
Hank tore across the park, outpacing the other officers behind him. He had no idea how Renard knew where to find Nick, but his first priority was to find his partner in one piece. Seeing Larson and Taylor's vehicle parked in the lot was enough for Hank. Leaving two officers to guard the abandoned vehicle, Hank ordered the rest to follow him.

"Nick!" Two shadowy figures came into view further down the path. Hank skidded to a halt, gaze sliding over Monroe to land on Nick's shivering, bloody figure. He grasped Nick's arms tightly. "Are you okay?"

Nick nodded. "Fine."

"He needs a hospital," chimed in Monroe.

Hank nodded. "Where's the perp?"

Monroe jerked his head behind him. "Back there."

Hank looked at the mauled heap several yards away. "What the hell happened?"

"I'll explain later," Nick said. "Can we go?"

"Yeah, man." Hank released one of Nick's arms, using his grasp on the other to guide Nick back towards his car. "Wu, secure the scene and call for backup? I'm taking these guys to the hospital."

"You got it," Wu said. "Glad you're okay, Nick."

Nick smiled faintly in Wu's direction as he was tugged away from what had almost become his crime scene.

Renard stood on the front porch of Nick's house, cell phone pressed to his ear. He had just heard from the hospital about Nick's condition and knew that the young man was on his way back at that moment. That gave him about fifteen minutes to come up with an explanation as to how he had figured out where the Reaper had taken Nick, and to make this phone call.

He heard the other end of the line pick up and spoke without waiting for a customary greeting.

"You have undermined my rule again. The agent you sent has been dealt with."

Pause. "Your position on this matter has caused many concerns about your ability to rule your protectorate."

"My ability to rule is not in question," Renard countered firmly. "My Grimm has not acted counter to my wishes since he has come online. He is under my command and as such is no threat to you or anyone else."

"Your actions in this matter have not made you any friends here, Renard. Even if you are right and the Grimm is not a concern, your defiance is. Do not be surprised to find more challenges after this."

Renard bristled. "Any more interferences and challenges will be met with more of the same. Leave me to rule as I see fit."

A click and silence answered him. Renard snapped his phone shut and shoved it in his pocket, fuming silently.

He had a feeling that his troubles with the Ferat were only just beginning.

Morning dawned warmly, gently rousing Nick from sleep. He blinked open his eyes and curled into the warmth of his bed clothes, giving in to the urge to lay in bed lazily for a little while longer.

Memories of the last few hours awakened in his mind. He stared blankly at the wall as he recalled Monroe's eleventh hour rescue, Hank's demands about his health, and the whirlwind trip to the hospital.

Juliette had come running into his exam room right after the nurse had finished putting stitches into his hand. It had taken some time for her to calm down once she learned the whole story, and had refused to leave his side for the rest of the night.

Renard, along with several others from the department, was waiting for him when Monroe and Juliette took him back home. Nick had been saddened to learn about Larson and Taylor, and spared a thought that the Reaper's death had been too quick. He quickly banished that thought; he wasn't the only one to lose friends at the Reaper's hands, and it had to be enough that that monster would never harm another person again. It would be enough.


So lost in memories was Nick that is was several moments before he realized that he could actually see the wall he was staring at.

Startled, Nick sat up and looked around his bedroom.

His eyesight was still very fuzzy, and smaller details were harder to make out, but there was no mistaking his dresser across the room, or the curtains on his window. He could see!

A grin spread across his face and he climbed out of bed. Tugging on his robe, Nick walked out of his bedroom and into the hallway, soaking in every inch of his home with a new appreciation. He walked carefully down his stairs, drawn toward the sound of light conversation in the dining room.

His eyes were drawn to Juliette first, sitting at the table with a cooling cup of coffee in front of her. Nick studied her red hair cascading down her back and over her shoulders. He saw the soft smile on her face and glimmer in her eyes that she always had when involved in a joke.

Across from her sat Monroe. Curly brown hair tousled from sleep, beard a little thicker than normal. His brown eyes were sly, as if sharing a secret. He lifted his mug of coffee to his lips, eyes flickering over to Nick. He set his coffee down and smiled in greeting. "Well, look who's up! Nick, man, we thought you'd sleep the day away!"

Juliette turned and smiled at him. Nick felt a warm glow inside at the realization that the two most important people in his life were sitting before him. He smiled at both of them.

"Hey, guess what?" he said.


Finished! Finally! Thank you to everyone who reviewed and stuck it out to the end with me! I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing.