I finally have the time to write a fic that's not rated M. I promise to update "A Game Of Annoyance" soon, I just need to think of more annoyances. So I'm going to start right from the beginning and go all the way through to recent episodes and obviously it focuses on Steve/Kono. I will try to follow the plots of the episode but of course there will be some things that are AU in order to make the story work. I apologise in advance as my updates won't be too frequent because: 1) real life plans may get in the way and 2) I have to go back and re-watch episodes to get the details and characterisation accurate. Anyway hope you enjoy and reviews are very welcome.

It had been a stressful couple of days.

After hunting down two terrorists for five years Steve thought the manhunt would come to an end. He had not been expecting his father to be killed in the process.

The gunshot that killed his father was a sound that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

She was his cousin? Really?

Somehow when Chin had confirmed that he had the "perfect guy" in mind, this was not who he was expecting. Honestly, he had expected to be introduced to one of Chin's local male friends, the Hawaiian beauty they were currently watching surf was not who he had considered.

He watched her through his aviators as she surfed with expertise looking like someone who belonged in the water. He was broken out of his reverie by Chin's words, "Choose your next words wisely." Chin turned to look at Steve, "Both of you."

Steve had no intention of saying anything in fear of what he might say and what Chin's reaction would be. But apparently Danny had less self-control, "She's very talented."

"She's off the charts. Spent three years on the pro circuit before she blew out her knee. Kid was devastated, had to reinvent herself and decided to wear a badge. Graduates the Police Academy in a week but unfortunately she's family, which means the HPD will never take her seriously."

By this point Steve had tuned Chin out and was only focusing on his cousin. As he watched her he couldn't help but notice just how great she looked in her barely there bikini, and he was aware this meeting was for the purpose of the job but his eyes wandered and he was after all a man.

She got wiped off by a guy that had dropped in on her wave and as she resurfaced and started walking in-shore, Steve watched her intently. She was no doubt a very beautiful woman with an amazing body and Steve enjoyed eying her as it was a welcome distraction; like he said it had been a stressful couple of days, he needed the distraction.

Steve quickly managed to switch back to professional mode thinking about how risky the assignment was, "You sure she's ready for this? She's got no street experience."

Steve knew that she would be ready otherwise Chin wouldn't have brought them here, but part of him hoped he could find a reason to not have to work with her because well, she was very attractive and he needed to be focused on working to find his father's killer without distractions and she was most definitely, a distraction.

But of course she had to go and make him bite his words and also leave him with no excuse for accepting her onto the team when she punched the guy that had dropped in her wave. He watched as she appeared to be telling the guy off for his surf faux-pas and he wasn't going to lie to himself, he was very attracted to her. Like before, Steve quickly switched to professional mode after the cousins had greeted each other and were approaching him and Danny.

After brief introductions Steve decided to get straight to the point, he was never one to delay things anyway, "So your cousin tells us you're graduating from the police academy next week."

She nodded as confirmation.

"How'd you like to earn a little extra credit before you do?"

And Steve watched as her eyes lit up with excitement at the thought of a possible assignment before she replied, "I'm listening." With an eager expression on her face.

The next day as they prepared for the undercover op, Kono continued to amaze Steve with the ideas she was pitching.

"I could go in as an immigrant and say I need to bring my aunty and uncle here; it adds credibility if I came here with my parents and now I'm trying to bring extended family here as well." Kono said.

Steve was intrigued by her thinking and honestly quite, okay, very impressed.

"What's your story for how you will be able to pay for them to be smuggled into the country?" Danny asked.

Steve watched her think with interest to see how she was going to solve this problem. Was it weird that he was so interested in her thought process?

It only took her a few seconds before coming up with, "I can say I have two jobs; one in a high end hotel that's quite well paying as a housekeeper and maybe the other one as a waitress or at a tourist resort."

"Well done." Steve commented.

"Thanks boss." Kono replied with a look of achievement on her face.

Steve was quite surprised by her choice to call him boss, but he wasn't complaining.

"Okay kiddo." Chin pitched in. "They will search you before you enter to meet with Sang Min, so that means no visible wires, but I have a solution so leave it to me."

Everyone in the van was tense and nervous apart from Chin who not only had confidence in his cousin, but somehow always remained cool in this type of situations.

Steve sensed something about to go terribly wrong when Sang Min found sand in Kono's hair then ordered her to remove her dress.

Sang Min taking a picture of Kono clad in only her underwear made Steve's blood boil and he wanted to just pull the plug as Danny had suggested but he forced himself to remain calm and professional, there obviously had to be a difference in behaviour between him and Danny; he was a SEAL for crying out loud.

Steve waited for Chin's signal to move in and as soon he said, "We gotta move." Steve jumped to the wheel of the truck quickly.

He felt immense relief as he opened the truck door to find that Kono had not only taken care of the guys near her but seemed unharmed.

This was the part Steve enjoyed the most, sitting around just having a beer after a job well done although he still felt uneasy as they were yet to find Victor Hesse's body.

After getting to know each other, the team decided to call it a day and head in different directions. As Steve was walking out to his car he bumped into Kono who was leaving as well.

"Hey, you did well today." And the pleased look on her face at his words did not go unnoticed by Steve.

"Thanks." She said with a smirk before turning to go to her car.

"You know for a rookie, who hasn't even graduated the Academy, you were impressive." Steve hoped she didn't notice that there was a touch too much admiration in his tone.

Luckily for him she didn't, "Thanks, this is pretty elite task force so I have to keep up."

"Well so far you've done a damn good job of it and I have no doubt you will continue to do that."

"Thanks again, Boss. Goodnight." Kono then got to her car and drove off.

Oh shit. This was most definitely going to be interesting.