Water to Heal the Flames
A KataraXAzula story
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Avatar: The Last Airbender
Summary: As a favor to Aang, Katara sets out to restore Azula's sanity with some help from her female assistants.
Katara, sporting her blue Water Tribe outfit and a satchel, walked side by side with Zuko toward a building on a nearby island of the Fire Nation. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Zuko asked, wearing his royal attire. "Not one bit, but this is for Aang." Katara replied. "Even for the Avatar, he's just too king." Zuko grumbled, neither one happy about this.
Feeling sorry for Azula, who, after the war, lost her hold on reality, was put into a Fire Nation mental institution. He asked Katara, a powerful water bender who is able to heal not just physical wounds, but also mental wounds, to help her back to her sanity. Katara didn't want to do it, but she didn't want to let Aang down. And if anything, Katara and her friends could handle the girl. She doubted Aang would remove her fire bending even if it came to that.
"Here it is." Zuko motioned to the gated building before them. "I did as you requested and put her in a sound-proof room with plenty of water. No one is going to bother you unless you open the hatch on the door and call for help." Zuko explained in detail. It seems Katara had already planned out a healing regimen for the princess. "I also sent out your letters. How are they going to help you?" He inquired. Katara asked him to send out a number of messages to a number of girls. Katara looked to him and made a small smile. "She will need old friends and associates to help her through this." She explained. "She didn't have friends." Zuko snapped with ire. Katara put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Just trust me on this. When I'm done, she'll be back to normal, if not better." Katara told him. Zuko chuckled. "It would take the Avatar to pull that off, but good luck." He said. Katara nodded and walked forward into the building.
Katara was escorted to the private room on the top floor. The Fire Nation soldiers opened the door. She stepped into the well-lit decently-sized square-shaped private room. As soon as she was in, the door was closed. The room was bare and white. The only contents were two basins of water, a bed, and lights containing fire flies in lieu of actual fire for the princess to use. Azula was sitting on the bed which stood against the wall. "Wow, you look awful. Serves you right." Katara spoke, anger on her face. Azula wore plain red clothes: a shirt and pants. Her long black hair was unkempt. She looked clean for the most part, female attendants tending to her meals and hygiene. They didn't care enough to comb her hair, however. Katara didn't blame them. Azula was a monster in human form. A walking blight wherever she went. Only Aang saw a sliver on humanity in her.
Azula, who sat with her legs crossed before her, her arms on her lap, and her head bowed, slowly sat straight and looked at Katara with her golden eyes. A small sneer formed on her lips. "Well look who it is. What do you want?" She inquired. Her months there might have helped her. Katara smirked. "I come by way of Avatar Aang. He wants me to help you." Katara answered. "Heh." Azula's head lulled to her right, then back, letting out a laugh. Katara walked forward and took a comb out of her satchel before taking it off and setting it aside. Azula's head bowed low like a predator. "What are you going to do with that?" She inquired. "Wait a minute and you'll see." Katara said. She sat on the bed next to her enemy. "Alright now, turn around." To Azula's bemusement, Katara pushed Azula to side at another angle. Katara sat fully on the bed facing Azula's back. "So what's the plan then?" She inquired in a low tone. "This room is sound-proof. Even if you scream, no one would hear." Katara threatened, taking Azula's hair into her hands. She then began to comb it gently. "You think you can make me scream?" Azula seethed, confused as to why the waterbender was combing her hair.
"You'll soon find out." Katara chuckled, carefully brushing the girl's long black hair. It had evened out since the battle. "What do you want?" Azula asked. "Aang asked me to help you. He wants me to heal your mind." Katara explained. Azula almost laughed. "He thought I was insane before the final battle, didn't he? He's such a fool." Azula mocked. Katara gave a quick tug in retaliation for that remark. Azula seethed. "We may be the same age, but I can still treat you like an immature little girl, Azula." Katara stated. Both were roughtly 16 years of age.
Azula changed the topic. "I hear there is some renewed tension between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. If there's another war, I'm breaking out." Katara was surprised Azula knew about what was going on. She then wondered if Aang merely wanted Azula in a different state of mind to have her ready in the event of a new battle. Katara shook the thoughts from her mind. It seemed preposterous. Azula had similar thoughts, which made her chuckle.
After a half hour, Azula's hair was straight and smooth. Katara put her hands on her lap and looked at her work. Azula took some of her hair into her hand and twirled it about. "Why?" She questioned. "It looked awful. It was an eyesore." Katara commented. "So were those hair loops, but I didn't say anything." Azula struck back. Katara grumbled. "Well, my hair looks fine. If you're done with...whatever it is you planned, leave." Azula said, letting her hair fall from her hand. "I haven't even started, princess." Katara said.
