Where's Reid

Hey! It's finally here yay Chapter one to my new story titled Where's Reid, anyways tell me what you think good or bad, I can handle it ha-ha, so this story is going to be rated T for now but it will most definitely turn to M.. is there anything else I need to tell you.. la la la la… hmmhmm Don't worry im still writing my other story I know what you want, but I'm a double tasker though so I like to keep busy. ^_^

Love, ScarletReidGubler

Chapter 1: Finally telling him-

As Derek Morgan, the BAUS buffed up alpha male; strolled into the calm and quiet desk area of the building he had only one thing on his mind

–Today I'm telling pretty boy I love him whether he loves me back are not-

-I'm so nervous though-

-Will he love me too-?

When he was done thinking to himself he noticed he was at his pretty boy's desk, but wait there was no pretty boy in it.

-He's probably just getting his like 20th cup of coffee; I'll go tell him in the break room-

As he was walking to the break room he sees JJ walking and he gives her a friendly wave. "NmmNmmhmm, sorry no coffee for you, round table room" all playfulness leaves quickly "Is it a bad one JJ" Before she gets to the conference room door she quickly replies " Aren't they always" with a smile, which makes Morgan lightly chuckle.

As they all sit down at the round table Garcia comes in with a bright blue dress splattered in orange and green with huge, orange, triangle earrings and a bright green feather head band on. "Morning my doves, this ones a pretty bad one in New York, the victims are all female models who I promise don't eat anything, anyways they were all kidnapped and found dead 48 hours later with their hair shaved off and ligature marks around their wrist, ankles, and throat, they were all found naked, beaten and raped (pulls up pictures and looks away quickly) as you see they were all found in children's stores pretty wrong right anyways…" "Wait" "Garcia" "Stop" Morgan nearly shouts.

"Yes my secret sex kitten" Garcia says with a kind of saddening look (that comment got looks) "Where is Reid?" (Everyone looks around) "That is a very good question" Garcia chimed in worriedly. "Did he go to get coffee?" Prentiss asked. "I don't think he came in today" Rossi said. "After we discuss the case, we'll go to his apartment" Hotch said.

When Garcia finished the presentation for the case, all Derek could think about is where was Reid was he sick, still asleep, or whatever else.

–How come the day I'm going to tell pretty boy how I feel, he's not here-



-Couldn't be-

-Is he avoiding me, does he know that I'm in love with him-


-Does he know that I was going to tell him how I feel today-?

-He hates me, what am I ever going to do if he hates me so much that he's too afraid to come to work-

-How would he know though?-

"Chocolate lover"

-What If he did love me, how would we be able to make this work, I mean would the team accept us-

-He hates me-

"Derek!" "Oh, sorry guys I was lost in thought" "Where are we?"

"Boy genius's apartment" Garcia chirped loudly.

"Oh, about time" As the team walked into the apartment and up to the counter with an old man typing slowly on a computer, Morgan suddenly got butterflies, he was nervous about seeing Reid, none of the team has ever been to his apartment before.

"Hello" Hotchner said kind of meanly in Derek's opinion. "Hello and welcome", the old man said, "I'm the apartment's manager, Roger Beckman, how may I help you?" "I'm Agent Hotchner of the FBI, I would like the room number to a Spencer Reid, please" "Of course, is he I some kind of trouble?" "No were coming to pick him up" Emily said politely. "Oh okay his room number is 502 on the fourth floor" "thank you"

"Do you think Hotch is mad at Reid", JJ whispered to Morgan, Emily, and Garcia. "I'm not sure but I'm going more towards a yes because he's having to pick Reid up and we had to cut the presentation kind of short" Prentiss Replied. Derek couldn't say anything because his butterflies where getting the best of him, but as they got closer to the room where his sleeping beauty awaits, he realized that their not butterflies, their worriedness.

Knock Knock

Knock Knock Knock

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock


"Morgan Calm down" Garcia try's"


"Morgan what if he's sleeping"


"Morgan don't break his door"


"You're being unreasonable"


"Are you even listening?"


"We can get a key!"

BAAMMM(Door falls with loud thump)

"Reid?"(They all walk in)

"Oh My God!" Garcia Cry's.

That's the end to chapter one! Tell me what you think continue this story or drop it quickly. PLEASE REID & REVIEW!