Author's Note: This is probably the shortest chapter so far. And, I know, it's not "original" Moriarty, but deal with it it's my story.
The cool London breeze blew against his cheeks, as he walked toward the young woman's home. His nerves were going all over the place, and his head pounded from the cold. He made his way to her door, swallowed hard, and rang the doorbell. He felt as if he was going to be sick, which was unusual. He never got this way before, for anything really. He heard her start to unlock the door to her flat, and he tensed up. As she opened it, her hazel eyes widened at the sight of the man who stood before her. She backed away slowly, mumbling inaudibly to herself. He stood in place, as to not scare her anymore than she already was.
"No. No, no, no. This isn't happening– I was told that you would never come back for me!" Molly exclaimed, backing away, as she began to shut the door. He stuck his foot in between the door and its frame.
"Molly, I'm not going to hurt you! Can we please talk?" He asked frantically.
"No, Jim, I know that you tried to kill Sherlock and John! Please, I don't want to die! Stay away from me!" Molly cried. Jim removed his foot from the doorway, and it shut immediately. He turned around, in a single swift motion, placed his back to the door, and slid down until he was seated on her front porch. As he sat there, he ran his long, nimble fingers through his slicked back, dark hair. He reminisced on the times that he had spent with Molly, while he was posing as "Jim from IT".
They had laughed, danced, and curled up on the sofa together, watching "Nevermind the Buzzcocks" and "Glee" while sipping tea. They enjoyed going to the cinema together, and Jim especially enjoyed films that would frighten Molly, so he could hold her close to him, keeping her safe from her fears. He loved to see her come out of her shell around him, talking about how her day was, and what she did on the days that they didn't see each other. Occasionally, Jim would arrive at Molly's flat early, just to make her a nice warm meal to come home to. She always seemed to love when he did that. All of those memories were just that.
He rose from his position on the porch, and began to walk toward the street. He turned to look back at her flat, with its sky blue door, and the extravagant white detailing around the exterior. He sighed deeply, and proceeded to walk from the home, determined to get Molly to talk to him sometime. He did not want to force her, because Jim Moriarty truly loved Molly Hooper, and he needed to let her know soon, but only when she was ready to talk.
For the next few days, Moriarty sulked in his own flat. All he ate was microwave-able Ramen Noodles, and dry cereal. He could not remove thoughts of Molly from his mind. He made himself a quick cup of tea, and sat himself on the small love-seat in his living area. He was devising a plan to talk to her. He needed to let her know that he had always loved her, and that he was not playing her like a harp.
Jim never wanted to hurt Molly, but she just could not believe what he did to her friends. He was a criminal, and Molly wanted no part in that, but she had fallen for "Jim from IT", and she was devastated when she found out that "Jim from IT" was actually James Moriarty, psychopathic, criminal mastermind.