Chapter 1-Welcome to La Push, Home of the Lumberjacks

I threw my hand over my alarm clock before it had time to attack my ears.

"Jordyn." I grumbled. I didn't hear her move, so I threw a pillow in her direction.

"Ugh!" she groaned, sitting up. Her blonde waves fell over her collar bone. I always wondered why she'd wanted to dye it, down here finding a natural blonde was pretty rare, but that was Jordyn-the idea of sticking out in any way, shape, or form terrified her.

"Kimamsdfsd." She whined.

"No, wake up." I sighed, not moving. We laid in silence for a while. This was the problem with me and Jordyn. You know how every pair of sisters has a responsible one, and then a reckless one? That was not the case with us. Neither of us felt the need to play adult, because to be honest…it was just too damn boring.

"Kim, Jordyn, awake, now." Mom's voice sounded even shriller in the morning. Jordyn scurried out of bed, eager to please. I heard a thud and a series of curse words.

"Shut up." She grumbled, swatting at me when I started laughing into my pillow. She grabbed my ankle and slung me out of bed, the cold wood floor shocking me out of my sleepy haze.

"Dammit, Jor." I whined, pulling on a tank top and a blue plaid short sleeved button-up. "You're such an ass in the morning." Jordyn shot me a smile and pulled her jeans on, nearly slipping again when the pant leg slid across the floor.

"Say nothing." She growled, pulling together what little dignity she had left.

I breezed past her and flipped the switch on in the bathroom. I squinted against the intense light, feeling around for my brush. I found a can of shaving cream instead, and in a panic ended up getting the shit all over my face. Clothes change, anyone? When I was re-dressed and could finally see straight, I went back in, this shoving the devil-cream off the counter. I ripped a brush through my straight black hair, feeling the ends that dipped to my collar bone. Someone needed a trim.

"Do you have my KU hoodie?" Jordyn demanded, nearly shoving me into the tub.

"Number one, no. Number two, this bathroom is not big enough for both of us. Scram." Jordyn rolled her hazel eyes at me before leaving again.

I studied myself in the mirror. People had always been very direct in the fact that she was the prettier sister. "5'7", Blonde hair, hazel eyes, perfect quilette toned skin, she was practically flawless with her high cheekbones and pouty lips. For the most part, I tried to ignore the hordes of family members that compared me to her, because it was never good news for me. My black, straight hair hung to my collar bones. I had the same skin tone as Jordyn, but my eyes were a little darker, and somewhat bigger. My nose was button-y, my lips were nice but my cheeks weren't nearly as good as hers were. She looked a lot like my mom than I did. I was shorter than both of them, only by an inch at "5'6", and instead of being blessed with curves that any woman would kill for, I wound up with big boobs and no ass, the rest was all muscle.

"You're so awkwardly portioned." Jor murmured, poking that non-existing ass of mine. I swatted her hand away.

"Zip it." She knew that was a sensitive subject. She rolled her eyes and waved at me, keys in hand.

Another thing-the fact that she's older by ONE YEAR means absolutely nothing. I am stronger and therefore I do what I please. Jordyn's whole thing was that there was supposedly only room for ONE princess in our household, and because she was 17 while I had just turned 16, she got to be it. I highly disagree. Let me just tell you, when push comes to shove, you play dirty. Jordyn knows I'm stronger, Jordyn knows I'm faster, Jordyn does NOT know how to blackmail, however-and as I we pulled into the La Push High parking lot, I was still teasing her about it.

"I swear you are twenty times more annoying in the morning." She murmured, her cheeks turning pink from the chill in the air. I rolled my eyes at her. We went through the front doors, me accidently brushing into someone.

"Sorry," I threw out absentmindedly.

"No problem." It was a deep, velvety voice, and even though my conscious told me to keep walking, I stopped dead in my tracks. Jordyn and I both stared at the massive figure loping down the hallway.

"Was that…"

"Jared Thail?" I finished.

Jared Thail? The Jared Thail? I couldn't believe it. The kid had shot up a good 6 inches in one week, standing at least "6'6". His muscles were huge, temping…a little scary, even.

"Is he on steroids?" Katie laughed, having caught up to us. I turned to the fiery red head, her pale skin glowing.

"Obviously." I stated, waving them both off.

"He must be, too bad. I heard he was uhm…quite large." Jordyn smiled, winking at me. I swung at her with my French book, daring her to say another word. Jared had sat next to me in my fourth grade class, and in an act of bravery I had decided it was a good idea to profess my undying love to him.

Not the best idea.

I stared at my watch.

"Shit!" I cried, running down the hallway, Katie close behind. Jordyn waved at us as we fled, nearly late for History. Jared sat in the seat to my left like he did all year, Brady Purser in front of him. Brady was just as big as Jared was. Muscles, height, his stature was twice as scary due to that temper of his. Before, he could snap you in half with his two bare hands. Now, he could do it with one.

I slumped into my seat with Katie in front of me, watching as her curls over lapped down her back.

"Kate, you're gorgeous." I whined quietly with envy.

"Yeah she is." Brady's voice came out of nowhere. Katie's head snapped up. Jared, who's head was in his hands, followed suit. Katie and Paul looked like they'd both just seen an angel.

"Hi, Uhm…I, we…uhmm…Brady." He stuttered, the grin still plastered to his face.

"Katie." She whispered. I noticed Brady was shaking. Jared nudged him, which only made it worse.

"Brady." Jared said firmly. Brady closed his eyes and took a deep breath before standing up and leaving, Katie following his figure with hopeful eyes. She turned to face me when he was gone. I raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do you have a thing for Brady?" I asked slyly.

"Isn't he flawless?" she sighed, turning back around. My jaw hit the floor so hard that there would be a bruise for weeks.

"MR. THAIL." A voice boomed. Mr. Davens glared from underneath a sweep of black hair. Jared looked up innocently. "Your project?" Mr. Davens asked in annoyance. Jared just nodded and stood in front of the class.

The girls drooled and sighed with lust as Jared rambled on aimlessly, his eyes traveling the faces of our classmates, looking about the room, searching for anything that would give him ideas until his eyes met mine.

"It was highly important for…for…." He trailed off.

He was perfect. Beyond perfect. Perfect wasn't even good enough. The chiseled jaw, the dark, straight hair. Those eyes that felt like they were burning right through me. His perfect lips curved into a smile. I knew I had to be grinning like an idiot, too. The whole classed had turned to look at me, Mr. Davens clearing his throat more times than necessary. Jared finished quickly before practically sprinting back towards his seat.

"Hi." He breathed, not looking away from me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot under the weight of his look and did the first thing that came to mind-I looked away. Yep, that's right. I tore my eyes away from the God in front of me and stared down at a worksheet about Chinese prostitutes in the 1800's, because that was going to solve my problem.

I counted the seconds he continued to stare at me. The minutes. God damn, an entire half hour, and I wasn't even sure he blinked once.

"Mr. Thail, we are all well aware that Ms. Conweller is a beautiful young lady, but could you please focus for a tiny portion of class?" Jared looked pissed. Everyone in the class had turned to look at me, studying me, deciding whether or not they agreed with Davens' statement. If I wasn't blushing before, I was now, and it was bad. Jared wasn't one for listening, apparently, because his eyes never left the side of my face, not until the last second before the bell.