The waterbender got up from the bed and stood a few feet from it, near the basins. Azula, sensing danger, quickly stood and took a defensive position. Amber eyes peered into blue eyes. Katara sneered and moved the water to her command. Before she could react, the water slowly moved it way up from Azula's feet. A small layer of water crept upward, making Azula quite nervous. It reached her waist and began to slightly increase in pressure on her pussy, gaining a reaction from Azula. The water moved up to her chest, once more applying slight pressure. "What are you...?" Azula breathed. Soon, the water covered her up to her neck. In one deft move, her clothes were in shreds, leaving her nude, wet, and baffled. Her pale, smooth skin was revealed. The cold water had made her nipples stand firm. "Why are you doing this...?" She inquired. Using the water on and below her, Katara made her quickly glide into an embrace and kiss. Katara held Azula close, pressing their bodies together while she gave a passionate kiss with her eyes closed. Katara parted from her and looked her in the eyes. "Let's begin your treatment, princess." She said, giving a soft smile. Azula was at a total loss, unable to comprehend the situation. Katara had never imagined she would do this with a member of the same royal family that killed her mother, but she would trust Aang's decision.
"Why...?" Azula managed to say. "I love Aang, and I'm none too interested in girls, especially you. However, this therapy I've devised for you is sure to help you." She explained. Azula felt unease and wrenched herself free of Katara. She stepped back and thrust her fist forward, intending to incinerate the girl. However, no fire appeared. "When I tore off your clothes, I shut off your powers in the same way Ty Lee does. I wasn't just fondling you with water, you know." Katara explained her revised chi blocking skill. Azula was stunned. "Don't worry, it's not permanent." Katara assured her. Azula stood straight and regained her composure. "Very well, let's do it. I can tell the Avatar hasn't touched you yet, and I'm still pure. Let's see who takes who first, shall we?" Azula challenged. Katara gained a competitive look. "I'm going to enjoy making you scream. I won't even use waterbending so it's even." Katara told her. "Well then..." To Katara's surprise, Azula was able to firebend. At least, for a short while. In the short burst, Katara's clothes were burned off, leaving only charred rags. Shaking off the surprise, Katara ripped off the rest, showing off her dark skin. "After my run-in with Ty Lee, I did my best to be able to defend from it. Your version, though good, still allowed me one last blast." Azula mocked. "Fine." The now nude Katara told her.
Azula walked over to Katara looking her over like a predator. Standing close enough to her for their breasts to touch, Azula put her right index finger on Katara's chin. Katara had to admit that the contact felt nice. "You're actually pretty for a Water Tribe peasant." She remarked. Katara hadn't anticipated that Azula would be sane enough to do any of this, but she had no intention of losing. Her plans weren't completely finished. "Thank you." She grumbled, batting the girl's hand away.
When it came down to it, Katara felt embarrassed. There she was, face to face with her worst enemy, and they were both nude and about to have sex. Her plan was to use her healing water while she showed the princess love, affection, and pleasure not derived from pain. She thought she would overpower the girl who should have been out of it, but that part was a miss. Now it became a competition. She really hated giving up her first time to Azula of all people, but it had to be done.
There was no way Katara could feign actual love, Azula would see through it. "If Aang sees even a bit of humanity in you, I'll believe it. So come here, princess." Katara said, moving in and kissing Azula. Since she's the type of girl to do so, Azula pushed against Katara and gave her a forceful kiss, almost hurting her. Katara wouldn't accept that. She moved her left hand to Azula's breast and grabbed it. Azula pulled her face back and grinned. Katara pushed her onto the ground, using the water to cushion their fall. Katara straddled Azula's waist and looked down at her. "If you weren't mean and scary all the time, maybe you would have found a guy who would be willing to do this with you." Katara told her. "Heh." Azula was uninterested in her remark. "You know, I actually pity you. I'm going to give you so much pleasure, it might just change your world view." She declared. "Do try." Azula challenged. She reached up with her right hand and grabbed onto the Water Tribe girl's pussy, gaining a small sound from the girl. "Figures that you would be the first to get wet." Azula sneered. "How sweet. For all your words, I guess I'm to your liking?" She pressed with her harsh words. Katara glared, refusing to be pulled in by her.
Katara leaned down and kissed the girl once more, trying to be more passionate. Azula, however, decided to insert a finger into Katara's pussy, drawing blood and a small scream. Katara collapsed onto the girl. Azula brought her hand to her mouth and licked it clean as Katara watched. "I've yet to scream, girl." She said. Katara decided to get rough now and be passionate later.
She went lower and attacked her right breast, biting her nipple firmly. Katara noted the warmth and softness of Azula's chest. Azula was caught off guard, but not screaming. With her right hand, Katara reached below and quickly thrust a finger into the fire princess, drawing blood. Azula gave a small scream. Katara, seeing progress, licked at Azula's breast and massaged her pussy. "You really do have a great body." Katara complimented her, massaging the right breast and going for her left. "I try to take care of it. Shouldn't you be more worried about yours?" Azula countered. Katara, still sensitive, felt that hand back on her pussy.
Both Azula and Katara were blushing and panting now. Katara moaned at Azula's rubbing. She stopped what she was doing and simply moaned. Azula grinned in triumph. "Consider yourself fortunate to have done this much to the body of a member of the royal family." Azula told her. Katara opened her eyes, anger in them. Her will would have to be greater if she hoped to defeat Azula. Katara wondered if she flipped a switch in Azula's mind to bring back an amount of her sadistic impulses.
