READ THIS! Greeting peoples of Ouran! Ok so I'm new to this fandom (and by new I mean I just finished watching the anime a couple days ago :P) but you got to strike wile the irons hot right? Lol. This story was beta read by the ever-wonderful Darkrose656, (without her, this story would make zero-to-no sense) anyways~ I got the idea for an Ouran-x-men cross over… 5 days ago? :P and I already have more words for it than a lot of my past fics in other fandoms (I love this series. Seriously it's so much fun to write in!) if your not familiar with the X-men universe don't worry about it. I plan to explain it as I go along so all you really need to know at this point is. "mutants are human beings with special powers. Sometimes they look different. But not always." (Seriously that's all you need to know at this point.) …. Alright you can read the story now ^^

Everything was dark, unbearably dark. Shadows lurked from the corners of his vision, practically tearing away his flesh, mocking him, terrifying him.

A voice broke through the darkness, chillingly familiar. "Like I said before, he's worthless."

"Hikaru?" He took a step forward, cold hitting him like a smack in the face and suddenly his brother was in front of him, talking to a small group of faceless men.

"Pathetic. You know he still can't sleep by himself without having nightmares?" His brother was smiling, laughing. And a sickening feeling settled in his stomach when Kaoru realized who he was talking about.

"Hikaru?" His voice shook as he spoke and he took a step forward.

"I don't need him anymore." The older Hitachiin's words shot through him like an arrow, freezing the younger in his tracks. "He needs to grow up and get over it."

Laughter filled the air, cold, burning; mocking laughter that shook him to his very core.

"H-hikaru?" Kaoru could feel himself trembling and he took off in his brother's direction, feet pounding helplessly against the ground. "Hikaru what are you saying?" He ran, but it seemed that the faster and the harder he ran the farther away his brother got.

"Hikaru?" Kaoru reached out desperately for his brother. The small crowd of faceless men long since faded away.

His brother remained still, his back to him.

"Hikaru what's going on?" cold chilled his bones and shook his frame, causing him to crumble to his knee's long before he could ever dream of reaching his brother.

"Look at me! Hikaru please!" Tears pricked his eyes fear chilling his body.

Slowly, very slowly, with the stiffness of a dead man, Hikaru Hitachiin turned to face him.


Kaoru woke up screaming, his whole body damp with sweat and his lean form shaking badly.

"H-hikaru…" But his brother wasn't there beside him. He wasn't even in the bed that lay parallel to his own.

Both the Hitachiin twins had their own rooms. Their parents where filthy rich, of course they had their own rooms. Each was large enough to accommodate at least 5 commoners and each was complete with two king sized beds.

Usually they slept in the same room, whether it was Kaoru's or Hikaru's didn't matter. Occasionally, the 'visiting' twin would sleep in the spare bed.

But more often than not they shared.

Nightmares where not uncommon for him orHikaru for that matter. Though he was forced to admit, his own nightmares always seemed so much worse and so much more frequent than his brothers: which is why they so rarely slept in their own rooms.

However Kaoru had been forced to stay after school with a math tutor on the request of his parents, and Hikaru had been long asleep by the time he'd gotten home. He hadn't wanted to wake him…

Though at the moment, Kaoru wished he had just been selfish and crawled into his brother's bed. Hikaru wouldn't have minded that much about being woken up, right?

The younger Hitachiin yawned heavily, glancing at the digital clock on his night stand.


Damn why hadn't his alarm gone off? Cheep piece of plastic! Next time he was having his alarm clock hand made in Tokyo! No more of this Chinese bull crud! And why the hell hadn't one of the maids woken him up?

So was his psychological tirade as he tore around his room, grabbing his shoes, pulling on his uniform and running a comb through his hair while brushing his teeth at the same time.

He normally got Hikaru to do his hair…


It was the only explanation. If his twin where awake he would have woken him up, or at the very least sent a maid to do it.

So, grabbing his book bag off his desk and pulling his shoes on as he went, Kaoru took off down the hall to wake his brother.

