I do not own ThunderCats or Inuyasha

NOTE: This is a Crossover with the Classic, not the 2011 remake

I usually don't use the Japanese wording for anything and use all English, but I believe that to make the story flow and just all around feel better, I added a few words. I apologize in advance for any Japanese language mispronunciations. I looked the words up and tried my best with what word fit for what I was trying to say.


Lion-O calmly strolled out of Cat's Lair, while giving a large yawn and stretching his arms above his head. Clicking his tongue, he shifted his shoulders up and down, before moving his head around. Reaching up he sighed as he gently rubbed the back of his neck, getting the sore kinks out of it, while looking up at the clear blue sky.

"Such a beautiful day, isn't it Snarf?" He smiled, looking down at his furry companion who was standing beside him.

"Snarf." He replied with nervousness. "Yes. The perfect day for something to go wrong, if you ask me. Snarf, Snarf."

"Don't be such a downer, Snarf." Lion-O gave another sigh in slight disappointment and looked back up at the sky. "What could possibly go wrong on such a lovely day-" His words were cut short, as a large pink flash lit up the area, over top of the forest. Suddenly his fur was standing on end, as a chill went down his spine. But just as quickly as the event happened, the huge glow shrunk back down into the forest, fading. "What was that…?" He questioned mostly to himself.

"See! Snarf snarf! I told you!" Snarf quickly stood on the end of his tail, lifting himself up to a taller height to try and get a better view of things. "Old Snarf sensed it coming!"

"It was coming from the forest near the Berbils." He quickly realized. Reaching to his Claw Shield, he started to speak into it, knowing the others would hear him. "Did you guys see that?"

"Yeah. We saw it." Panthro's deep voice responded. "Saw it so well that we can't see anything anymore- Blasted screen." Loud banging noises could be heard through the speaker. "Interrupted our signal, now we're blind. Wasn't able to see what was causing it."

"I'll check." He responded. Putting his claw back onto his thigh, and placed the Sword of Omen, which was griped tightly in his hand, up to his face. "Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight." He called to it. Feeling the power surging though the blade, he waited as the hooks curled upwards, over his eyes. Yet he was surprised when nothing but fuzz greeted him. "Hmmm." He gave a small hum in confusion and lowered the sword.

"What did you see Lion-O?" Snarf asked.

"I didn't see anything. Whatever it is, can block the sword's power."

"Snarf snarf." He mumbled worriedly and lowered his body back to the ground. "That's bad…"

"…" Putting his sword back into the claw at his thigh, he looked towards the spot where he saw the light shining from. "And it was such a nice day too…" He mumbled to himself as he heard the rushed foot-falls of his companions run to his position.

"You're going over there, aren't you?" Snarf asked with hesitation in is voice.

"Of course." He replied, just as the others surrounded his form, wanting to know what he was going to do.

"It could be a trap!" He yet again thought of one of the worst possible situation.

"He is right Lion-O." Tygra's wise voice spoke up behind him. "This could be a trap set by Mumm-Ra."

"It does seem a little suspicious…" WillyKat spoke his thoughts as well.

"Yeah." Kit replied, copying her brother.

"What if it's someone in trouble?" His voice was deep and serious, thinking of someone who might need their help. "We have to at least go see." He spoke with a determined tone. Seeing Snarf was about to persist again, he added: "But we'll take extra caution."

They all nodded in agreement, and he smiled, proud of his wonderful team.

"ThunderCats, Ho!" He called out, rising his fist into the air.

"ThunderCats, Ho!" The others yelled back in unison, before they all ran forward and jumped into the ThunderTank.

Except for Snarf…

"Ho…" Snarf mumbled weakly, before slowly dragging himself to the tank with less enthusiasm then the others.

He had a bad feeling about this… Snarf, snarf.

Mumm-Ra was resting soundlessly in his crypt, when a sudden surge of energy slammed into his senses, as if he was hit by a stone slab. He snapped his eyes open, angered by the interruption. Slowly the lid moved out and slid sideways, allowing him to walk out of his resting place.

"What is this…?" He mumbled mostly to himself as he walked out of his tomb and towards his magical pot. "What has disturbed my sleep with such…energy?" He could feel his rotting flesh start to sizzle at the pureness of it, causing him to hiss in displeasure.

Peering over the caldron, he looked into its dark depths. Raising his hand he called for his powers to view the world though its reflection.

"Show me, what is causing this power…I must have it." He watched as the dark liquid swirled for a few moments, before a picture showed into the water. "Oh?" He softly chuckled to himself in amusement. "I wasn't expecting this…"

Such pure and raw power…

He'll have to send the Mutants out to quickly fetch her for him…

Kagome gave a soft groan as she slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was the grass was a nice shade of green, and she sneezed as one of the blades tickled her nose. Slowly, she sat up and looked around.

She was surprised to see she was inside of a forest, next to a lake. Where are the demons? Where are the others? Last thing she remembered was fighting Naraku and-

"We completed the jewel…" She mumbled to herself and reached up, rubbing her throbbing head as she tried to think back. Something black out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and she glanced over. She screamed when she noticed that the 'black thing'…was her!

She could already feel the familiar stinging feeling of tears, as she stared down at her fur covered hands. Raising her shaking hand she placed it over her face, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself. She didn't want to look down- yet she knew she had to…

Slowly she crawled over on her hands and knees to the water that was nearby, before peeking over the edge and staring at her reflection-

Her blue eyes widened in horror, before she raised her hand and placed it on top of her head, touching the small furry appendage that wasn't there before. Looking behind her, her dark fur paled as she spotted a long black tail twitching on the ground, sticking out of her skirt.

Looking down at her body, she noticed that she was only wearing her ripped up and shredded green skirt, barely hanging on by her now narrow hips. Her blouse and even her bra were missing, exposing her chest.

Yet at the moment she was too busy to care about that- For she noticed the other major difference in her body.

She was covered in fur! It was very short, almost like skin really, but she could still feel the fine hairs as she ran her clawed hands over her arm. At that moment, as she sat there by the lake, slowly it all sank into her…

So she did the only thing any normal person would do in this situation…

She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Did you guys hear that?" Lion-O spoke up, over top of the loud roar of the ThunderTank's engine.

