Kitty: I'm screwed...I'm screwed...I'm screwed...I'm screwed...

Yami: It's your fault you know.

Kitty: ...You're not helping.

Yami: I know. I'm just out of it because you're out of it.

Kitty: ...That doesn't make any sense. Plus we're getting off-topic and maybe starting to rant.

Yami: (You) We always do.

Kitty: ... *slaps forehead* I don't own any OCs except for Yami, Luna, Anna, Katie, and Kara.

Yami: I can't believe you just...*slaps herself* Never mind. You guys can add on crushes to your OCs if you like, or make them have one if they don't have one already...

Kitty: *yawns and stretches* Please make sure to read the very, very, important note at the bottom~...

Yami: Oh, and since Kitty needed a chapter out soon, here's a small omake of what didn't show up in the story.

Katie's POV

I peeled the black eye-patch from my right eye.

"How's your new eye?" Luna asked me lazily, fiddling with a sliver camera she found laying around.

I waved a hand in front of my artificial right eye. "Eh...right now everything's kinda hazy in it, but it's better than having one eye."

"How about Kara? How's her artificial left eye?" Luna started taking the camera apart with a screwdriver.

"She doesn't seem to have any problems with it," Then I added on; "You know, you shouldn't take apart someone else's camera like that."

"I'm bored," She shrugged. "And come to think of it, where's Anna and Kara anyway?"

I flopped down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "Upstairs, either in the giant maze that Anna calls a library, or my room."

"I see..." Luna glanced up at the clock in the huge living room, and I realized that it's been a couple of hours since everyone left to the English Vocaloids' house.

"How depressing..." I murmured, my eyes starting to stare at the calendar.

Luna saw me glance at the calendar, and sighed. "It's been about two months, hasn't it?"

I nodded. "Yep, two months since they've found us."

"Found us bleeding in a alley, with you and Kara missing an eye each, and Anna almost lost an arm." Luna started to lay out the parts of the camera, spreading them around her.

"And it took most of the companies' efforts to build two artificial eyes for us..." I covered my right eye, not really seeing a difference.

"It's not like we're androids or anything, but then again, we're not exactly human either." Luna shrugged again, something she's been doing so much of lately.

I looked at her carefully. "Still worried about Loki?"

Luna feigned interest in the camera lenses. "I...suppose. I didn't expect him to collapse from a two-month wound that was supposed to have healed already...I...I thought it has been already healed."

I tossed my eye-patch up and caught it. "You can visit him anytime you know. You don't have to stay here to keep us all company."

Luna examined part of the circuits. "That place is so depressing, plus, if I visit too much, they won't let me come back anymore because it 'disturbs their work'."

"You hate that place as much we do." It wasn't a question, I was stating a fact.

"Who wouldn't? I just hate laboratories, especially that one. All of the rooms are pure white, and the closest thing I've seen to emotion in there was a simple, blank, 'Don't worry'." She bit her lip at the thought.

"At least none of the others have to go though it," I commented, putting my arms behind my head and staring at the ceiling again.

"Well, that is good. Kara and Anna don't exactly remember, you were only there for the eye, and all of the other Vocaloids don't have to because they're human."

"We're not human?"

"We're not robots either." Luna replied curtly.

"That's true I suppose, but how does that explain the memory loss?"

She didn't reply, just thoughtfully stared at the camera pieces for a while.

Then Luna suddenly grinned at me after a few minutes.

"What?" I sat up abruptly, because that grin felt familiar in a way.

But I wasn't sure if it was in a good way, because over the past month, I learned that Luna's plans can either help you, or backstab you, because everything always goes as planned, even if Luna knew it or not.

Luna just grinned at me impishly, making me feel a little creeped-out and lean back some.

"Seriously Luna, what is it? 'Cause you're kinda creeping even me out..."

"Wait for it..." She held up a finger, still smiling.

"Nee-chan, Nee-chan! Lookie, lookie!" I could hear Kara yell excitedly, and light, rapid footsteps heading for the living room.

I laughed at my sister's childish personality and swung myself over the couch, landing on my feet with a soft thump.

"What is it?" I asked, as she tackled me with a notebook in hand.

"I drew a boy!" Kara stuffed a picture of a girly-looking boy in my face.

I tilted my head at it. "Huh? I don't know how, but it looks the tiniest bit like Len."

"That's because I based the design off of him! I changed the hairstyle, but I made the design rather simple, so I'm proud of the result!"

Luna kneeled down to our height and peeked over my shoulder. "Exactly how does that look like Len?"

