Hello there, Weasels!

Finally i decided to upload it, mostly because everytime i read it i erased it and rewrote it so i thought that maybe if i uploaded it i would stop doing such a stupid thing... I'm uploading this one because it's the one that's giving me trouble, but i'll still write the NaruSaku... :)

Things you need to know about this story; it is settled three years after Akatsuki's attack and i won't mess with that so... don't really ask about how things happened to get where i put this line. I do hope you enjoy the plot i planned, but you also need to know i'll explore a bit more of what i think is going on with Kakashi's disturbed mind... lol

He was the first character in Naruto that i truly liked and i've liked him so far so i really hope this will be good and i truly hope this won't be as long as Dreams!

Thank you for your last reviews to that story!

About Tk Taylor's drawings... well... lol she made a list and i am the last prority in it... lol I was laughing really hard about that, but oh well... i'll post the link as soon as she gets to my name in the list :D

I was thinking about uploading a drawing per chapter with this story, but i'll see what i can do... I don't know how often i'll be able to update but i hope i can at least do it three times a week... sorry if that's slow, but i am really busy now...

The prologue is based on a song from my favorite singer... he sings in spanish but i did my best trying to tranlate it and for it to sound nice lol i hope you like it i totally felt it was fitting for my plot... :)

Ricardo Arjona - Espantapajaros / Scarecrow



~ Prologue ~




Magpies would serve for company though it never was enough and watching became a dull task… as usual; alone.

My friend; the moon was dazzled by the sun and no longer would we stay all night idly chatting about whatever crossed our lonely minds… I was a faithful witness of the lonely cornfield as she died pierced by the sunrays…

What a sad fate!

I couldn't even move, not even a bit to the south to follow my only friend… she dully fell asleep and the rain rolled over the roof; noting I could do… that's what I get for being the scarecrow… always lonely.

Wearing an old and ragged suit with a reversed tie… suit inherited by a deceased judge and the tie serving for the rats' share. I have a straw hat and my head is nothing but a ball…

It's been a long time since that girl walked by; she stared at me and she made a heart start beating inside my chest…

Damn my luck!

I couldn't even move, that day…

I wanted to tell her: "untie me from this post and take me with you! It's been centuries since I've been here and only now I realize I am a man…"

But nothing was what I did… that's what I get for being a scarecrow…

Lonely… always lonely…



This is a pretty bitter story... and i hope you'll like the plot...