Katara regained herself and grabbed Azula's wrists, forcing them onto the floor above the girl's head. Katara brought her face parallel to Azula, who simply sneered. "Admit it, you don't have it in you to conquer a person. To go against me in that sort of battle is simply foolish. You'll end up dominated yourself." Azula feigned thought. "That would be useful. Let's keep going." She decided. "Don't be so certain, Azula. There's no way I would come here without a plan. I will conquer your heart." Katara remained resolute and vigilant. Azula was intrigued. "Okay. Conquer my heart. If you can." Azula decided to play with Katara before finishing her. Like the flames, she could be fierce, or beautiful, but would always leave a burn.
Azula brought her head up and kissed Katara on the lips. Katara returned the gesture, forcing Azula's head back onto the floor. While she hated Azula with a pure fury, she had to admit that it wasn't entirely bad to kiss her. They proceeded to make out passionately, their tongues dancing with one another. They parted and looked at one another, their mouths barely open. "What exactly is the end-game in this? Say you do 'rehabilitate' me, what then? Prison? Servitude? There's no way I'll be free to roam." Azula asked, genuinely curious. "I don't know. Aang just asked me to heal you with healing water. Whatever else he has planned, he didn't tell me." Katara explained. "Oh? So he doesn't know we're doing this." Azula mused. "Of course not. And he never will." Katara kissed Azula once more before releasing her wrists.
Katara moved to the right side of Azula's neck, kissing it tenderly. Azula let out a small sound of approval, fake or otherwise was up for debate. She moved back to Azula's face, briefly licked her lips, then moved downward, licking her chin, neck, then moving on to her chest. Trailing her tongue downward between Azula's breasts, she kept her ears open to listen for Azula's reactions. So far, there has been heavier breathing, but not much else. Katara intended to demolish the wall around her heart, completely breach her defenses.
She traced down to the princess' stomach. "You're just like a dog." Azula remarked. Katara looked up at her. "Look who's talking." Katara countered. "Hmm." She shrugged.
Her heart ready for it, Katara moved down to between Azula's legs. "Quite bare down here, hmm?" She shot, tracing her finger down the girl's pussy. "Same to you." Azula returned. No reaction from the touch now, Katara moved her face closer and flicked out her tongue, gaining a taste for the girl's juices. She hated herself for it, but she liked the taste, and kept licking along the entire area.
Azula made a sound of pleasure. "Here I thought you hated me. You're either desperate, or you like me. Perhaps you have a taste for pain?" She said to the Water Tribe girl. Without a word, Katara forced her tongue forward and continued to lick. A louder sound of approval urged her to continue.
She pushed her tongue deeper into Azula. With one final lick, she climaxed. Katara moved back and watched Azula enraptured in ecstasy.
Katara sat on her legs and watched Azula's chest rise and fall as she breathed, coming down from her orgasm. She lowered herself and began to lick up Azula's juices. Still sensitive, a slight sound escaped her lips. Her hands moved to Katara's head. She was overcome with pleasure. Katara was satisfied, having found a niche in Azula's wall. She sat up once more and licked her right index finger in a seductive manner. "For such a monster, you taste good. And you make such cute sounds." She remarked. "Heh. Haven't you become what you hated? You're trying to dominate me like I dominated others." Azula grinned wickedly, her face still slightly red. "You're wrong Azula. I'm simply..." Katara laid on top of Azula, pressing their nude bodies together. She kissed Azula deeply, sticking her tongue in the girl's mouth to give her a taste. She pushed herself up slightly and looked into Azula's eyes. "Trying to make you happy." She finished, giving a small smile. "I don't believe you." Azula said, no longer smiling. "You will. We still have plenty of time for me to prove it."
The door opened, startling Azula. Katara got off the girl and sat on the floor. Azula sat up, expecting something horrible. Mai stepped in, wearing her normal attire. She closed the door with her right hand, her eyes not leaving her former friend. With a sound, the door was locked once more. "What are you doing here?" Azula demanded. This was unexpected. Well, the entire day had been unexpected, but this was a bit much. "Helping Katara. And you. For old time's sake." Mai replied in her droll tone. "What...?" The fire princess was at a loss. Katara embraced her from her right side and kissed her on the cheek coyly. "The more the merrier, right? Your old friend wants to see you happy as well." She happily assured the startled girl. Azula looked from the smiling Katara to the emotionally distant Mai. "Well, I just pity you enough to not want to see you in a mental health facility. That's it." Mai took off her top garment, leaving just her robes. "Oh, and I'd pay anything to see you squirm about. For old time's sake." She added. "Mai, be nice." Katara chided. Mai shrugged, then began a slow pace towards Azula. The princess grinned, assured of her victory over the two girls.
Author's Notes: I had been planning this one for a while. Don't worry, I won't leave anyone hanging like I did on the other two stories: there will be another chapter. I had planned for a number of chapters, at least five more after this one. Remember, letters were sent out. Plural. And to assure those who would worry, this will be a happy story. Nothing bad in it. A female harem will be there. I have yet to find such a thing: a harem of girls for a girl. But ask yourself this: who is at the top of this harem? The candidates will be revealed as the story progresses. I hope you like it!