"Hikaru get up we over slep-omph!" Kaoru stumbled backwards, rubbing his now sore nose and staring up at the obviously locked wooden door. "Huh?" he blinked in confusion before climbing to his feet. When had his brother ever locked his door?

"Hikaru what are you doing? We're gonna be late for school!" Kaoru banged on the door, trying to rouse the older twin.

"Go away." Hikaru's voice was slightly muffled by the thick wall between them, his tone meek and a quiver to his words.

that was not like Hikaru.

"Hikaru are you sick?" Kaoru pressed his ear to the door, trying to listen for coughing. "Hikaru, let me in, I'll call a doctor-"

"I'm fine… just… I'm not feeling well ok? Go to school, I'm staying home."

"But Hikaru-" Kaoru tried to protest.

"Just go. I'm fine alright?"

"Alright…" Kaoru answered reluctantly, pressing one hand to the door. "I'll bring your homework for you, ok?"

"Great. Have fun now handsome." Hikaru's voice was teasing, even if it still sounded nervous.

"Okay…" Kaoru backed away from the door slowly before finally turning to leave.

He couldn't help but realize he'd never gone to school without Hikaru before.


Tamaki sighed heavily.

He normally didn't pay much attention in his American justice course. It was a pointless class really… he lived in Japan… why did he need to learn about the American justice system?

'bla bla bla America politics bla bla criminals bla-'

"Anti-mutant protests-"

"What?" Tamaki nearly fell out of his seat, immediately jumping to attention to hear what his teacher was saying.

The elderly man next to the smart board glared at him for a moment before continuing.

"As I was saying before Mr. Suoh interrupted…" the man turned to his smart board, pointing to an article he had pulled up. "Anti-mutant protesting has reached an all time high. Not only in the United States, but around the world."

He pulled up another document. "You may recognize these photos from the Tokyo Times." He pointed to one image of a burning building, a crowd full of angry men and women swarming around it. "These photographs where taken during the last G8 summit held in Tokyo. The main purpose of it was for world leaders to discus the current political issues of mutant rights. As I'm sure you all read in the paper, many homo-sapient and homo-superior scientists alike were called upon to display evidence for their cases- yes Mr. Suoh?" the western teacher finally acknowledged Tamaki's waving hand.

"Why would they need scientists to figure that out?" Tamaki tilted his head to the side, trying to draw on his power of handsome…

The teacher continued to glare at him.

Damn he must be strait.

"To decide weather or not mutants are human enough for our rights to apply to them, Mr. Suoh." The teacher looked annoyed with him, as though the answer where obvious.

"What do you mean 'if they're human enough?' They have feelings don't they?" Tamaki had a look on his face like that of a child whose mother had just told him there was no Santa Claus.

"As far as we can determine Mr. Suoh, yes. They have feelings-"

"Then they're human right? What's the problem?" Tamaki blinked at him.

"It is a very complicated issue Mr. Suoh, now will you please sit down." And that was when Tamaki realized why the teacher was glaring at him.

"Yes sir." The blond student quickly placed himself back into his chair, glancing at Kyoya out of the corner of his eye to see what his friend was doing.

The onyx haired teen was taking notes, seeming wholly indifferent to the horrifying discovery Tamaki had just made.

They weren't counted as people?



Kyoya barley had time to brace himself before he was shell glomped by his blond best friend.

"Yes… daddy?" the onyx haired teen managed to maintain his cool glancing up at the blond over his shoulder.

"Mommy weren't you listening to the mean teacher man?" He could tell by his voice Tamaki was pouting

"You mean Mr. Jo- Stop that!" Kyoya cut himself off when Tamaki started climbing up his back.

Tamaki sighed dramatically, dropping off of his best friends back and moving to stand in front of him.

"This isn't right Kyoya!" Tamaki formed one hand into a fist and smacked it into his other for emphasis. "These people are being treated like dirt because they're different from us!"

"They're being treated like dirt because many members of their community have proved to be actively violent and with many of them being literal human weapons they're-"

"But they are human Kyoya! It's not right for people to judge them just because some of them made bad choices." Tamaki had the look on his face that told the shadow king one thing… He wanted to do something about it.