"Yeah, sounded like a scream." Panthro quickly turned off the tank, allowing the quite of the forest to fill their ears. After a few quite moments, as they tried to hear the sound again, Lion-O jumped out of the vehicle.

"I think we should split up and search for whoever it was that screamed." The others nodded in agreement and jumped out of the tank, except for Panthro and Snarf. "We are pretty close to where we believed the light came from, so it must have come from them."

"It still could be a trap Lion-O." Snarf spoke up. "I don't think we should be alone like this in the forest."

"You're not alone Snarf, you have Panthro and the ThunderTank." He joked.

"You know what I mean, Snarf snarf." Snarf grumbled.

"Just be careful and keep a sharp look out and things will be fine. We have our communicators, so call whenever there is trouble." With that said they quickly split up.

Cheetara was the first to take off with her swift speed as an advantage. But the others were soon to follow, all taking a different direction, before the ThunderTank made a path of its own, fighting though the trees with Panthro behind the wheel, and Snarf in the passenger seat.

Lion-O didn't stick around for too long either, and quickly went his own way to find the source of the scream…

As Lion-O continued his trek though the forest, he kept his ears open, trying to listen carefully for another scream, or any kind of noise for that matter that would lead him to the right direction. Yet for every step he took, his senses told him he was closer.

His fur was standing up, as a chill started go prickle down his spine every so often. Something similar to fog, floated around his body, like a mist of invisible power drifting in the air and causing him to feel tense. Unconsciously he reached for the sword, while scanning the area for any sign of someone, or something.

He was going in the right direction. He had to be…

A sound hummed in his mind, causing him to freeze in his movements, mid-step. He was a statue, standing still while not moving a muscle, as he concentrated all his senses and focus to his ears, listening for the sound again-

There it was! He heard it! He thought, while looking towards the direction of the muffled buzz. Slowly he inched closer to the source. He walked from heel to toe, making sure he didn't surprise or scare whatever was making the sound.

As he took one step after another, the noise started to get clearer…

"It sounds strange." He whispered under his breath. "Like someone is…crying."

Reaching out, he carefully parted the tall bushes in front of him, revealing a large open clearing- His eyes widened in surprise, when he spotted a lone figure sitting next to a lake.

The small frame and her nicely curved shape easily gave away that she was female. She was covered in a dark black fur, except for a light-grey circular patch covering her chest, stretching down over her flat stomach and continuing beneath her green skirt. Her long raven hair was cascading down her back and almost touching the grassy floor below. Triangle ears were perched on top of her head, and a long slender tail was curled behind her, resting on the ground.

She was weeping into her hands, as they covered her face from his view. Her shoulders would tremble every so often as she inhaled a shaky breath and her ears were drooped down in sadness.

Lion-O felt a small twinge of pity for the young feline, and he instantly had the urge to help her, as he would for any creature in need. Not only that, but he was curious as to how she got here, who she was, and why she looked as if she came from Thundera.

He took several steps, getting closer to the crying woman and leaving the cover of the shadows. Yet when he did, one of her ears shot up, and twisted around in his direction. He could hear her surprised gasp from where he stood, before she quickly turned her head around to face him.

"…!" He felt his heart stop beating, and a rush of heat went into his cheeks in surprise as he found himself staring in to the deepest set of blue he had ever seen.

Her blue eyes widened in shock, small tears still leaking from them and down her cheeks. She turned her body to face him, before raising one of her arms up, placing it over top of her open chest, as if to hide herself from him.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He was the first one to speak. Reaching his open hand out, in a friendly gesture, to show that he meant no harm.

"…" Her ears flattened to her skull in fear and she looked up at him with caution.

"I want to help." He tried to tell her, and took a step forward.

Yet when he did she quickly scooted back, away from him, while keeping her arm firmly placed over her chest. She shook her head side to side, her hair fanning out around her in the fast action.

Suddenly she jumped to her feet and turned on her heels-

"No wait!" He called out to her and raised his hand, as if to catch her, yet just as the words left his mouth she was already running out of the clearing and into the forest.

Before he could think, his feet took flight and ran after her.

The mutants were walking in the forest, complaining the whole way…

"I don't see why Mumm-Ra can't do it himself!" Jackalman grumbled. Monkian grunted.

"It's always 'Go do this. Attack that'." The monkey man gave several more grunts in anger. "I thought he was all-powerful? Why are we the ones that have to go out here in the forest to…?" He paused in his rant and looked confused. "What is it that we are doing again?"

"You fool." Slithe hissed. "We are after a girl."

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Monkian sighed in boredom and scratched his head.

"We are getting close to the position Mumm-Ra told usss, so be quiet!" The lizard hissed in displeasure. "You'll alert her of our presssencesss."

"She's probably long gone by now. We should split up and look for her."

"Don't go making decisionsss on your own Monkian. I am the leader!" Slithe glared at him. Monkian yelled in outrage and slammed his fist onto his chest.

"Whose idea was that? I want to be the leader for once! Whenever we follow your commands we always end up losing to the ThunderCats!"

"ThunderCatsss!" Slithe spoke the name in hatred with a disgusted look on his face. "Don't mention them right now!"

"Besides, aren't we supposed to be looking for a lost feline anyway?" The canine of the group spoke up, interrupting their fight.

"Yesss." The scaled member hummed in thought, getting back on track to their mission. "Mumm-Ra said she wasn't a ThunderCat, and he wanted us to get her before Lion-O and the others found her."

"That doesn't sound too difficult." The white haired ape spoke up and stretched, yawning.

"Don't be so foolisssh Monkian." Slithe rolled his eyes at him. "Of course it will be difficult! We are racing to track this girl down before the ThunderCatsss."

"Yeah!" Jackalman started to snicker. "It's not like she is just going to appear in front of us!" Yet just as the words left his mouth, a rustling sound entered their ears, and when they turned to look, they saw someone jump out of the bushes, landing before them.

