(A/N- This is my first fiction story so go easy on me....if you have any advise Please don't hesitate to tell me! Also, I don't own DBZ or the characters in the show, but I do own Harm and Seto(and others I make-up).

Chapter 1: Misery

Harm stormed into her room and slammed the door. 'I hate school!' she thought to herself. 'Can it get any worse? I swear the kids there are so immature.'

Harm's little brother walked into the room breaking her thoughts.

" What do you want!" She yelled realizing she was still angry. "Sorry Seto, I didn't mean to yell. Its just im so pissed off today. I swear shit couldn't get any worse."

" That's alright. Im not in a good mood myself. I just wanted to tell you that DBZ will be on soon" Seto was Harm's little brother alright but he didn't look it. He was taller than her(A/N Harm is really sort). Not to mention he looked older than her. They were only 2 years and a few months apart, so they were very close.

" Oh, thanks. I'll be down in a minute. I just have to get something to eat. I starving!" With that, Harm walked out of her room and straight to the kitchen. As soon as she opened the fridge her stomach let out a massive growl.

" Hungry?" Harm's mother walked into the room smiling.

" Wow mom, you know how to be sarcastic. I've taught you well." Harm said digging through the fridge for junk.

" Funny. Me and your father are going on a vacation cus we never have anytime alone. We'll be back in a couple of weeks, and if we stay longer I'll call you. Now everything you need is on the table, like money and phone #'s. You need anything just let me know." Her mom said opening up a can of Diet Coke.

" Ya ya, I know the rules and shit. And mom, Devon is not my father. He's your boyfriend. And don't worry we'll be fine. You kids have fun." Harm hated the word 'father'. Her dad left her and Seto when they were just toddlers. So every 'boyfriend' her mom got ment nothing to Harm. Plus she was used to hearing the bull shit about her mom and b/f not getting anytime alone. It was all the same.

" Well then, I have to go pack. I'll talk to Seto when I'm done." Harm's mother walked out of the kitchen and disappeared up the stairs.

'FREEDOM!!!' Harm thought to herself as she did a little dance with a doughnut in her mouth, a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper in her right hand and a jug on chocolate/strawberry ice cream in the other. She looked at the clock and saw it was 6. 'Shit, time just flew by!' She thought as she ran to the new room, to watch T.V. (A/N its the family room but only her and Seto use it, so they named it. Plus it was redone, so it was more new than old.)

(A/N- the show is right after the DBZ warriors get back from Namek)

'Man I wish I was in the DBZ world.' Seto and Harm thought simultaneously. After the show, they got up and went to Harm's room which had the 64 game and a T.V. in it. Seto liked playing the Dragon Ball Z game, only cus he always won.

" Harm?" Seto asked without looking up from the screen.

" What?"

" Do you ever wish we were just transmitted in the DBZ world.?"

" Yeah, all the time. I kinda hate it here." Harm said looking up from her homework. (A/N- Oh, there parents already left.)

"Ditto. I kinda wish the place was real. What are you going to make for dinner?" Seto said still not taking his eyes off the T.V.

"Is food all you think about?! Get off your fat ass and get yourself something to eat! I am not your fucking slave!" Harm yelled already getting annoyed by her brother.

" Don't have a fucking cow. Damn! I was just asking. You know I can't cook." Seto said trying to sound apologetic.

"No shit. That's why there's a such things as mac and cheese and sandwiches. I'm sure your pea brain can make that." She said making fun of her brother now.

"Must you always tease me Harm? Its not far. You know I can't come up with good comebacks." Seto whined.

~*Hours later*~

Later that night Harm was getting ready for bed when she looked out her bedroom window. Just then a shooting star flew across the sky. 'Make a wish Harm. I wish my brother and me where in the DBZ world.' She thought to herself. "It would be better than living in this hell hole."

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A/N- Well that's chapter 1. Review and tell me what you think. I am very excited about this story ,even though ch. 1 was kinda boring, TRUST me it will get better. MUCH better. So please send me good reviews