Outside City Hall, the Next Day, Noon
Mayor Aria stood at the podium with Captain Pounder behind her. A news crew stood by with cameras, ready to broadcast her speech across Flip City. The crowd was restless, guessing at what the topic would be.
"It's probably about that spiderbot monster."
"I heard it tried to invade."
"Did you hear about the Ninuja sighting?"
Mayor Aria cleared her throat. "Ahem, settle down, settle down."
The buzz of the crowd lowered to a hum before quieting completely.
"Thank-you." Mayor Aria began, "I'd like to start by reassuring you that Vertex is locked away and no longer poses a threat to Flip City. We owe a great thanks to Captain Pounder and his team for neutralizing said threat."
Captain Pounder stepped slightly forward as the crowd applauded. After a moment he stepped back again to let Mayor Aria continue.
"I would also like to bring up some newly discovered facts." She continued, "It seems that the outlawed Ninuja Clan was framed all those years ago and, according to Captain Pounder, recently aided in the apprehension of Vertex. So, I have decided to neutralize the law against the Ninuja."
A reporter from the crowd stepped closer to the stage. "If the Ninuja weren't responsible for the mass murder 20 years ago, who was?" She asked.
"Our late Captain Pierce was working with Vertex to eliminate those bots." Mayor Aria explained, "No more questions. That is all." The crowd began to disperse as Mayor Aria left the podium. Pounder exited the stage in the opposite direction and was met by his wife and son.
"So the Ninuja name is finally cleared. That only took 20 years." Spin joked.
His mother laughed, "Patience is key for a Ninuja." She told him. Spin smiled.
"Listen, uh … dad," Spin began as Pounder smiled, "I'm sorry about how I acted the other day."
"I know." Pounder told him, placing a hand on his back, "Now, would you like to meet the rest of your family?"
Spin smiled and nodded. As if on cue, five bots walked up. Bazooka raised a fist in the air.
"Victory!" He exclaimed, "Not only with Vertex, but with freedom."
Just then, a 'bot tot ran up to Spin. She was magenta and light purple with a small sphere on each side of her head, and two little freckles underneath each eye.
"Cousin Spin! Cousin Spin!" She exclaimed, "Can'tbelieveIfinallygettomeetyouI'veheardsomuchaboutyou-"
"Breathe, little one, breathe." Bazooka told her with a smirk.
"Spin," Pounder began, gesturing to the 'bots in front of him, "this is your Uncle Sai and his wife, Bo."
"I'm your mom's bro." Sai added.
"And this little sweetheart," Pounder continued, pointing to the 'bot tot, "is their daughter, Katana."
"Hi." Spin said, raising his hand in greeting.
"Hihihi!" Katana chirped.
"And you two?" Spin asked the remaining two 'bots.
"We're Bo's brothers." Bazooka told him.
"This here's Bazooka," Chuck said, tapping his brothers chest with the back of his hand, "and I'm Nunchuck. 'Chuck' for short."
"Consider us your Uncles too." Bazooka concluded.
Spin smiled and looked at all the 'bots surrounding him, "I finally know where I belong."