others don't commit their sins again. Which mostly evolves making sure Margareta doesn't poison everyone, making sure Venomania doesn't do his 'need(s)', and making sure Banica Conchita (see below) doesn't eat everything and anyone/everyone. He's still is very royal to his sister thought, and is favored by everyone, except when he stops them from doing what they want, which usually relates to their sins.

Vocaloid Name: Rin Kagamine

Real Name: Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche

Sin: Pride/Vanity (Bad)

Song(s): Daughter of Evil (Aku no Musume) and Message of Regret

Official English Title: The Princess of Lucifer

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Stones/Four Mirrors of Pride

Past Life: Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche was a ruthless and spoiled 14-year-old princess who didn't know how to run a kingdom. She ordered Allen to kill Leonhart Avadonia (Leon) after she discovered that he was smuggling food from the palace to feed the people affected by famine. She also started a war with Elphegort and purged the female green-haired population after Kyle Marlon (Kaito) rejected her for Michaela (Miku). Because of this, the people of Lucifenia formed a revolution that was led by Germaine Avadonia (Meiko), Leonhart's daughter, overthrowing her. She was forced to become repentant when Allen died in the guillotine, after taking her place to save her. After that, she went underground and left the country. Shortly after, she was found by Clarith (Haku) and eventually befriended her. She helped with the orphan kids, living a life of regret and penitence in the local church, near a harbor.

Current Life: Riliane now helps Allen with the others. She mostly is favored by Margarita and Venomania (because of his sin). She favors Allen (obviously), Kayo Sudou (see below), Margareta, and Gallerian. She still doesn't forgive herself for what happened in her past life to her brother, so she helps him, to make up for it.

Vocaloid Name: Meiko Sakine

Real Name: Banica Conchita

Sin: Gluttony

Song: Repulsive Food Eater Conchita (Akujiki Musume Conchita)

Official English Title: Beelzebub's Party

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Seeds/Drinking Glass of Gluttony

Past Life: A warlord who lived in Beelzenia. At first, she was a woman who enjoyed the most delicious and exquisite foods, but soon, she began to search for new flavors, she started eating the most gruesome and grotesque foods. Her search for new flavors leads her to such aberrations as cannibalism, eating her 15th personal chef as punishment and her twin servants when the food began to run short. Finally as a final dish, she ate herself

Current Life: She's the same, except she almost lost the taste for grotesque food (so she says, but everyone knows she's lying) and will now eat anything she can get that's considered food to everyone. She's great friends with Kayo, Venomania, Margareta, and Gumi, since she doesn't know what they taste like. However, Allen and Riliane keep her from eating them.

Vocaloid Name: Luka Megurine

Real Name: Kayo Sudou/Elluka Clockworker

Sin: Envy

Song: The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka (Enbizaka no Shitateya)

Official English Title: Leviathan Slope

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Spring/Tailor Scissors of Envy

Past Life: Elluka Clockworker: An immortal witch and an old friend of The Tree of Eldoh. She seems to have a somewhat tragic story that cost everything that she loved, but in exchange, she received her immortality (apparently is connected with The "Fire Disaster in Levianta" and the song Recollective Music-box) The Tree of Eldoh entrusted her with the task of retrieving The Seven Deadly Sins. It's known that she possessed Lukana Octo and Kayo Sudou, retrieving the Venom Sword and the Kayo's Scissors respectively. When she retrieved the Venom Sword, she gave it to the Freesis Foundation eventually. It's also known that she was one of the "Three Heroes" and the court magician of Lucifenia. She also had an apprentice, Gumillia (Gumi). She sometimes operates under the fake name "MA", the lonely Magi.

When working in Lucifenia, she is a court sorceress of Lucifenia and also one of the "Three Heroes". She is known by her predictions which never fail. Her attitude is supposedly the same as when he is drunk. She is known to collect odd items and lives in a small house with Gumillia. She has an excellent reputation and many believers within the castle due to her almost flawless predictions. She uses this to her advantage to tell everyone that there are people who look alike, and they come in groups of three. This keeps people from suspecting that Allen Avadonia is truly Riliane's brother.

After Lucifenian revolution, her rival Abyss I.R (?) managed to steal her body, forcing her to share Gumillia's body.

Kayo Sudou: A tailor with a good attitude and a fine skill. She was the talk of the neighborhood. She once had black hair but now possesses pink hair. She killed a family of four in a fit of envy. In her twisted mind, she thought the husband and father of that family (Kaito) was her lover, and that he was being unfaithful with several women when actually they were his wife (Meiko), and his two daughters (Miku and Rin). She killed the 3 women and took a characteristic personal cloth or accessory (a Red Kimono, a Green Sash and a Yellow Hairpin) and used them on herself in an attempt to become the woman that her "lover" wished for. When she went to meet him and he didn't recognize her, she murdered him as well. Her sudden change of hair color occurred when Elluka possessed her with the "Body Swap" technique, becoming her formal body for the rest of the series. The sorceress did this in an attempt to retrieve the Sin of Envy, dipping the tailor scissors of Kayo in The Spring. This transformed Kayo's Scissors into the "Vessel of Envy" affecting the woman and pushing her to commit the murders of Enbizaka.

After the Last Event: MA (Elluka in Kayo's body) lives in the theatre and she is the founder of the Garden. She built Gallerian's theatre. The Magician seeks the last remaining Sin: The Wrath, with little information about it. She, like the Gardener (Gakupo), acts as a living substitute for the sleeping Vessels of the Sin. In her case she acts as a replacement of the Kayo's Scissors, Vessel of Envy. Like Gallerian Marlon (Kaito), she states that gathering the Seven Deadly Sins will lead to the formation of a Utopia.