Their eyes widened when they spotted their target. She had her back towards them, and was slowly walking backwards, keeping her eyes and focus on the area where she jumped out of- not even realizing they were behind her. But she soon realized this when her back softly bumped into Jackalman, and he could feel her body tense up below him.

Slowly she turned around, and gave a small squeak in surprise when her eyes landed on his grinning face.

"Hello." He greeted, before snickering to himself, finding it funny.

"…" Her eyes widened, and she placed her hand onto her chest in worry. She quickly jumped back from their reach and ran off in another direction before they had time to react.

"Your ugly mug scared her off!" Monkian hooted, blaming Jackalman.

"Me!" He responded in surprise. "You're the ugly one!" He argued, poking him in the chest.

"No, you're the ugly one!" The ape man puffed out his chest in a display of power-

"You're both ugly!" Slithe told them. "Now that is settled, would you two ssstop fighting and go get her!" He yelled out in rage.

The three spilt up. Jackalman on the ground, Monkian through the trees, and Slithe was slowly wobbling, going to retrieve his vehicle-

Suddenly Jackalman stopped running and looked around. He hummed to himself before he smirked.

"It's not like she is just going to appear in front of me." He repeated, and stretched his arms out, waiting for her to come to him, like before. Yet when nothing happened he grunted in disappointment and sighed. Maybe he should try again? This time he slowly spoke each word out- "Its-not-like-she-is-just-going-to-appear-in-front-of-me…" He paused. "Carrying loads of money…" He added.

A rustling sound caught his attention and he grinned. He huffed, he knew it would work~!

Yet he was gravely disappointed when the lord of the ThunderCats burst though the bushes-

"Jackalman!" He called his name and withdrew his Sword of Omens.

"…" Jackalman sighed.

Well, it was worth a try…

Kagome was running. Running and running, until the trees and greenery were passing by her in a blur. She never knew she could run so fast before! Maybe this has something to do with her change…?

She didn't know why. She didn't know how. But she was on a different planet, with strange creatures that reminded her of demons. And the strangest part was that they were speaking English. She knew it was English, because that male-cat spoke a few words she could slightly understand, or at least remembered hearing in school.

She sighed. It was times like these she wished she listened more in class- She gave a small grunt and step by step her speed started to slow down. Wincing she looked down at her legs and hissed as a shot of pain went up her calf and beyond her thigh.

She might be fast, but she wasn't use to running like that. Her legs felt like they were on fire! Placing her hands onto her knees she took several gulps of air to calm herself. Soon her legs started to feel slightly better, as a tingling sensation started to spread across them.

She groaned in discomfort as she felt her balance start to sift as her lower half seemed like noodles. Her knees gave out and she quickly found herself plopping down onto the grass below her and she huffed.

"Well." She whispered to herself. At least she got far enough away from them. She should be safe now; there was no way they could catch up to her.

As she started at the green grass, slowly her fear started to dwindle, replaced with questions.

Who was that cat and what about those three other creatures? How did she end up like this? Was it the jewel? Where was the jewel? Was it inside of her? Maybe it did change her into this…thing.

She was so lost and confused. Looking down at her half-naked body she suddenly had the urge to cover herself, so she placed both her arms in front of her in a lazy attempt to hug herself and she sighed.

She just wanted to go home-

A shadow loomed over her resting form, causing her body to tense up. Her eyes slowly moved from the grass to look up, and they widened in both shock and fear when an upside-down face greeted her.

"Boo!" The ape called out directly in her face, causing her to scream and scoot backwards. Yet she could only gasp when her back hit the bark of the tree behind her. "Found you." The man started to call out and make grunting noises, as if he was happy. "Mumm-Ra will be pleased." The ape released his hold on the branch above, landing on the ground perfectly with a solid thud.

Kagome didn't understand what he was saying, but she had a feeling it wasn't good…

Quickly she stood up, and was about to run, but then she wobbled, causing her to brace herself against the tree instead.

"What's this? You can't stand?" The monkey gave many excited yelps, before reaching out and grabbing her wrist. "Well that makes things easier!"

She gave a small scream as she was suddenly tossed over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down!" She ordered to him, though she knew he probably couldn't understand her.

"Oh, so you can speak! Never heard of that language before…" She felt him give a shrug, the movement causing her body, which was lying over his shoulder, to wobble. Yet soon she was found in a more difficult situation, for he launched himself into the air, grabbing back onto the branch.

She screamed again as he started to jump from branch to branch, not knowing where he was taking her. So she did the only thing she could do, she annoyed the crap out of him. She pounded on his back, and kicked her legs as much as she could, while yelling for him to release her. Yet the ape only gave a huff, before stopping on a wide branch.

"If you keep that up I might drop you." He hummed. "Or worse, I might fall." He sighed, his breath brushing across her legs. She shivered, and wiggled more, trying to escape his grasp. "That's enough."

He reached up, and she felt his rough hands glide across the back of her thigh, gripping her hard to hold her in place. She gasped, and quickly moved her body around and smacked him in the head, causing him to grunt. She smiled to herself for her handy work, but it was soon put to an end when he suddenly jumped down and landed back onto the ground, before lifting her off of him and placing her on the grass. Her legs wobbled slightly, before she was forced to lean back against the tree behind her.

Her eyes widened when he watched him pull out a rope from his hip, a grin on his face.

"This should hold you." He spoke, and grabbed her hands. She tried to fight him off, but he swiftly overpowered her and before she knew it her hands were bound together in front of her. She pulled and tugged onto the rope, and she growled when they wouldn't come free. "Feisty feline." She looked up and opened her mouth to yell at him, but when she looked into his eyes, a chill went down her spine and she pressed her back against the tree, seeing something deep within his beastly orbs that frightened her- Lust…

"You're rather nice to look at actually." He roughly grabbed her face and turned her head side to side. "Mumm-Ra wouldn't mind if I had a little fun with you before I turn you in…As long as he doesn't find out." Seeing his grinning face along with a gleam in his eyes, her ears flattened onto her skull.

Using her hands she pushed him off of her, before scratching him across the cheek with her newly developed claws. He gave a yelp of pain, before licking his lips and turning back towards her. She grunted as he suddenly pressed his body against her, and grabbed her tied wrists with one hand, placing them above her head. She wiggled and struggled, but he was too heavy to move, and he just laughed at her attempts.

She could feel him using his free hand to roam across her exposed body, and she shivered in both fear and disgust.

"Stop!" She called out to him. She tried to do something, anything, but his body blocked her from moving. Slowly his hand went down over her chest, then along her side. She gave a small whimper as he got lower and he touched her skirt. "Please stop." She begged, and tried to wiggle her hips, wanting his callous hands to be removed.

She could feel the stinging coming into her eyes as he went lower, brushing across the edge of the only clothing she wore, and grabbed her thigh. She suddenly yelped as his fangs pressed against her neck, surprising her, and this caused him to laugh. She closed her eyes tightly as he lifted her leg up, pressing it against his hip.

"No." She shook her head.


Lion-O ran as fast as his legs would carry him, hoping that his nose wouldn't fail him. He was following her trail, for she seemed to have a nice and unique sent, vanilla. Yet he was forced to skid to a halt when the smell pooled, but then disappeared. But he soon realized why, for another sent was mixed in with hers.

"Monkian." He mumbled under his breath. So not only is Jackalman here, but Monkian as well? Then Slithe can't be too far either…

Knowing that Monkian must have taken her though the trees, Lion-O followed the trail on the ground- He stopped when he caught the sound of cries and whimpers, followed by words he didn't understand, yet the tone sounded as if she were scared.

His eyes hardened, and he reached into his side, placing his claw shield onto his arm. He then ran towards the sound, passing several trees, before he came upon a sight that made his blood boil.

Monkian had the woman against a tree; her hands were trapped above her head. His ape hand was gripping her thigh, while he had his fangs on her neck.

Her ears were flat against her skull in fear, and she had her eyes clamped shut. She whimpered and shook her head side to side. To Lion-O it was obvious what was happening, and he gave a loud growl, catching Monkian's attention.

Just as the white ape turned his head away from her neck, the next thing he saw was a fist coming at him, before it collided with his face, knocking him several feet away and into a tree.

"Lion-O." Monkian started to hoot as he pushed himself away from the tree. Banging his fist against his chest in display, he pulled out his club.

"Monkian." He returned, and pulled the Sword of Omens out of the claw. "How dare you…you…" He shook his head, his golden eyes narrowing at him.

"You can't have her ThunderCat!" Monkian suddenly jumped into the air, bringing his club down. Raising his claw he used it to block the attack, and pushed him away. "I caught her first!"

"She's a person, not an object, she doesn't belong to anyone!" Raising his sword into the air he called for its power and it surrounded itself in a blue aura. A beam of energy shot out and towards the monkey, successfully hitting his hand and knocking his weapon from his grasp.

"I'll get you for that!" Monkian gave several yells, pounding his chest. "We'll return!" He warned him. "I'll come back for her!" With that said he jumped into the braches before running away.

Lion-O sighed, and his sword shrunk back into its dagger-like state.

Turning around, he looked back towards the woman. He found her standing in the same spot, frozen against the tree and staring at him with large wide eyes. Her hands were pressed against her chest, hiding herself from him, yet her face looked so frightened, as if she was ready to take off and run at any given minute.

When he finally reached her, his taller form loomed over her smaller one, and her ears lowered to her skull again. Her blue eyes were looking up at him with worry.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He tried to tell her. Seeing that her hands were tied with rope, he raised his sword- She gave a small whimper and pressed her back against the tree. She closed her eyes tightly and turned her head away. "Please don't do that- I'm not…" He sighed, feeling a pain hit him in the chest. "Here… I'll show you." Placing his claw onto his hip, he used his free hand and grabbed her bounded ones.

Once his hand touched hers he instantly felt her body stiffen. He could understand why she was frightened, and he blamed most of it on Monkian- He shook his head, not wanting to think about that now, and raised his sword. Gently he wedged it under the ropes and with one swift flick of his wrist he cut her bindings, freeing her.

"There." He quickly put his sword away, and opened his hands towards her, showing her he was unarmed. Calmly he took a few steps back to give her some room. "There's no need to be afraid of me, I'm only here to help."

He watched as she slowly opened one of her eyes and looked around, before opening the other. She glanced towards him cautiously, but he smiled when he saw her ears perk up from their resting spot against her skull. She blinked up at him, before raising one of her arms and placed it over her exposed chest. He tilted his head when he saw the fur on her cheeks become stained red and she turned her head away from him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking down at her worriedly. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Yet all he received was silence, as she turned her head back to look at him. "Are you hurt?" He repeated. She just blinked, as he stared into her deep blue orbs. He sighed, not sure what was wrong. Does she not understand what he is saying? He shook his head, before placing his hand over his chest. "I'm Lion-O." He told her his name. "What's your name?"

"…?" She tilted her head.

"Li-on-O" He told her one more time, slowly pronouncing the word.

"Lie…on…oh." She mumbled, repeating him. He felt a rush of heat go into his cheeks at the sound of her voice. It was the first time he has heard it, and it was very soothing to his ears.- Not to mention he liked how his name sounded coming from her.

"Yes." He nodded. "Lion-O." He pointed to himself. "You?" He motioned towards her, and she frowned.

"…" She shook her head, before turning her body away from him.

She took a step forward, as if to walk away, but then she wobbled slightly and stumbled. He was by her side in an instant and gently caught her before she could fall.

"Are you unable to walk?" The worried tone in his voice gave him away as he looked down at her. He softly held her up, by placing his arm across her lower back for support.

"…" She shook her head back in forth before staring at the ground.

Why couldn't she walk? Was this also Monkian's doing?

She looked down at where his arm was, and she nibbled on her lower lip, before pushing him away from her. Yet when she was left standing on her own, her knees gave way, but he was quick to move and softly grabbed her wrist, pulling her up.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have touched you like that." He could understand why she did that. He would hate to even think about what might have happened to her if he didn't step in and stop Monkian when he did. "If you'd like you can just use my arm?" He offered, and placed his arm in front of her.

She placed one of her arms over her chest again, and used her free hand to place over his own arm for support. This seemed to make her feel more comfortable and he sighed, glad.

"Kagome." She whispered.

"What?" He blinked at her, surprised by her sudden soft voice.

"Ka-go-me." She slowly spoke the word, and pointed to herself. "Lion-O." She placed her hand on his chest. "Kagome." She then moved her hand over her heart.

"Kagome…" He repeated, the word rolling off his tongue. "Is that your name?" She shook her head yes in reply, causing him to smile. "It's a lovely name."

"I…" She looked down at the ground, as if thinking carefully. "I am a pen."

"A pen…?" He gave a small laugh, finding it funny. Yet she just frowned, and softly nibbled on her lip in thought, as if questioning if she said something wrong.

"My…home." She told him sadly, and looked up at him with her deep blue eyes. Her ears drooped slightly and he found his cheery moment dwindling, thinking about what she said.

"Home?" He repeated. Did the mutants take her from her home? How horrible. "You need help finding your home?"

"…!" She nodded her head and smiled at him. "Yes! I am lost!" She suddenly started to speak in a language he has never heard of before. No wonder she was so quiet, and said that weird sentence, she doesn't know how to speak English- Which was strange. English is the universal language of the galaxies. "Do you know of a plant called Earth?"

"Earth?" He repeated the only word he understood. "But you're on Third Earth."

"Third… Earth?" She slowly spoke the words and looked down, thinking. She seemed surprised, before she reached up to her face and shook her head.

He watched as small tears appeared in her eyes and this upset him a little. He had a feeling there was something more to this whole ordeal, but he wouldn't be able to help her until she told him what happened. It was at that moment he knew he probably wouldn't be able to do anything until they were able to properly communicate with each other.

"Don't worry." He reached out and gently cupped her cheek, so that she was looking at him. "I'll help you find your home. I promise."

"…" He watched as her cheeks blushed with new color and she turned her head away from him.

"Can you stand on your own now?" He asked, and moved his arm so that he was gently holding her free hand. She wobbled a little, but she took a few steps back before letting go of his hand, causing him to smile. "Okay, now stay there." He motioned for her to stay put, holding his hand open in a 'stop' command.

"…" She just nodded understanding. Reaching to the sword by his hip, he pulled it out and placed it in front of him.

"Thunder." He raised the sword up high above his head, and it grew in size, calling forth its power. "Thunder. Thunder." With each word the sword got longer. "ThunderCats, Ho!" With the final call the eye of omens changed, before the familiar red icon with the cat head shot into the sky like a beacon, giving a loud roar.

After a few moments he lowered his sword and it shrunk, placing it back into its sheath by his side. But the icon stayed in place where it was at. He turned towards the female beside him, expecting her to be scared, but instead she was looking at him curiously, with her head tilted.

"…?" She blinked at him with her blue eyes, and he laughed.

"I just called my friends. They should be here soon." He told her, walking up to her. "Until I can find your home, is it alright if you stay with us?" He asked, placing his hand over his chest.

"Home with Lion-O?" She questioned.

"Yes. My home." He smiled, nodding. She gave a small smile, and nodded- Her ears perked up and twisted around, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"…" She quickly got behind him, softly grabbing his clothing in fear, while peering around his body at the forest.

"Is something wrong?" He questioned, but just as he did, a loud roar filled his ears, followed by the trees ahead of him crashing down, trampled by the ThunderTank's power. He smiled and waved, seeing his all of his comrades jumping out.

"You called us Lion-O?" Cheetara casually walked up to him, followed by the others.

"Yes-" He paused, feeling the small woman behind him stiffen in fear and cling to his back like a small child.

He softly growled, allowing the rumble to spread though his body, trying to calm her- and himself. Her body pressed against him like that, especially her unclothed chest, caused a feeling to stir in him, but he quickly shook the feeling away and sighed.

"Is something wrong Lion-O? You're acting strange…" Tygra looked at him curiously and raised his eyebrow towards him.

"No, no. Everything is fine. It just…" He trailed off slightly and glanced over his shoulder, looking at the woman hiding behind him. "Don't be scared. They are my friends." He motioned towards them with a smile.

"Who are you talking to-" Yet Tygra's question was answered, stopping him in his tracks as he spotted small black triangles poke out of Lion-O's side, before followed by a head, peaking half of her body away from Lion-O. She was staring at them with deep blue eyes, but was still hiding behind their lord with caution.

"Who is that?" WillyKat was the first to come out of his shock, while the others continued to openly stare at her, surprise written on their faces and gaping mouths.

"Her name is Kagome." Lion-O answered smiling down at her.

"…?" When her name was mentioned she looked away from the others and stared up at him.

"She can't speak English, but from what I can understand she was taken from her home."

"Where does she live?" Cheetara asked.

"The only clue I got was that she was from Earth." He sighed. "So I was hoping she would stay with us for a while, until we can help her find her home."

The other ThunderCats looked at each other cautiously, then back at the girl, causing her to move farther behind Lion-O as if he would protect her from their stares.

"If you think its best Lion-O." Kat spoke up.

"You are our leader." Kit added, and they both shrugged.

"I think we should all decide on this once we get to Cat's Lair." Tygra suggested. "To think about this carefully."

"I agree with Tygra." Panthro nodded.

"Alright then, we'll take her to Cat's Lair for now, and decide what to do from there." They all nodded in agreement, before they hopped back into the ThunderTank. "Come on." He turned around and gently grabbed her hand.

"Lion-O's home?" She whispered, looking up at him curiously.

"Yes." He smiled. "My home."

"I don't trust her." Snarf was the first one to speak while they were all inside of the ThunderTank.

"Snarf!" Lion-O called to him, causing him to flinch at his tone and lower his ears.

"Well, I don't…" He said. "What if this is Mumm-Ra in disguise again, trying to sneak into the lair?"

They all looked towards her, except for Panthro, because he was driving. Tygra could feel her wiggle beside him in uneasiness from their stares, and inched closer to Lion-O who was on the other side of her.

Everyone was seated the best they could inside of the Tank. Cheetara, WillyKit and Kat were sitting on the long seating area across from them. While Kagome stayed glued to Lion-O, and he took the empty spot on the other side of the female. Snarf was sitting on the floor between everybody.

