Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds nor it's characters.

AN: Greetings, this is my first Criminal Minds fic. I usually write Law and Order SVU or NCIS fics, but I've recently fallen in love with this show and with all that has happened with Emily and Doyle, I decided to give my own perspective of what I thought might have happened. This is only going to be a two-shot as I feel that it shouldn't be longer than that. Anyway, I hope you like this! Thanks for reading!

7 Months

It had been seven months since Emily Prentiss gained a new identity, since everything that had happened with Ian Doyle, and since she last saw her family and the man she loved.

When she woke in Bethesda and saw JJ sitting in the chair beside her bed. She knew she wasn't going to be able to go back home. She wasn't going to get the chance to tell Aaron that their baby was a survivor. The beatings and the 2x4 to the abdomen had not gotten rid of their child made out of love.

She made JJ promise not to tell him shortly before she left for Paris. JJ swore and kept her word.

Now, seven months later, Emily was heading back home to her family and to Aaron. They were in for a huge surprise. Emily knew that the team was going to be wary of trusting her after all she had done to them. She knew that if Declan wasn't in danger at this moment that she wouldn't be returning at all.

From the moment she got off the plane to right now, walking down the hall to the BAU room, she worried what they would say, how they would act, and whether or not she would be able to contain her emotions as being pregnant limited her otherwise strong control over them.

She heard the familiar voice of Penelope Garcia crack as she said, "She's alive?"

She stopped for a moment to collect herself to walk into the room that contained her very upset and distraught family. It was when she heard the angry voice of Derek Morgan say, "Yeah, I've got issues!"; that voice made her move forward. She reached the door and locked eyes with JJ and Hotch before she looked to the others.

The reunion was bittersweet, but she needed to stay focused on the task at hand. Declan couldn't afford to have her sidetracked. They would have to wait until everything was over before the different confrontations would happen.

After Declan was saved and the hearing was over and after she agreed to take up her job again under the condition that she was allowed maternity leave in a couple months did she steel herself for the bombardment of emotions and questions that were sure to come.

Everyone began to talk at once except JJ, Rossi, and Hotch. JJ had already known what happened. Rossi didn't know, but knew that Emily would tell him and the others in her own time. Hotch was trying to estimate how far along Emily was.

Emily raised her hand and silenced them. She indicated to Garcia to go first because she knew that she would be metaphorically dying if she went last.

"How far along are you?" Garcia asked, "Who's the lucky guy?"

Emily looked up to Hotch. Their eyes met and she asked her silent question and he nodded his okay with them knowing. She looked back to the others.

"I'm seven months and the lucky guy, well, his name is Aaron. He's about 6'2. He has brown hair and eyes and is a great leader of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI," Emily replied.

Silence reigned in the room. Reid was looking at Hotch who was watching Emily. Morgan was glaring at the man while Garcia looked stunned. Rossi was amused that they had waited this long and, of course, JJ already knew.

"So, you got her pregnant and then sent her away after the crap with Doyle?" Morgan growled.

"I didn't know she was pregnant. The only one who knew was JJ, I guess," Hotch replied. Emily nodded confirming it for him.

"It's not like I could tell anyone what was going on no matter how much I wished I could. I've missed all of you very much and it was difficult to get this far without giving up, but this baby kept me going and kept me sane," Emily said.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" JJ asked, "Or is it a surprise?"

"Oh, it's a girl. I found out day before yesterday what she was," Emily said.

"Oh, a girl! Now I can go shopping! Have you thought of any names for the precious cherub?" Garcia asked.

"A couple, but I haven't been able to discuss them with her father," Emily replied.

"I think we'd all like to hear the suggestions," Hotch said with a slight grin.

Emily looked at him.

"Yeah, please Emily!" Garcia pleaded.

"Uhh, okay. Abigail Michelle, Addison Nicole, Maia Abigail," she stopped and smiled slightly at the name, "Miranda Catherine is the last one I've considered."

"Abigail?" Hotch asked.

"I don't know, but I like that name. I know I would want it somewhere in her name, but sometimes it doesn't flow," Emily explained.

"Well, I like them all," Garcia said.

"I like the sound of Maia Abigail. It's something different and unusual," Reid said, "Did you know that Maia means brave warrior and that Abigail means father's joy?"

"Hmm, I like it," Hotch said. Emily grinned.

"Maia Abigail?" Emily asked just to be certain. Hotch nodded.

Emily chuckled and winced at the foot making contact with her kidney.

"Are you okay?" Garcia asked.

"She kicked," Emily said.

"Can I feel?" Garcia asked. Emily nodded.

Normally, Emily would snap at a person for rubbing her stomach or coming near it. She wasn't Buddha or anything like that and it bugged her that some people thought her stomach was free reign. This was different though. This was family and she had wanted them involved from the start.

Emily took Garcia's outstretched hand and placed it over where the baby had been kicking. It took a minute, but then Garcia's face lit up at the feel of her kick.

"She did kick every now and then, but since I've been back it has gone on almost nonstop," Emily said.

"I would surmise that because your feelings of being safe have changed and the atmosphere that surrounds you as well that she senses your happiness," Reid diagnosed.

"That could very well be," Hotch agreed.

"Congratulations Emily," Rossi said, "Now, I've had a long day. I'm going home. See you guys tomorrow."

The team bid goodnight to the elder man as he made his way home.

"I need to be getting home too," JJ said, "Henry doesn't like to sleep until I've read him his book."

"Okay, good night JJ," Emily said. The others also bade her goodnight and she left.

Emily looked at Morgan who was leaning back in his chair. He still glared at Hotch, but when he felt Emily's eyes on him he averted his gaze to her and his glared softened.

"Hey guys, could you give me and Derek some time alone?" Emily asked.

"Sure," Garcia and Reid said in unison and left the room. Hotch lingered for a moment.

"It'll be okay. I'm not going anywhere and I trust Derek," Emily soothed him.

Hotch looked at Morgan and then stepped out of the room.

Emily took a seat next to him and he leaned forward until his elbows rested on his knees. He looked over at her and waited to hear what she had to say.

"Derek," she began softly, "It wasn't Hotch's fault that all this happened and you know that. You can't stay mad forever. I'd understand if you were to hate me, but not Hotch."

"Emily, I could never hate you. I may be upset that I was lied to for the past seven months amongst other things, but hating you isn't on my agenda," Morgan told her, "Actually I'm proud of you for doing all this by yourself. Not many women could do what you did."

"It's going to take some time for things to go back to normal, but I just wish that Aaron didn't put himself on the spot like that. He doesn't deserve all the blame," Emily said.

"Neither do you Emily. Not all of what happened was your fault," Morgan told her, "Though there is something that I don't get; why not ask for our help?"

"Doyle would've killed you all. He already threatened you in front of me. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I didn't want to be responsible for your deaths. I couldn't do that, and after everything that happened with my former teammates, I decided that I needed to take the fight to him," Emily said.

"What about her?" Morgan asked indicating Emily's womb.

"I didn't know I was pregnant at the time. Had I known, I don't know what would've happened, but I am grateful that she survived. She was a miracle," Emily said smiling.

"She is a miracle and I bet she's going to look just like her Mama," Morgan said.

Emily smiled.

"I really missed you Derek," Emily said.

"I missed you too, Emily," Morgan replied.

AN2: Leave a review, please and thank you!