Will trudged up the icy path that lead to his front door, clutching his bag hard to stop it falling off his shoulder. When he reached the door, he delved his hands into his pocket in an attempt to find the key, managing to slip as he did so. Swearing under his breath, he regained his balance and brought the key out of his pocket. 'Bloody Welsh winter,' he moaned to himself, as he unlocked the front door to his cottage. My cottage, he thought to himself a grin spreading across his frozen face.

He braced himself for the warm air he should feel as he stepped into the entrance hall, but instead his chilled bones were just met with equally cold air which had invaded every corner of the room. Momentarily confused, Will wondered aloud to himself, 'I swear this house has heating.' Dumping his heavy bag loaded with his dirty clothes by the door, he kicked off his boots and wandered over to the temperature control. 'Shit,' he muttered. In his rush that morning to be on time for his first day in the new job, he had forgotten to put the heating on timer. He rubbed his forehead slowly, maybe he had more to learn about living alone than he had first imagined. Hastily switching it on, he wandered into the kitchen to find something to eat.

Searching through the newly stocked cupboards, Will tried in desperation to find something to eat that was easy and quick to cook. Rifling through various tins, packets and bottles, he settled for a can of Heinz tomato soup. He'd start being adventuresome tomorrow, he promised himself. After putting a tin of the soup on the hob, Will plonked himself down at the kitchen table. It had been a good first day, enjoyable, but tiring. After weeks of worrying, he was now confident he'd made the right career choice, and Will felt like he needed to share this revelation with someone. That's what you did when you didn't live with people right; ring everyone up for long conversations? Who should he ring first, he deliberated, Harry, Dad? Deep down though, Will new there was only one person he truly wanted to speak to. As images of his love flickered through his brain, William let his eyes close…

Startled, Will woke up. Where was he? Why was he asleep in a strange kitchen? Why was there tomato soup all over the hob…? 'Shit shit shit shit shit,' Will cursed out loud. Staggering uncomfortably out of his seat, he skidded over the floor and turned the heat off. His stomach grumbled as he looked down at the mess he'd created. A small chime sounded from the cuckoo clock he'd hung on the wall. '1am,' read Will, '5 hours until I need to get up.' With one last glance at the tomato mess, he grabbed an apple and headed towards the stairs. As he passed the abandoned bag, the guilty thought of unwashed clothes passed through his mind. An unending list of jobs was already forming in Wills mind as he clambered up the stairs and into bed, not even bothering to take off his clothes. Before turning the lights off, he studied the calendar hanging on his wall. Drifting off to sleep, alone in the big double bed, he kept his spirits up with the thought that it was now Tuesday, and there were only 3 more days to go.

On the calendar, the following Friday's box was full with the name Kate, love hearts that resembled those drawn by toddlers filled any remaining gaps the letters didn't cover. Lying alone in his bed, Will had never needed Kate with him as much as he did now.

The following morning the house was quiet. Will had already left for work. A tomato splodge still stained the kitchen, a smelly bag still dirtied the hallway, and no one had put the heating on timer. Will definitely had more to learn about living alone than he had ever imagined.

'You've managed 4 days, only one more to go and then Kate will be here with you', Will reassured himself as he drove home, 'Everything will be fine then, she'll make everything OK.' The last sentence was whispered, a futile attempt to cheer him up from the sorry state he'd become. Drained from any energy he originally had, Will hadn't slept or eaten properly since he'd moved to Anglesey. His unshaven face and ruffled clothes had even raised a few eyebrows at work today; everyone expected the future Kind of England to be immaculately turned out, to cope with everything. As he pulled into the drive, William sighed at the thought of his house; what had used to be a sign of independence and pride had rapidly become a burden. Then he blinked. And blinked again. And again. Then rubbed his eyes. Was that really Kate's car he could see on his drive? Will felt like bursting into tears. Kate was here. It was going to be alright. She'd help him sort stuff out like she always had done in the past.
Will sat bolt upright. The state he had left his house in sprung to mind. Unwashed clothes, unwashed dishes… what was she going to think of him? Will started panicking, too scared to even get out the car. Then she appeared. Standing in the doorway, her long chestnut hair cascaded over her shoulders, her brown eyes soft and calming. Will took a deep breath, her absolute beauty never failed to stun him, her absolute lack of flaws reminding him just how lucky he was. Delicately Kate walked towards his car, her slender frame easily keeping its balance despite the thin layer of icy snow that had settled overnight. Will's inhibitions immediately left him; he flung open the door and brought his girlfriend to him in a bear hug. Pulling away, he ran his cold fingers through her soft hair and brought her lips to meet his.