"I dunno, but I guess his girl-ish figure just reminds me of one."

"Anyway~, Nee-chan, I was just wondering if you could color it!" Kara stuffed the drawing back in my face.

"Okay, okay, just please get it out of my face Cara."

Kara glared at me. "Not CARE-uh, but CAR-uh!"

"Yeah, yeah...But I'm just saying..."

"I get it, I get it! Most people might pronounce it care-uh because they're scared it's not car-uh!"

Anna laughed quietly and plopped down next to us. "But I would feel sorry for the ones with the name care-uh. as in c-a-r-a, they probably get called car-uh a lot more!"

As I took the notebook away from her, Kara pouted and crossed her arms.

"I suppose..." She grumbled.

"Well weren't you gonna show her the other picture?" Anna prompted, taking the notebook away and flipping to another page.

"I want you to write a profile of them first!" Kara replied, leaning over Anna to see better.

As I grinned at them, Luna tapped my shoulder and started to whisper in my ear.

"Guess what? I've got a plan."

I glanced at her suspiciously.

"What kind of plan?"

Luna simply asked; "You were wondering about the memory loss thing, right?"

Then she leaned back and climbed over the couch to turn on the TV.

I stared after her blankly. "Huh?!"

"Luna, what do you-"

"We're home~!" Rin sang, slamming the door open.

"Rin," Len complained. "You're gonna break the front day someday, you know that?"

Without turning around, I saw Luna make a V with her two fingers.


"Hey~Nee-chan...wake up..." Kara started whining, poking my stomach repeatedly and tickling me.

"Hmph." Kara then decided to push me off the bench, waking me up.

"Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm up!" I jumped up, ready to flip someone.

"About time, Nee-chan." Kara glared at me, crossing her arms childishly.

"Oh. Sorry, sorry..." Glancing around, I realized I fell asleep on a park bench.

"It's alright, but what were you dreaming about? I couldn't fall asleep like you did." Kara sat down besides me on the ground.

"Hmm..." I pondered about it for a second.

"I dreamed back to a few months ago..." I mused out loud, smiling at the thought.

"Few months ago?" Kara tilted her head at me.

I grinned inwardly.

[It was when Luna first mentioned the plan.] I sent silently, tapping my forehead pointedly at her.

[Oh...I see...] Kara nodded, but then showed me a flyer.

[Come to think of it, don't we have a job to do Nee-chan?]

I grinned at her impishly. [I suppose.]

Then I spotted a black-haired man with a fedora hat on his head.

[What about him?]

[It's our choice Nee-chan, so whatever you think.]


"Hey, Mister! Do you like singing?" I called out to him, waving the flyer at him.

Kara giggled under her breath quietly.

Yami: And there you go! Short (pointless) omake of a day of the auditions!

Anna: Now for the important message...

Katie: (It's not that important...)

Kara: (Well it actually is, plus this is a chapter about you, Nee-chan, so I wouldn't be complaining!)

Katie: *starts grumbling under her breath* You're just mad about the care-uh thing...

Kara: Am not!

Anna: (...) In this story, everyone is technically speaking Japanese, except for, you know, the names, (And English Vocaloids...), so...

Yami: ...And we're moving on now. Apparently, this story could get deleted off the site for breaking the rules, so Kitty made this go on hiatus for a bit to figure out what to do. She decided not to move this story to another site, until it's deleted, so she's hoping to make this float under the radar for a while.

Luna: (It's been a while since I've been here...) Another why there's a omake instead of a chapter, is because of writer's block...*rolls eyes* (I'm wondering why Kitty didn't wanna do this herself...)

Yami: (Because she's already panicking about the first day of school, which is tomorrow it seems...) So, to make this story float under the radar better, we need to change the title and summary of this story.

Luna: Kitty might be able to handle the summary if she has a good title, but sadly, she has a bad naming taste. So...we're asking you guys to help pick a name. (Suggest some for us!)

Anna: ...And if this story gets deleted off the site, try going to Kitty's profile, where she might make another link to the story, on a different site. (Right now, her friend is helping by sending your OCs forms through PM so she won't lose those.) If you guys help choose a name, it'll help the story. (Kitty isn't picking favorites here, she's just looking for a name that fits best.)

Loki:, please review!

Yami: I never get how that boy can stay positive throughout all of this...

Luna: (That's positive?)

Yami: *shrugs* Dunno, but Kitty said it was fun to write this, so she's wondering if she should write a prequel.

Luna: ...That...has nothing to do with what we're talking about.