Sure enough… The 'king' spun around, one hand held high and an almost… 'sparkly' air around him as he declared-

"Kyoya, we should do-"

"There's nothing we can do Tamaki."

The blond spun back around, his face gone from royalty to that of a kicked puppy in a matter of seconds.

The onyx haired teen pushed his glasses up his nose.

"But Kyo-"

"There isn't anything we can do." Kyoya repeated himself, sighing heavily at the heart broken look on his friends face. "We can't change people's minds. We'll just have to wait for them to sort it out themselves."

He didn't mention his father's sentiment on mutants.

He didn't mention the fact that the Ootori family medical industries were currently in an arms race with Worthington Industries in their search for a 'cure' to the mutant 'disease'.

Kyoya had a feeling Tomaki would be more than a little upset by that piece of information… he wasn't the type of person to approve of 'the cure.'

Of course, he was too much of an idiot to understand the whole story.


Kaoru's day was as uneventful as ever. Mostly consisting of him worrying about Hikaru, asking for an extra of every assignment he was given, worrying about Hikaru, and informing any mistaken members of the female population exactly 'which of the twins he was' and 'what happened to the other one.'

By the time classes were over he thought he might go crazy. True, he was the more mature of the twins. True, he was the more patient of the twins. But one could only take so much before wanting to strangle someone.

And he still had the host club after school today.

Aaaand he'd be entertaining alone.


"Hey Kaoru?" The younger Hitachiin turned to see Haruhi approaching him, books tucked carefully under her arm and a slightly concerned look on her face. "Where's Hikaru? Is he sick?"

"I'm not sure." He admitted, letting out a long sigh. "He wouldn't even open his door this morning."

Haruhi frowned deeply, opening her mouth to speak before an all too loud, and all too familiar, voice broke into their conversation.

"Children daddy's home!" They were both glomped to the ground by an overly excited Tamaki, an indifferent looking Kyoya standing over them with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"Good to see your both on your way to the music room. We have a busy day today. Our guests are expecting an island paradise to usher in the new semester and we have to set up." Kyoya was scribbling something on his black note pad, pushing his glass back up his nose and raising an eyebrow at Kaoru. "Where is your brother? You have guests to entertain."

"He's sick." Koaru explained carefully from beneath the overly jumpy weight of the boss, who still hadn't gotten off of him… or Haruhi for that matter. "I'll take care of our guests don't worry."

"Hmh." Kyoya nodded, making a note in his book. "I hope you're ready to entertain that many girls by yourself. They'll be extremely disappointed when they discover they won't be receiving their usual 'brotherly love' package."

"Yaa…" Koaru pursed his lips, shrugging.

Truth be told… he was just worried about Hikaru.

When had his brother ever shut him out? Ever? They had always been open with each other, sick or not, it didn't make any sense.

And his dream wasn't helping his worries.

Kaoru shivered, an action that went unnoticed by anyone but Haruhi… and she always had been too observant for her own good.

"Come children!" Tamaki grabbed both Kaoru and Haruhi by the wrist, practically dragging them down the hall. "The time has come for us to entertain beautiful girls with waaay to much time on there hands! Remember the number one goal of the host club is to make women happy!"

Haruhi groaned, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead along that funny little exasperated look she seemed to wear so often.

Well, maybe the host club would take his mind off of Hikaru.


The host club did nothing to take his mind off of Hikaru.

Kaoru spent the rest of his afternoon 'on the brink of tears' spinning an elaborate story of woe and sorrow about 'how awful it was for him to be away from his beloved twin brother', and how he 'should be by his side rather than wasting his time frivolously at school and with his friends.'

Kyoya didn't have to worry. Brotherly love with only one loving brother was turning out ever more popular than brotherly love with the pair.

Maybe it would be profitable if Hikaru got sick more often.

Kyoya chuckled darkly to himself, elegantly pushing his glasses back up his nose and turning back to the girls he had been talking to, holding up the latest doujinshi he had produced.

