Chapter 6
I typed the begining half on iphone and autocorrect always screws me up. So I am sorry if there are any mistakes. Please tell me, if there are so I can fix them.
Pease read and enjoy
Kid made his way back to his room, slamming the door behind him loudly. He kicked off his tall white boots and fell onto the bed with a loud sigh. The hat was thrown to the side, his hair was spikier than usual and sticking up in all directions...what the hell was that hat made of?
Capitol dog...the boy's words hissed in his mind. Is that all he is? All this time being manipulated and dressed up like some kind of doll for the Capitol's entertainment? Was he really going to get out of this world? Would he be able to save everyone?
A knock at his door made him scowl. What now? Couldn't he have at least five minutes of privacy in this damn place?
He got up slowly, annoying the person on the other side of the door. He twisted the knob, putting on a pissed off face. But it turned into surprise a second later when Effie bursts in and wrapped her arms around the thief in a very tight hug.
"Oh my dear god, you were golden, honey! I haven't seen the crowd cheer like that since Katniss and Peeta's opening ceremony! That was a brilliant performance!"
"...Thank you..." Kid was barely able to choke out his response.
"Good good good. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Come to the main hall in ten minutes! We have to get ready for the evening celebration ball!" Effie let go and began walking towards the door.
"Celebration what!" Kid gaped slightly as he regained his composure. His Hunger Game manager turned around and shook her head as if she had forgotten something obvious.
"Oh yes, the celebration is new and you might not know what it is. It's just a social gathering of all the tributes and famous Panem officials. There will be exquisite food and it's a wonderful time to socialize and find good sponsors!"
Kid nodded tiredly and Effie rushed out the door with a pleased laugh. For once she wasn't the laughing stock of the Capitol.
Kid groaned and slammed the door shut again. There was beep that echoed through his room and he frowned. What was that? He glanced around warily with sharp eyes...he squinted and noticed at small red dot on the window. What...?
He slowly made his way to his bed and sat down quietly, facing the window. With a quick glance he saw a smooth black piece of metal on the small table next to the bed. He picked it up with caution and examined it; it looked like a piece of decoration. He touched the smooth surface and gasped when it lit up, the room got a bit brighter and he looked up and his eyes widen.
"Tantei-kun..." He barely suppressed a gasp. The miniature detective's face was displayed across the now gone window.
"Yo." Conan smirked softly.
"May I ask how?" Kid smiled as sweetly as he could. Seriously, how calm could he be when his rival randomly appeared on his glass window with a knowing smirk?
"Apparently that remote next to the beds can change the scenery of the window. You can also connect to another room using it...pretty cool isn't it?"
"Yeah yeah, like some variation of a video call but usin your window." Kid muttered lowly. Conan watched him quietly.
" look like hell." The detective's smirk widen a bit and Kid sighed, running a hand through his already messed up hair.
"Well, I feel like it too." he said with a tired grin. Conan raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else. The sound of a door opening behind Conan caught both of their attentions. Conan groaned and turned around.
"Ah! Kid-san!" Mitsuhiko appeared in front of the window screen. Kid smiled and nodded, chuckling as Genta hounded Conan about the remote. He blinked when he saw a slight movement from behind Conan and Genta. Ayumi was standing at the doorway, her eyes teary and red.
"Ojou-chan." Kid said in a gentle voice. The girl trembled even more and closed her eyes. The other three in the room turned to her.
"Ayumi" Conan put a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes, they were wet with tears. She sniffed and walked up slowly to the window screen.
"K-kid-san, I-I'm sorry." she sniffed.
Kid put up a finger to his lips.
"Shh, Ojou-chan, it's okay."
"Anyway, what did you think Ojou-chan? Did I look good at the parade, did I do well?" a small smile crept onto the girl's face and she nodded.
"Mmhmm, you looks really cool, Kid-san. The hat was very pretty! And your cape was really cool"
He laughed.
"Really? I'm glad you liked it because it was really heavy!"
She laughed with him.
"Ne, Ojou-chan?..."
"Huh? W-what?"
"Can you do me a big favor?" Conan was frowning and Ayumi looks perplexed.
"What is it?"
"When I'm in there….cheer for me, okay?" Ayumi's eyes widen in surprised. Her lips trembled but she bit them softly and forced a watery smile.
"I will. You have to win too!" She wiped her tears away and Kid grinned.
"Thank you, I'll do my I have to go."
"Go where?" Conan appeared on the screen again with narrowed eyes.
"Effie-san, my manager, said there's going to be a party tonight. She wants me to get ready."
"W-wait. What kind of party are you talki-"
"Ja ne!" Before Conan could protest, Kid slid his fingers across the smooth piece of metal and the detective's face disappeared and the city night view was once again plastered across the window. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to prevent an oncoming headache. He glanced at clock on the wall. It was time to go.
He pushed off the bed and went towards the door, slipping in his boots. The halls were empty but he could hear Effie's high voice from the main hall.
"Oh there he is!" Effie gushed and gestured for him to come closer. Cinna and his prep team are also present. Octavia laughed and gave him a light peck on the cheek. Venia grinned and hugged him tight.
"Congratulations." Flavius nodded, patting him on the back.
"Thank you." He said quietly before turning to Cinna.
"That was a great performance, Kid-kun, beyond my expectations! You, are absolutely a mystery. You introduced the cape to the audience just the way I was hoping you would." Cinna smiled and Kid laughed, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. Sure he was used to praises from his millions of fangirls but none of them had ever sounded so genuine. Cinna nodded before clapping his hands.
"Alright, enough chitchat, the party is starting soon. Kid-kun, you are going to have to change into a new outfit. Octavia, Venia, Flavius, get a move on!"
"Yes sir!" the three chirped before ushering Kid out the main hall.
"That was wonderful! I didn't know you were a magician." Venia smiled.
"Ah, well, my father was…"
"Oh, who was your father?" Octavia asked, wondering if he was famous in the Capitol. Kid stiffened and didn't answer, earning questioning looks from his prep team and a raised eyebrow from Cinna.
"My father….is dead." He said as quietly and unemotionally as he could. Luckily his oblivious, idiotic prep team sensed his pain.
"Oh darling, I'm so sorry, we will never ask again!" Octavia looked near tears and Venia nodded her head apologetically.
"It's alright, it happened a long time ago, don't cry Octavia-chan!" He smiled and Octavia gave him a sniffled okay. They turned a corner and the trio stopped him and ushered him into a room. It was another bedroom but there was also a stand of cosmetics and other accessories. On the bed laid a suit. It was his standard Kid uniform, minus the top hat and cape. However he could see the few edits to make it more original.
"We just loved the outfit you wore before and decided to make many suits based off of them. I hope you don't mind. They might sell really well when we put it on market!" Flavius provided him with an explanation. Kid nearly laughed. On market? Heh, imagine Nakamori-keibu seeing a street of people wearing the Kid uniform. His blood pressure will surely rise.
"Its fine, I don't mind." He nodded and the prep team sighed in relief.
'Well, come one we don't have all night, let's get you into this thing." Venia announced and the other two nodded.
A few minutes later, the suit was on and they began applying minimum makeup on the thief's face.
"Perfect! Cinna, what do you think?" Octavia put the blush down as Cinna came up to the thief and observed silently.
"Yes, it's fine, thank you everyone." The three beamed before bidding Kid goodbye and leaving the room to prepare their own evening outfits. As they left, Cinna entered.
"Aren't you going to change into another outfit too?" Kid questioned, fixing his monocle and Cinna gave him a small smile.
"I'll be fine. My outfit is simple anyway. Listen Kid-kun…"
"There will be many important Panem Officials there. Ones that may be determining what your fate will be in the Games."
"…you mean Gamemakers?"
"Precisely, a word of advice, if you want to have an easier time in the Arena…"
"…I was never one for getting things easily, Cinna…" The stylist gave him a wry smile and sighed.
"Yes, so I have observed. But I'm worried for you, Kid-kun. You are just like Katniss. An easy life is not what you have. You have earned what you have today by working hard for it." Kid remained silent and Cinna sighed again.
"Well, it is time for the party. I will accompany you down to the ballroom. I will meet you later on during the night." Kid nodded and the two left the room in silence.
"That was an awesome performance Kid-san!" A man beamed and shook the phantom's hand.
"Thank you, I had fun performing it." Kid smiled before excusing himself.
"Kid-san, delightful performance!"
"Kid-san, excellent magic tricks!"
"Kid-san! I love your suit!"
"Kid-san, your cape was absolutely lovely."
"Kid-san, any comments on when your outfit will hit the market?"
"Kid-san, wonderful taste in shoes!"
He nodded and smiled as compliments were thrown to him from every direction. He had only walked in for five minutes and was already bombarded with congratulations. Many tributes were scattered around the room, all staring at him; none of them receiving nearly the same amount of attention he was. He had spotted the boy from District One glaring at him. With a silent gulp, he hurried the other direction. Hey, he was no fool. If he started a fight with any of them here, it wasn't going to be pretty.