Current Life: She still tailors, even for everyone else. She favors the twins, Gumi, and Venomania (though she doesn't trust him being alone with her). She still has her tailor scissors, which Allen makes sure it's only used for tailoring (and self-defense against stalkers, perverts, criminals, and Venomania). She also likes to call Venomania two nicknames; Veno, and "techno geek", which always annoys him.

Vocaloid Name: Kamui Gakupo

Real Name: Duke Sateriajis Venomania/Cherubim 'Cherub' Venomania

Sin: Lust

Song: The Madness/Lunacy of Duke Venomania (Venomania-kou no Kyouki)

Official English Title: Dance with Asmodeus

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Flower/Venom Sword of Lust

Past Life: A duke from Asmodean who made a deal with Irina Clockworker (Elluka's sister) to have an irresistible charisma to women, the woman in exchange gave him the Vessel of Lust: The Venom Sword.

In his childhood, he was mocked and taunted by the others due to his physical appearance. This, along with the humiliation at the hands of his childhood friend and love interest, Gumina Glassred, was the cause that drove him to make the deal. With his irresistible charisma, he began to seduce and retrieve women from the region and the neighboring countries to create a harem for him. Finally, he died at the hands of Kachees Crim (Kaito). It is known that he had a descendant with Lukana Octo (Luka), Gammon Octo/Gardener. In a novel, Sateriajis (who was going to marry Gumina or something like that) had an older half-brother named Cherubim (or Cherub for short) who eventually killed his family with the Venom Sword and took his brother's identity and appearance. Whether this is canon in the story or not is uncertain, but I say it is here.

Current Life: He still is tempted by his sin; after all, he represents it, which is always his excuse. He also believes that Gumi is the reincarnation (if you would call it that) of his childhood friend Gumina Glassred. He asked her that, expecting her to say no since it's just his hopes, buy she said that is true, except this is her third time in life. He's also has become the technological one of the group, which earned him the name "techno geek" from Kayo, which irritates him as much as her other nickname for him, Veno. Ever since he revealed that he's actually Cherub Venomania, Riliane's been calling him 'Cherubi,' though he does find it funny.

Vocaloid Name: Kaito Shion

Real Name: Gallerian Marlon

Sin: Greed

Song: Judgment of Corruption (Akutoku no Jajjimento)

Official English Title: Mammon's Court

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Soil/Silver Spoon of Greed

Past Life: A judge of the USE who only cared about the money he earned and not justice, and also a character with a major role near the end of the series. In order to help his "daughter", he began to retrieve the Vessels of the Sins and built a small theatre in the middle of Elphegort's Forest to keep them in, with the help of MA. He found his demise in a civil war caused by General Ausdin's exoneration. In the afterlife, he met the Master of the Hellish Yard (Gumi 'supposedly'), who offered to omit his Sins and Crimes in exchange for his fortune. Greedily, he refused the deal, causing him to fall into hell. There he waits, believing that someday hell will become a Utopia for him and his "daughter". Apparently he lost his real family (wife and daughter) in an accident which occurred before the events of Judgment of Corruption, being the trigger which pushed him to gather the Seven Deadly Sins.

Current Life: Gallerian, instead of being greedy, tries to save money that he gets from his singing career (he also makes everyone do the same thing). However, some of the greed hasn't gone away, along with the memory of his beloved "daughter" (she's actually a clockwork doll, also a vessel of sloth, which once belonged to Margareta). He favors Riliane (since she is a princess, princess = a lot of money), Allen (who also encourages the saving of money, and he's the twin of Riliane), and Margareta (since she looks exactly like his "daughter", except for the outfits).

Vocaloid Name: Gumi/Megapoid

Real Name: Gumina Glassred/Nemesis Sudou

Sin: Wrath

Song: The Muzzle of Nemesis

Official English Title: Satan's Revenge

Vessel(s) of Sin: The Forest/Golden Key of Wrath

Past life: When she was young, Gumina Glassred made a mockery of Cherub Venomania, and ended up being enchanted by him after his deal with the devil and took Sateriajis's appearance and identity. As she flees, Cherub reveals (she says he yelled, but still) that he truly loved her. After that, she pondered if what he said was true, and why she's worried about that. She then dies of old age, but is reborn, with the same appearance somehow. She is reborn as Nemesis Sudou, the daughter of 'Kayo Sudou' (MA) and Gallerian Marlon. She grew up in an abandoned house in a forest, never knowing what her father looked like. She had a pet octopus named Mr. Ziz that killed Gallerian's wife and daughter. Afterwards, she became an assassin for Gallerian, codenamed Santa Claus, leader of Pere Noel. After having to kill her lover, she shot herself, but failed in committing suicide. She then took it upon herself to get revenge for her lover, now possessed by the Demon of Wrath. She confronted her father while his house was on fire, and gave him a chance to repent. He refused and comforted his 'daughter' which was really the Clockwork Doll of Sloth. Angered by this, Nemesis puts her gun (the Vessel of Wrath) against her father's head, telling him goodbye, before shooting him. What happened afterwards is unknown.

Current Life: She's silent yet deadly. No matter how many times they ask her, she doesn't respond. Whenever they did ask (which they didn't do very long), she just glares at them and walks to her room, which is actually effective. She has a gun, though she doesn't tell anyone where she got that. She also show's some feelings towards Cherub though. She gets along very well with Venomania (obviously), the twins (everyone loves them), Margareta, and Kayo. She's okay with Conchita, but finds her somewhat creepy with her love for grotesque food, which she almost became (Cherub and Allen saved her, but that's a story for another time). She likes Marlon (sort of), but gets annoyed at his greed. She also doesn't like being called her real name. Unless you want to end up in the hospital, then just call her Gumi.