It was sold within seconds, each girl pouring eagerly over her new copy of the manga, with slightly amusing, mostly annoying, squeals filling the air.

The shadow king smiled sweetly at them before turning back to his laptop, continuing with his data crunching before his next appointment arrived.


Kyoya loved to walk in the dark.

It was a strange affinity. He was conscious of that fact, but he couldn't deny the pleasure it brought him.


Perfect silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the city and the occasional hoot of an owl.


Oh how he reveled in the solitude, to be alone with only his thoughts and his thoughts alone.


A strange sentiment, considering everything he'd been taught in his life about the night told him it was far from safe.

And yet… something about it did make him feel safe, comfortable even. He felt… powerful. Like he could take on all 100 of his father's policemen and still have the strength to try and challenge Honey-sempai… not that he could ever win, but he still felt as though he could try.

And that in-and-off itself was saying something.

He had called his driver, told him not to bother coming to pick him up. He had said he was getting a ride from Tamaki.

Tamaki thought he was riding with his driver.

Kyoya almost laughed… almost.

What he wouldn't say… what he wouldn't do… for this time alone in the shadows.

If his father knew…

But somehow… Kyoya couldn't bring himself to care. He treasured these times too much to allow his father's wishes to ruin them.

What could his father really do? He could hit him of course… he'd done that before. But it wasn't as though he could ever get away with killing him.

The media backlash of his death would be enough to destroy the company.

All his father could really do… that might make Kyoya stop…

Was threaten him.

Threaten him with his future, his position, his potential to perhaps one day take over a portion of the company…

Kyoya shivered, but as soon as he did the darkness of night seemed to move in around him, pressing against him with its' soft, comforting warmth, and calming his heart to a steady beat, helping him along as he walked home by the roadside.

He didn't think anything off it at the time.

It was simply… his imagination. He was over tired.

Over tired…

It wasn't as though shadows could actually move. It wasn't as though you could touch them…



"Dad, I'm home!" Haruhi called into the apartment, her book bag slung over one shoulder. "Sorry I didn't get to the supermarket today. The host club ran later than usu-"

"Haruhi, get over here, quickly!"

The cross-dressing teen blinked at her father as he ran over to her, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her over to sit on the floor in front of their average sized television set.

"Dad what are you-"

"Ssshhhh" Ranka hushed her, holding a slender finger over his lips before pointing it at the TV.

"Anti-mutant protests have reached an all time high across the country. Many mutants, fearing for there lives, have taken to hiding underground. Behind me is a prime example of clashing between mutants and protestors."

The news camera zoomed out a little to show a crowd of angry protestors attacking a small group of young men. One was green, with obviously webbed feet, another looked pale and sickly and the third had hair as blue as the sky.

Haruhi watched, her eyes growing wider and wider as the reptile-like teen tried to run, only to be jumped on by three fully grown men. The blue haired boy responded by sending a bold of azure energy at them, knocking back several of the protestors.

The pale, sickly looking mutant was crying, curled up in a ball and trying to ignore the protestors swarming towards him as the blue haired boy tried to fight them off.

"Hey that's not right, their just kids!" Haruhi gripped her knees, her face turning shocked. "Where are the police?"

"Ssshhh!" Ranka quieted her.

As if on cue several Tokyo police officers, armed with riot shields and tranquilizer guns, charged into view.

"Thank goodness!" Haruhi breathed a sigh off relief.

But to her shock, the police didn't go to the boys aid… instead they surrounded them, pushing the three young mutants together into a tight group.

They raised their tranquilizer guns.

"Hey, what are they doing?" Haruhi jumped to her feet, screaming at the television and ignoring her father's attempts at quieting her. "They're police they're supposed to help them not attack them!" She watched in horror as the now groggy teens where hand cuffed and pushed towards the police car. "This isn't right!"

Ranka nodded softly, still watching the television screen. "I know Haruhi… several officers came to the okama bar today… they arrested Kiku… I heard them say he was disturbing the peace… can you believe it? Kiku disturbing the peace… I had a feeling…" the cross-dressing man pointed to the screen. "It had something to do with this… Kiku never said he was a mutant but…" He sighed, shaking his head.