A hand on his shoulder made him tense. Did the boy catch up with him? He was in no mood for a black eye. With a mental groan he turned around, surprised to see the redhead peacekeeper giving him a smirk.
"Hello, Capitol tribute. At least that is what everyone thinks you are." She grinned and Kid smiled sweetly before kissing her red gloved hand.
"I prefer to be called Kaitou Kid, miss. I never caught your name at our last meeting."
"Angela. Angela Perne. It's a pleasure, Kid-san." She extended her hand out.
"Likewise, I love your dress." He shook it and added, eyeing her sleek red gown that brought out her sexy, curvy figure.
"Thank you." She gave him a half smile.
"So you are the head peacekeeper of Panem, Miss Perne?"
"Yes, it took me awhile to achieve such a title. I guess my grandfather's position helped me quite a bit..." She trailed off with a soft laugh and Kid frowned.
"Your...grandfather?" The head peacekeeper hesitated before giving the thief a sly smile.
"I believe I shall keep that information to myself."
"I am sorry for prying."
"No no its fine….have you tried the food yet? Our best chefs are on the job tonight."
"No, I had only arrived a few minutes ago."
"Then go ahead and try some! That's what most of us are here for anyways." She chuckled before leading Kid to the buffet table with an enthusiasm that he never thought the peacekeeper was capable of.
The thief gulped a bit at the sight of the feast before him. Whole roasted cows and pigs and goats were still turning on spits. A burst of flames made it even more dramatic. Huge platters of fowls stuffed with nuts and fruits. All types of meat cooked in every way possible. Countless types of breads, vegetables and pastries lined another table. There was a small miniature fountain at the center of another table. One that spouted wine.
"Impressive isn't it?" Angela seemed amused by his awestruck expression. He nodded silently and the redhead chuckled before grabbing a plate and helping herself to a few nut filled buns. Kid followed suit. They had an exquisite taste. He liked them. As the two stood in silence, away from the noisy crowds of people, Angela studied the thief carefully.
"You aren't from the Capitol, I know that much." She spoke after she polished off her last bun. Kid swallowed abruptly, almost choking.
"No I'm not." He agreed before turning around and putting a piece of chicken dipped in a creamy orange sauce onto his plate. The Capitol seemed to favor oranges, he made a note.
"But you were chosen to be the Capitol tribute."
"Yes, what about it?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No reason, I was just wondering for what purpose President Snow is…never mind….how about a drink?" She asked, reaching for a delicate looking wineglass. She leaned towards the fountain that was currently spouting some pale, almost clear alcohol and tilted her glass; it was soon filled to the top. She filled a second one halfway and handed it to Kid.
The phantom watched the woman sip silently. In the peacekeeper uniform earlier with her hair tied up, she looked older. Now, with her artificial red hair hanging down to her waist and body-fitting gown, she looked much younger.
"Apologies for sounding rude, but may I ask how old you are?" He hoped he hadn't sounded too rude. Angela chuckled and lowered her glass.
"Are you wondering if I should be drinking?" Kid thought for a moment before nodding, that seemed like a good reason.
"I'm nineteen years old, Kid-san, turning twenty next week on Wednesday." She laughed loudly at Kid's surprised face.
"Really, do I look that old?" She teased, touching her pale cheek and Kid turned a bit red before shaking his head.
"N-no, I was assuming since you were the head peacekeeper tha-"
"Well, I did tell you my grandfather's position in Panem helped me didn't I?"
"Yes, but even so, you must have exceptional skills."
Angela considered for a moment before shrugging and taking another sip.
"Aren't you underage then, Miss Perne?" He gestured to her glass and she raised an eyebrow.
"What ever are you talking about?"
"If I remember correctly, the legal age to be drinking in the United States is twenty on-"He bit his lip and shut his mouth. Right, he wasn't in the 'United States' anymore, it was Panem. Angela narrowed her eyes.
"You are saying strange things again. The United States was abolished a century ago. It only exists in the textbooks. There was no alcohol legal age written in them. How do you know such a thing, Kid-san?" The thief looked down at his own wineglass lifting it to his lips slowly and taking a small sip of the cold liquid. It was tart and bitter. He swallowed and took another sip, avoiding any eye contact with the redhead. She frowned but didn't press on about that certain subject.
"When we meet earlier today, you pointed out that building." She raised an arm and pointed out the drawn velvet curtains, the Empire State Building glittering in the night sky.
"That is not the real Empire State Building shown in the books. President Snow favored that building and had a replica built here in the Capitol. We are not in New York City." She narrowed her eyes even more. Kid suddenly found his glass of vodka very delicious and sipped more. Angela's eyes were still trained on him even as he set the empty glass down on the buffet table.
"R-really?...Well that's because-"
"Fancy meeting you here, Kid-kun." The two turned their heads.
"President Snow." Angela saluted quickly and Kid greeted the older man with a nod. Snow nodded back at the two before smiling.
"I see you have finally gotten the chance to meet Miss Perne in a much better environment. She is one of our best soldiers. You have great taste, Kid-kun." Kid felt his cheeks heat up a bit, and he glanced at Angela, hers were pink too.
"S-sir, you are over exaggerating." She stammered slightly. The president laughed. The surrounding noise had lowered considerably and the lights had dimmed. A slow song had started.
"Well, it seems like time had fly by so fast. It's already twelve!" Snow chuckled and Kid looked at the huge clock fastened on the walls. He was right.
"Well, I wouldn't want to disturbed you two any longer. Please do enjoy the night, Kid-kun, Miss Perne. Excuse me." He bowed slightly and turned away.
The two stood amidst the already dancing Capitol couples, unsure what to do.
Kid sighed deeply and turned to the peacekeeper and extended his hand.
"May I be honored for this dance, Miss Perne?" He asked softly. Her eyes widen and she looked down hesitantly before smirking.
"You better not step on my toes, pretty boy." She took his hand.
The two glided across the floor smoothly and swiftly. Since he was a gentleman, it was only proper for Kid to know how to do a simple waltz. Angela, being a high ranking Panem Official, it was almost mandatory to learn at least the simple basics when she was young.
"My mother had been teaching me since I could walk." Angela chuckled as she stepped back with the music.
"I can tell, you are a wonderful dancer." Kid smiled and put his arm on her waist and moved back. She placed a hand on his shoulder and glided forward.
"You are too, Kid-san. I have met few that had ever danced as well as you. You haven't stepped on me once."
"I'll take that as a compliment." He laughed.
"It is." She laughed as well. On cue, Kid held her hand high and she twirled. It was only after halfway through the song did Kid notice most eyes trained on him and Angela. A small shine told him the cameras were too.
"My, Kid-san, you sure are the attention stealer. Even during the Opening Ceremony, every camera was trained on you. Even when President Snow wished us all a Happy Hunger Games." She whispered softly.
"What about you, Miss Perne? Certainly a wonderful young lady like you have many men at your every request." He grinned and she rolled her eyes.
"I suppose, but you are different." She trailed off and he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, am I more of a gentleman? More handsome…more…" He moved closer until he was only an inch away from her ear. "Charming?" He moved away and Angela laughed.
"Don't flatter yourself, Kid-san. I never said anything of the sort. You are….quite….a strange idiot."
"…Eh?" That half witted response earned a loud laugh from her. The song ended and the two finished with a flourish; a bow from Kid and a fancy curtsy from the head peacekeeper. There was silence but then a round of applauses broke out, a few yells of encores followed.
"That was a lovely dance wasn't it Miss Perne." Kid smiled, feeing slightly dizzy. Maybe drinking a glass of vodka underage wasn't such a good idea. His head was starting to fog up.
"Yes, it was." She smiled again. Looking up at the clock she frowned.
"I'm sorry Kid-san. I have a meeting to go to."
"I understand…I had a fun time tonight Miss Perne." Kid whispered before leaning forwards and pecking her cheek softly. Her eyes widen significantly but she quickly put on a neutral face and grunted softly with a half-smile.
"I did too. Now excuse me." She turned to walk towards the exit but paused and turned around hesitating.
"Good luck, I might not be seeing you anymore after tonight so I want to say it now….Good luck…at the end….be at the top…." With a final smile she saluted casually and mingled in with the crowd.
"…Thank you." He said to no one in particular before turning back to the buffet table. He was hungry.
"Kid-kun!"After a few more plates of delicacies, he heard a familiar shrill voice and turned around, nearly falling when Octavia hugged him. Cinna and the other two followed behind her.
"Are you enjoying the party so far? " Venia grinned and Kid nodded, drinking another sip of vodka. Now that he thought about it, it actually tasted pretty good. But his head was really beginning to fog, maybe he should stop drinking. But he needed the distraction. He wanted to forget the pressure. He was responsible for so many lives right now. He has to break his motto to save the ones he cared about. It was really stressful. For one night…just one…he wanted to forget.