Tygra chose to sit beside her for several reasons. The first was to try and understand the female that Lion-O found in the forest. Though he wouldn't speak it out loud, he was just as cautious as Snarf, believing that this might just be another one of Mumm-Ra's schemes.

It just seemed too good to be true. A feline showing up in the forest near their lair, who strangely resembled them in many ways.

He glanced at the girl beside him, taking in her figure. She had a large cloth draped around her body like a robe, covering up her exposed chest- He paused when he saw her turn her head and look at him. As he stared into her deep blue pools, he found himself unable to look away.

She leaned over towards him, getting into his personal space, which caused him to stutter at his own words and blush slightly, her face mere inches from his. He was questioning in his mind what she was doing, but then he watched her close her eyes and her nose twitched, before she inhaled a large breath of air.

"Tygra smell nice." She opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

"T-thank you…" He wasn't sure what else to say, as a new rush of heat flushed into his cheeks again. Finding that he liked how his name sounded when she said it.

"Don't fall for it Tygra, she is trying to seduce you!" Snarf stood on the end of his tail and pointed at her. "I have a bad feeling about-" Snarf's rant was suddenly put on hold as Kagome reached out and placed him onto her lap. "What are you-!" Snarf paused when Kagome started to softly scratched behind his ears, and he sighed. "Ah~ Snarf…" He closed his eyes in bliss, almost purring.

"Snarf." Kagome smiled down at him and he blushed. The large feline rolled onto his side so she could rub his belly.

"What are you doing Snarf?" Lion-O questioned. "I thought you said not to trust her?"

"Well I just decided that she's not so bad after all." Snarf quickly changed his tune.

All the ThunderCats laughed, causing a loud roar to echo inside of the sound proof vehicle.

As the ThunderCats arrived at the Cat's Lair, Lion-O and Kagome were the last ones to exit out of the tank. Lion-O Jumped out first then casually reached his hand out for her to take, helping her off of the tank.

Motioning with a wide sweep of his hand, he smiled.

"Welcome to Cat's Lair. My home." He spoke proudly.

"Uchi?" She mumbled in her own language. "Home?" She repeated taking in the grand sight.

"Uchi?" He copied the word. "Does that mean home?" He asked. She nodded her head.

"Uchi, home."

"I see." He hummed. "Why don't I show you around my uchi?"

She just smiled brightly before they walked into Cat's Lair.

Lion-O calmly walked down the hallway, he was guiding Kagome through the rooms of the Lair so she could familiarize herself with them. He glanced at her, and he frowned slightly. She was walking slowly, limping with each step, and every now and then she would wince.

Suddenly he stopped, and she looked at him questionably. Bending down he picked her up carefully, holding her in his arms, close to his chest. He was slightly surprised at how light she was-

"Put me down." She started to squirm in his hold and kick her feet. As she pounded his chest with her small hands, he just held her tighter, not paying attention to her persists.

"You're hurt." His deep voice surrounded her, causing her to pause in her struggle. "I'm not going to let you walk any further on your injured legs." He spoke with a stern tone, saying that was that, and ending an argument that wasn't even a real fight to begin with.

Her ears slowly deflated, and he watched as she looked down at the ground, a blush staining her cheeks.

With that said he continued his small tour, carrying her the whole way…

"And this is my room." He turned towards the door, and it automatically opened.

"Lion-O's?" She stared inside the room for a few moments.

"Yeah." He nodded, before turning and walking a few steps further. "And this is yours." He smiled. "Directly beside mine." He figured it was best that way, so he could keep an eye on her. "Kagome's." He told her, so she would understand a little better.

"…!" Her eyes widened as she stared at the room, and he chuckled at her reaction.

He walked into the room, the door opening on its own, raveling a nice large room for her to call her own.

"Cheetara and the others probably already got clothes for you to wear while I was showing you the Lair." He had a feeling that was the case.

Walking over towards the bed, he carefully placed her down onto the soft comforter and took a step back.

"…?" She looked up at him and blinked in confusion. He gave a soft sigh, before turning towards her closet and opening the door, revealing several different' outfits for her to wear. "!" Instantly her eyes lit up with joy and she jumped onto her feet, but then she hissed, falling back onto the bed.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking down at her in worry. She just shook her head, and looked down at her lower half, as if disappointed at herself. She raised one of her legs and started to rub her calf, a deep look in her eyes. "After the meeting is over with, I'll have Tygra look over your legs to see if he can help you."

"Tygra…?" She repeated.

"Yes. We don't have a real healer in our group, but Tygra is pretty smart and has many medicines. Not to mention he knows a lot about how the body works, and other such things. Out of all of us, he would be the best choice on how to help your legs."

"Tygra help?" She asked. He just nodded.

"Yeah. Tygra will make you feel better."

"Tygra makes me feel good?" She repeated, her words were broken and strangely worded.

Lion-O sighed, feeling a rush of heat go into his cheeks, and he reached up, covering up his embarrassed face with his clawed hand.

Oh boy…

"I'm not so sure it is safe to keep her here." Cheetara spoke up.

"Not safe?" Lion-O repeated. "She is harmless-"

"You don't know that Lion-O." Panthro said. "You barely know anything about her, then you suddenly want her to live with us?"

"She is alone, she has no one else-"

"You don't know that either." Panthro replied. "She can barely speak our names; much less say anything about her life or where she came from." He added. "She probably has a lot of people and friends-"

"What better reason is there to help her find her home, then to return her to those friends?" He asked.

"But staying here and helping her find her home are two different things, Lion-O." WillyKit started.

"Yeah. We are talking about her staying with us at the moment; we didn't say we wouldn't help her find her home…" Kat agreed with his sister.

"But she must stay here, so she can learn some English, that way we can help her."

"That can't be the only way to help her, can it?" Tygra responded.

"Not you too Tygra." Lion-O sighed.

"Lion-O, stop and think for a minute." Tygra tried to reason with him. "Remember the last time we trusted someone enough to invite them into our lair?" He asked.

"How could I forget?" He replied.

"Then you should know how we feel." Reaching up, Tygra placed his hand over his heart. "Mumm-Ra used all his power to trick us so he could get into Cat's Lair, do you really think he wouldn't stoop so low as to masquerade as a female cat this time to try again?"

"I know what you are saying, but you didn't see what I did." He told them. "Monkian, he almost-!" He gave a soft growl, his anger eating him away, just thinking about it. "Mumm-Ra wouldn't let something like that happen to him, even to get into the lair."

The other cats just looked at each other, confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Lion-O, don't you think you are defending her a little too much?" Tygra asked, quickly catching on to this fact. "You are supposed to be neutral and look at this situation with a calm mind, yet you have already picked her side, not wanting to listen to our thoughts or opinions."

"…" Lion-O sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry everyone."

All the cats nodded, smiling towards their leader.

And so the council meeting continued for what seemed like forever…

"I think that is more than just a coincidence that a female suddenly appeared to us, and not only does she not speak our language, English, the universal language spoken throughout the galaxies, but she is also lost and needs our help?" Tygra argued, speaking his thoughts. "The whole thing puts me on edge, and the fact that I felt a strange power from her when we saw her in the forest." The others nodded in agreement to his words. They all felt the power coming off of her.

"My fur stood up so much that I was almost a porcupine." Kat spoke up, and his sister nodded.

"If you all really think she is Mumm-Ra, why don't you just do the same thing we did last time, and give her a trial?" Lion-O told them his idea. "One week, I believe that is how long we gave Pumm-Ra, right?" Of course it didn't last that long, for that very night Mumm-Ra showed his true colors as he tried to steal the Sword of Omens.

The others looked down at the table in thought, before finally coming up with a decision. They all nodded, agreeing with him. He smiled, feeling a heavy weight lift off of his chest…

As he watched the others stand and leave the room, he soon got up as well, before deciding to catch up with the knowable Tygra. Reaching out he touched his friend's arm, catching his attention.

"Is there something you wish to talk to me about, Lion-O?" He asked.

"Yes. I would like you to take a look at Kagome."

"Kagome?" He repeated, raising his eyebrow at him in question.

"Yes. You see, she's in a lot of pain. I don't know why exactly, but it's her legs…" He started to explain to him, knowing he would understand and do what he could to help her.

Tygra sighed as he stood in front of her door, a small carrying case with him. Inside of it were all the tools he believed he would need, and several other things. Once he was ready, he took a step forward and the door opened for him, so he went into the room-

His eyes widened, and his orange cheeks took on a tint of red, watching Kagome slowly buttoning up her dress shirt while sitting on the bed. She blinked, pausing in her dressing, and looked towards him. Her face turned cherry red and she squeaked in surprise, quickly turning her back towards him and closing her shirt up.

"…" He gave a small cough and turned his head away from her, the blood in his cheeks not truly going away. "Lion-O told me about your legs…" He cleared his throat and shook his body slightly, riding his mind of any wandering thoughts.

He walked over towards her and without a second thought he got onto his knee, placing his case onto the floor beside him. Reaching out he grabbed one of her ankles, her bare legs hanging off the bed freely, while she was only wearing her dress shirt- Obviously her choice in sleepwear for tonight.

She gave another squeak in surprise and turned her head towards him, an annoyed look on her face.

"You could give someone a warning!" She called, speaking her strange language at him. "Not to mention that you should learn to knock!"

"Don't get angry with me." He could tell by the tone in her voice, though he couldn't understand the words. "I'm just trying to help you and be on my way." Reaching out with his free hand he grabbed her calf-

She suddenly screamed in pain, catching him off guard, and her ankle slipped from his grasp as she quickly pulled it away. He witnessed her scooting far away from him to the other side of the bed, before looking down at the leg he grabbed. Her ears were dropped, as tears were in the corner of her eyes and she whimpered softly, gently rubbing her calf.

He sighed as a pain hit him in the chest, and he looked away for a moment. He stood up, his movement causing her to look towards him cautiously. Her eyes narrowed when he calmly raised his leg and placed his knee onto the comforter, and crawled onto the bed. As he approached her, she pressed her back against the wall and curled her legs to her chest.

He looked down at her with a saddened expression, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I didn't know your pain was so severe." Reaching his hand out towards her, he looked at her worriedly. "I promise I'll be more careful, and I won't hurt you ever again."

"…" She looked down at the bed, as if thinking it over.

"Please?" He added. She gave a soft sigh, before slowly uncurling her legs, but after so far she only stretched one of them out completely until it was within his reach. He smiled. "Thank you." She blushed and shook her head, yet a small smile was on her face.

Reaching out he grabbed her ankle and pulled it closer to him, this caused her to squeak out in surprise, because by doing so he actually pulled her entire body towards him. He gave a small laugh, apologizing as he felt her angry glare bore onto his head.

With his free hand, he slowly reached towards her calf once more. Glancing up, he saw she had a pained look on her face, expecting it to hurt again, and her ears lowered onto her skull. Yet instead, this time he gently ran his hand along her fur, not touching the surface completely and just hovered. This caused her to blink in surprise, her ears perking up.

He moved his hand up her calf, before stopping at her knee cap and moving back down. With each time he slowly lowered his hand onto her leg. When his hand finally made contact, she winced, but he was happy it was not the same scream of pain like last time. Working his hand up her calf, he inspected it, running his fingers along her muscles and veins. His eyebrow angled together and he hummed.

"You're muscles are too tense." He quickly realized.

"Muscles?" She repeated, catching him off guard.

"Yes, your muscles. You've overworked them." It was nothing a little time and relaxation wouldn't cure.

"Tygra help?" She asked, looking at him with her deep blue eyes.

"I'll do what I can for now…" He replied honestly. Slowly he moved his hand in a small circle, gently rubbing her to try and loosen them. She gave a small squeak, and closed her eyes, a stain of red splashing across her nose. He gave a small chuckle as he watched her ears slowly lower themselves in relaxation.