Haruhi looked angry, not angry like she'd found out the twins stole her mechanical pencil again; angry like she got when someone was being convicted of a crime and there innocence was obvious.

"It's not right!" She screamed, half at the TV, half at the world.

"I know Haruhi… it's not right… but there's not much that can be done." Ranka let out a long sigh, shaking his head.

"Ya well someone should do something!" She stood as if to storm off to her room.

"Violence in Ouran-"

She snapped to attention at that, practically slamming herself onto the ground in anger and gluing her eyes to the television set.

"-Anti-mutant protestors have occupied many of the area's near Ouran Academy, as of now we cannot determine whether or not these protestors are armed but official sources tell us-"

She couldn't listen to this anymore.

Haruhi stood, storming into her room and slamming the door behind her. She buried her face in her pillow, dropping her book bag onto the floor.

And she screamed.

Can you see this from heaven mom? This is what the world is coming to… I'm scared.


"Hikaru please let me in!" Kaoru pounded on the door to his brother's room, gripping his backpack in one hand and knocking hard against the furnished wood with the other.

Coming home and being told by a maid that his brother hadn't once left his room, not even to get food, which was shocking because there weren't many things the elder Hitachiin loved more… was more than a little concerning.

"No." his brother's voice came through the door, even more muffled than it had been that morning.

What is he holding a pillow over his mouth or something?

"Hikaru come on I've got your homework." He tried to reason with his twin.

"Push it under the door."

"Hikaru please." Kaoru bowed his head, voice dropping to almost a whisper. "I'm worried about you."

There was silence on the other side of the door before finally, very slowly, it was cracked open.

"Get in here."

Kaoru eagerly obliged, darting into the room before his brother could change his mind.

"Hikaru what's going-…" He trailed off when he got a good look at his twin.

A long sleeve shirt and pants, boots, gloves, a scarf, hat, sunglasses… literally no part of his brother's body was showing beneath the clothes.

"Hikaru why are you dressed like that?" Kaoru tilted his head to the side, frowning at his twin.

"I'm cold, duh. Don't be stupid." Hikaru tried to brush him off, doing his best to keep his voice cool and indifferent.

He failed completely.

"Hikaru…" Kaoru held up his hands. "Look I just want to know what's- WRONG!" He shrieked the last word, tackling his twin brother to the ground.

The elder Hitachiin didn't even have time to react, and the cloth and sunglasses covering his face were torn away before he could even dream of knocking his brother off.

They both froze.

Kaoru swallowed hard.

Oh god.

This was bad.

This was really, really bad.

He'd heard about mutants, in his biology class, and in his political science class… he had always been told they where dirty, of a lower quality than the rest of the population. A kink in the genetic strand of mankind that was no better than a disease.

He'd heard, from far less reputable sources, that they where nothing more than shit stains on the underwear of life, that they deserved nothing better than death.

It had been easy to believe before. Mutants were nothing more than fairytale monsters then. They didn't exist at Ouran then, they didn't exist in his world then.

The spell of indifference was broken, the carriage gone, leaving only a smashed pumpkin in its wake.

All those things he'd once heard, all those things he himself had once said…

They now filled him with a rage the likes of which he'd never known.

Because now they where personal.

Because staring back up at him, with bright yellow, iris-less pupil-less sockets, just as wide and just as scared as he was sure his own where.

Was his brother.

Skin an angry shade of red that reminded him of blood, looking rough and scaly to the touch. Hair a fire like shade of orange, so similar, and yet, so different than the carrot toped hair he'd worn just the day before at school, the shade that still marked Kaoru's own head.

His brother, Hikaru, mischievous, funny, kind-of-an-ass Hikaru…

Was a…. a mutant.

It was… all over… their friends, their futures, the host club… everything… was over. One change had destroyed it forever.

And the worst part of it was…

None of the others even realized it yet.

Cliffhanger! First chapter to… wot! Anyways, please review. I live off of reviews :D anonymous reviews accepted by the way…. Come on please review!