"Anyway, you and Miss Angela Perne." Flavius grinned knowingly and Kid put down the glass with a flush, but that was from the drinking of course.
"She was just someone I became acquaintances with." He said simply before stabbing a fork into a piece of purple melon. The prep team just giggled before walking away to talk with some friends.
Cinna stood besides Kid with a slight frown.
"Is that all she is? A friend?" Kid nodded and stared at his plate in confusion. Why were there two of them?
"Did you say anything strange?"
He shook his head. Partly to answer and partly to clear his spinning head.
"….Kid-kun, are you alright?" He looked up to see Cinna staring at him with a concerned look. Hey, now there were two Cinnas!
"Waa…Cinnaaa I didn't know you had a twin brother! Hiii! what's his name?" He chuckled, clearly not giggling (he was too manly for that). Cinna sighed before taking the plate out of Kid's hands and setting it down.
"Okay, you know drinking when you can't handle it isn't good for you. We don't want you to end up like Haymitch." He muttered softly and grabbed Kid by the arm and led him away from the buffet tables.
"Hayyymitchhhh? That sounds funny…Haaaayyy….miiiitttccchhhhh!"Kid pondered the mysteries of Haymitch to himself and allowed Cinna to lead him away from the party hall.
"Where are we going?" He asked, squinting at the elevator buttons.
"You need to rest. Why were you drinking anyways?" Cinna sighed, his expression said exasperation but his eyes twinkled in amusement. It's not every day you get to see someone as composed as Kid to lose it while being drunk.
"Because she was drinking and the fountain was pretty!" Kid grinned, satisfied with his reasons. The stylist rolled his eyes and the elevator stopped at the thirteenth floor.
"That's it? You were trying to impress her?" Cinna smiled in amusement. Kid paused for a moment to think, his expression strangely serious.
"Kid…?" Cinna frowned when he heard Kid chuckle darkly.
"I wanted to forget…just for a moment….a moment." The thief mumbled, leaning back against the elevator walls. His eyes were cloudy from the cloudy and pain.
"I don't want to kill, Cinna. I can't…I can't." His voice grew thick with emotion and Cinna's eyes widen when he saw the unshed tears in Kid's lilac eyes.
"Kid-kun…" He flinched when the thief laughed bitterly.
"But I have to…if I don't…they'll all die. Then I will have failed them all…but I can't kill…" He was giggling as tears left his eyes. He lowered his head, his fringe prevented Cinna from seeing any expressions.
"…Whose 'they'?" Cinna asked gently as he patted the thief's back.
Kid didn't answer. Instead, he groaned, cradling his head in his hands.
"K-kid-kun? You alright?" Cinna placed a hand on his shoulder, concern lacing his voice. Kid looked up tiredly, blinking fast. Cinna stared back worriedly.
Then Kid cracked a silly grin.
"Ehhh? When were you here, Cinna?" He giggled happily and Cinna sighed. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.
"Can you make it to your own room?" Cinna asked slowly as they stepped out.
"Of course I can. I'm not that drunk. See? I can walk a straight line." Kid pouted and demonstrated his skills. He did walk in a fairly straight line and found his door just fine. Cinna took a deep breath of relief, maybe he wasn't that drunk after all. But the small outburst from before….
"Okay, yes, you can walk in a straight line, now can you get inside and go to bed like a reasonable person?" Cinna asked. Kid stood for a moment before nodded and opening the door to his room.
"See? I did it!" He grinned like a two year old.
Cinna chuckled.
"Well, I guess you will be alright. Good night then, Kid-kun."
"Goood night!" Kid announced before slamming the door shut. Cinna laughed some more, shaking his head.
He stood still, listening at the door.
He heard the shuffling as the thief fell onto his bed clumsily. He prepared to leave but paused when he heard it.
He leaned back against the door in silence, listening to the soft sobs coming from within the room.
He would tell no one of this.
Hello, yeah. I have no idea how I ended up having Kid drunk and hilarious. It wasn't supposed to end that way but I am so tired today. So allow me to humor myself with this chapter. Katniss was almost drunk when she drank some wine in the first book so I was like 'why not?' I hope you don't might my own sad little attempt at humor. Then it had to become depressing because I'm a sadist.
I hope this long chapter makes up for the previous short ones.
Thank you for reading, reviews are appreciated. It will help poor Kid feel better.