It wasn't long before his hand was joined by the other as he rubbed her calf carefully, so as not to be too rough and hurt her. He continued his treatment, slowly moving up her leg, and passed her knee, reaching her thigh- Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she gasped, pulling away from him. He looked at her worriedly as she curled her legs up to her chest again and whimpered.

"What's wrong? I said I wasn't going to hurt you." She just shook her head and looked down at the bed in regret. Tygra sighed, not sure why she was acting this way…Slowly his eyes lowered, yet his golden orbs widened when he spotted a darker blotch, printed onto her thigh, barely visible thanks to her naturally black fur. "What's that?" He asked, leaning down and inspecting it. She shook her head, and started to scoot away- He quickly reached out and grabbed her ankle, pulling her too him so he could get a better look. She started shouting at him in her strange language, but he paid that no mind, placing his hand beside the large mark on her thigh. "It's a hand print…" He quickly realized.

He paused in his thoughts when he noticed she finally stopped her squirming and wiggling. Yet his eyes widened again when he saw her eyes flushed with unshed tears, and her ears where lowed to her skull in sadness.

"Monkey…" She mumbled, so low he almost didn't catch it. She turned her head away, as if in shame and reached up to her chest, clinching her shirt.

"Monkey…?" He repeated-

"I know what you are saying, but you didn't see what I did." He told them. "Monkian, he almost-!"

Tygra's eyes widened in realization, and he quickly pulled his hand away from her thigh, as if he were burnt, before removing himself from her bed to give her space. He didn't even- How could he-? But she didn't seem like- It just…

He looked down at the floor with both anger and disgust. He shook his head. He was almost as bad, and freighted the girl…and after what she's been through- He was disrespectful and treated her horribly…

"I'm sorry Kagome." He looked back up at her, staring into her eyes whole-heartedly. "I treated you unfairly, when I didn't even know the whole story. I judged you wrong, and though I don't know the details exactly, I am truly, truly sorry for touching you like that." He lowered his head in shame.

He sighed, feeling the weight of guilt hit him hard- He paused when he felt small arms encircle around him, and a wave of black was blocking his vision below him. She was gently hugging him, her head resting on his chest while she was sitting on her knees, still on the bed.

"Tygra nice." She mumbled into his chest, causing him to smile. He reached up and patted her on the head. "It's Okay." She hugged him tighter, before releasing him from her death grip. She lowered one of her hands and placed it onto her thigh. "Tygra makes me feel good."

"…!" He coughed, feeling a rush of heat flood his cheeks, going across his nose. He cleared his throat, before looking down at her.

She was looking up at him with her deep blue eyes, a bright smile on her face. His reddened cheeks darkened, if possible, and he turned his head away.

She looked so innocent; he just didn't have the heart to correct her…

Kagome sat inside of the room Lion-O gave her, on her bed. She looked down at her changed body, clothed in the outfit they were kind enough to give her, and sighed. Her tail curled around, resting on her lap, and this caused many questions to rise in her thoughts again.

How did she get here? What exactly was Third-Earth? How was she going to get back? What kind of bad luck did she have to end up in a crazy messed up world like this one…?

She thought back to the moments with her friends from the past. Miroku and Sango. Sesshomaru, Jaken, and the child Rin. Shippo, her son. Inu- Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha." She whispered. Just thinking about the half-demon made her heart ache.

She'd miss his rough and rude comments. It was strange to think she'd be without them for so long- She would miss them all. Miroku's wandering hands. The talks she had with Sango. Sesshomaru's cold behavior. Jaken…-

The way Rin would play with Shippo in the flowers. And how her son would enjoy the candy she brought back, even though he spent so long asking her not to go home, and that he wanted her to stay with him instead…

She sighed as she thought about her real family. Her mother, grandfather, and brother, Sota.

She looked down at her clawed hands, wondering if she would be able to face them looking like this. Feeling a familiar feeling of her eyes retaining water, she sniffled as her vision became blurry. Reaching up she rubbed her waterlogged eyes, and a small cry escaped her lips.

She slowly laid down onto her soft comforters, curling her legs up to her chest, her tail twitching behind her.

"What will you say if you saw me like this?" If they even saw her at all…

Her ears lowered to her head, pressing against her hair. Her body felt heavy, and an empty and lonely feeling consumed her. Realization hit her hard…

She would probably never return, or see any of them ever again…

"I want to go home…"

The rest of the night she cried until she was so tired that she passed out from the exhaustion of it all.

Lion-O lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He rolled over to his side and sighed, finding himself unable to sleep, thinking about the new visitor to their lair; Kagome.

She was taken away from her home, and now she was inside of a strange place. What if she was scared or lonely? He sighed again, standing on his feet, and got dressed.

As he took the few steps needed before standing in front of her room, he took a big deep breath, taking the final step forward- The door silently opening.

Yet he froze in his steps when he spotted Kagome curled up on her bed, her back facing him, so she didn't realize he was there. The familiar sound of her crying entered his ears, as he watched her body tremble with each sob.

His chest ached, seeing her like that. He opened his mouth to call to her and he reached out, as if to touch her, though he was too far away-

"Uchi ni kaeritai desu." She spoke sadly in her language, causing him to pause.

There was only one word he knew from that sentence: Home…

He knew that she wanted to go home- Her real home. He understood that feeling all too well, for he still thought about his home on Thundera often.

He lowered his hand, and turned, walking back to his own room.

She needed some time alone…

Story Note:Hey guys, ShadowFoxMoon here. I know I usual don't have multiple multi-chapter stories going on at the same time, it's not my style, but I thought I would do something different.

All my new multi-chapter story ideas:

Weakness: DragonballZ/INU

Lost At Sea: OnePiece/INU

Spirit's Revenge: Bleach/INU

Lion-o and Tygra and Romance, Oh My: ThunderCats/INU

Hyrule's Goddess of Light: Zelda Twilight Princess/INU

The first chapters are all going to be posted, and I'm going to put up a poll and you can vote for your two favorites, on which one I should work on first/add more chapters to.

Fun 'n Games At Ouranis still a long way from finishing, but I figure if I start the poll now, by the time it is finished, I'll know who wants to read what stories more and which one to work on first by then.

So if you liked this story, read the others and vote for your favorite on my profile!