Hey guys, it is I finished with chapter two of.. dun dun dun DUN Where's Reid? Thanks for the reviews! I hope you enjoy, it shall become interesting, hopefully, tell me what you think please? Ps Your reviews make me very happy!

Chapter 2: You Like That-

"Oh my god!" Garcia cried. "There's nothing here, nothing at all, not even a speck of dust.

Derek was extremely freaking out now "Aaah, what fucking happened" He quickly put a dent in the too clean white wall. JJ had to put her hand over her mouth.

It was up to Hotch to calm them down, "It's okay guys, maybe we just came into the wrong room."

"Maybe" Prentiss agreed.

"Guys you may need to come in here" Rossi yelled. As they all walked into Reid's room they all paused immediately, all the walls were covered with pictures of Reid from what looked like years back until now.

"I think this is the right room" Emily said nodding her head still shocked.

Morgan felt a hammer hit his heart. He didn't know he was sobbing until Hotch pulled him to the side and said "Morgan, will you be okay."

"Yeah sorry Hotch, we have to find this sonofabitch!"

"I know, we need to get started working on this, call the crimes scene unit, I'll talk to the rest of the team." Hotch said with fear clearly in his voice

All Morgan could do was think.

-What happened-?

-This isn't fair, will Reid be okay-

-Of course the day I was going to tell him, this is my fault i jinxed him-

-Even Hotch looked worried, this can't be good-

-GOD, I love you Spencer Reid-

-What if I never get to tell him-?

-NO! I can't think like that, if anyone can find him its us-

Let's all head back to headquarters and figure out what to do, and see if we can come up with a profile.

Reid awoke when he heard someone speak in his ear "You like that".

–What's going on- -where am i- -why can't I see- -why is my head splitting- -Who does that voice belong to- Reid thought. "Who are you?" Reid asked but it came out as a mumble so he tried again "huh-humh Who are you?"

"Oh, good Spencer your awake, I'm James" As James removed Reid's blind-fold, Reid saw a yellow grin smiling at him. The light was harsh towards Reid's eyes at first, when his eye's adjusted he looked around, it was dark besides a couple candles, there was an bathtub, a sink, and an old mattress towards the back, and there were no windows and just one door on top of some stairs, -I'm in a basement- -But who's basement- Reid thought worriedly. He could hear the song You Look Wonderful Tonight by: Eric Clapton playing in the background. –What a romantic accompaniment- he thought sarcastically.

He heard James ask again "You like that?"

"Yes" he answered a little too quickly.

"Don't talk too forcefully." "I really don't do for that" James made sure to emphasize all the words to intimidate Reid.

"I'm sorry" Reid almost whispered.

"Let's try again"

"Do you like my selection of music Spencer-huh?" James asked roughly.

"Yeah-ah" Reid stuttered.

James then wrapped his arms around Reid from behind, reached between his legs, and roughly grabbed Reid's member, kneading it in tempo, as he spoke James started becomimg turned on with Reid's moans and pleads—"I want you to tell me you like it when I massage your throbbing cock"

"You think you could remember that for me Spencer?" "Say it!" "Say it Spencer!" He suddenly squeezed really tight. "SAY IT, god-damn Spencer!" James nearly shouted.

"I like it when you massage my throbbing cock" Spencer kinda sobbed and made a whimpering noise. James stayed silent.

"Like that" Reid asked when the silence was too much.

"Aaah" Reid yelped out more than the degree of pain called for, but he was pretty sure James got off on it, and that made him feel sick. He tried to think of anything besides the amount of intimacy the hand was doing.

"Were both so wet Spencer" That comment was it for Spencer he paled and started to get angry "NO! My team will find me, and when they do they'll either tear you to shreds or they'll lock you up for the rest of your miserable fucking life!" That comment received Reid a cold slap across his face.

"That's the thanks I get for pleasuring you" "They're not going to find you Spencer, what even makes you think they care, your mine and you'll just have to get used to that won't you, your MINE!" "UNDERSTAND"

James hit him hard again "You're not the smartest cookie in the cookie jar are you?"

"No" Reid mumbled


"No, I'm not the smartest cookie in the cookie jar."

"Good-boy" James added

"Every good boy gets a treat" James added smirking.

He walked back around and started kissing Spencer aggressively, James then slipped his tonuge in Reid's mouth. Reid started tasting blood in his mouth from where James bit his tongue for trying to yank his head away. Luckily James pulled away biting Reid's lip.

James then went for Reid's neck attacking it with lustful passion, sucking and nibbling all over the pale flesh.

"Your so beautiful, Spencer, so so beautiful." "MY beautiful Spencer!"

Next chapter will be longer, I think. Anyways sorry it took me so long as you know I completely re-did this chapter, I think this one is way better, anyways thanks for being you!


I feel so evil, poor Reid, but don't worry reid Morgan will come to the rescue, right? RIGHT!

Tell me what you think, guys!

Love, ScarletReidGubler

Ps. Thanks for all the tips, I tried to use them as much as I could, and can.