Minutes later Kate brought her face away. She glanced up at his eyes, their usual brightness hidden behind a watery glaze. Running her fingers gently down his stubbly cheek, she didn't need to say a word. She gave him one last kiss, and then turned to his passenger seat where his bag lay. As she reached out to pick it up, Will immediately shot out a hand to stop her.
'No Will,' she said simply, authority hidden beneath the gentle tone, 'Let me. Don't try and pretend you're not absolutely shattered, especially not if the house is anything to go by.'

Will gave her a small smile; she could read him like a book. Locking his car for him, Kate took his large hand in her own slim one and led him towards the house. Will followed obediently, overcome by how perfect his girlfriend was.

The couple were seated opposite each other at the kitchen table, eating large portions of Kate's homemade stew. No more words had passed between them; they didn't need to be. Kate lay down her knife and fork on her empty plate, and watched as Will greedily ate up the last few scraps on his plate. 'Get that bad did it?' Kate asked as he too lay down his cutlery, her soft voice breaking the content silence.

'You don't know how grateful I am you're here.'

As Kate studied the deep bags under Will's eyes, the coffee stain on his shirt and the unkempt hair; she had a vague idea she might do.

'Go to sleep Will,' she replied, her eyes full of concern and love. 'I'll just finish up here,' she gestured towards their dirty plates, the only unclean items in a now spotless kitchen, 'Then I'll come join you.'

Will looked up, again her perfection hit him. 'I love you,' he murmured sleepily, standing up as he prepared to do exactly as she suggested.

Kate allowed a smile to escape her lips, every time she heard him utter those words a small tingle invaded her body. 'Now hurry up,' she commanded jokingly, 'I'm doing this for my benefit. We have A LOT to do when you finish work tomorrow, and I need you well rested for it.' Ideas for shopping trips, decorating, cooking lessons and other jobs were floating around Kate's mind, with a bit of room reserved for other activities that could be carried out from the comfort of a bedroom.

Will knew that face, and smiled inwardly as he wearily climbed up the stairs.

An hour later Kate gently snuggled into bed next to William, pulling the covers over her frame in an attempt to block out the freezing night. Will shifted a little, and then wrapped a strong arm around her. Kate relaxed, comfortable in her boyfriend's hold.

'How did you know I needed you?' Will whispered in her ear, tiredness slurring his words.

'I've just known you too long,' she replied, nuzzling her head into his chest.

'Thank you,' the words were barely audible now, but Kate heard them, and they expanded in her heart, making her love him even more.

A few moments later William's husky voice once again invaded the silence which has settled in the room. 'Don't you have work tomorrow?'

'You're more important,' Kate replied, her voice silky with love, 'Besides, mum said I could have the time off.'

Will shifted his position slightly, and Kate squirmed, she knew exactly what he was thinking.

'So maybe I shouldn't have, but don't pretend you didn't want me here. You leaving the keys under the door mat hardly made it difficult.'

Will gave a half-laugh, half-yawn in reply.

'Now go to sleep.' Kate murmured, her hand resting on his torso.

But she didn't need to tell him, William was already asleep, snoring gently as the first snowflakes began to fall.