Title: Delerium
Chapter: 1. Fallen
Pairings: (Yaoi/SLASH) Nick/Zak, Aaron/Zak, future Nick/Aaron/Zak
Summary: Nick decides to leave Vegas for his family, hurting Zak. What he doesn't know is that it had the other man running into Aaron's arms even though they weren't to drop their current relationship. But Zak needs to have someone near, and Aaron understands him just as well as Nick does. Future D/S relationships.
Genre: Angst, drama, romance
Rating: Mature (X)
Note: Other fics will be put on hold for this one, I think =/ Been wanting to write a fic based on Nick moving. Turned into this monster, lol. Zak is slightly OOC- exaggerated, you could even say. But only when he's gone needy like haha.

So how long has it been? Zak was pretty sure its been about two months since the relationship he had with Nick changed, but he wasn't that confident. After all, he only had so many days of every month with the younger man. The days Nick came to see him seemed too short, but the days when he wasn't there seemed to drag on forever. The first week they were seperated was trecherous, could barely even leave his own home the moment Nick left Vegas. The day after that, Aaron left too and no one was there to save him from his own mind. He was missing Nick, and there wasn't anyone to distract him from it.

He had recieve a call when it seemed like he had dropped from the face of the Earth. Nick was worried, he could hear it in the hushed whispers through the tiny reciever. Zak had nearly broken down. He needed Nick beside him- when Nick was there, the demons haunting his home and soul almost didn't seem to exist. He could ignore them when the younger man was near. He ended the call with a 'need you'. Nick only chuckled into the reciever, promising to see him in two weeks.

Those days seemed too long, and he almost couldn't take it. Instead of wollowing in the emotions brewing within him, he stuck to one and apperently he'd been quite a sarcastic jerk. It had only taken three days before Aaron calmly said over the phone to call him when he's done being a whiney bitch. It would've hurt Zak, but he just rolled his eyes, scoffing into the phone, telling Aaron he'll see him at the next lockdown.

That night, Nick called and Zak answered the phone before it finished it's first ring. He smiled crookedly when Nick right off the bat asked him if he was okay.

"Aaron called you." Zak said quietly, leaning back into his high backed chair. He was hiding in his dungeon again.

"He did." Nick stated, "Baby, are you alright?"

He could barely keep the waver off his voice. "No." He inhaled shakily, "Nick, when will you come?"

"A little over a week. Zak, do you even know what day it is?"

"Dude, the days are running together."

Nick sighed on the other line. Zak could hear him sitting heavily. "You have to go out."

He was right and the next day Zak went out. He quickly found that he was dead bored of Vegas and it's endless party. He's seen it all, seen it for ten years. The place lost it's charm years ago, Zak just didn't know when and wondered how long he's been ignoring the growing dislike for party city. So he didn't stay out late as much, that's fine, Nick didn't say what time of day or for how long he should be out. But when he did find himself on the strip, quickly eating up hours of the night faster than it had ever since Nick left, he found himself blowing off wads of cash at the poker table.

The habit had become a nightly thing, something he wasn't too proud of. Every night he hit a new casino, a new slot machine, a new table. He had tweeted his status for two nights, but the third time he found himself crawling out of his cold bed to get ready for another sleepless night out, he didn't even bother. If Nick knew how he was spending his time and money, Zak was sure he'd be disappointed and he didn't want to do that.

It had came to the point where he only tweeted his casino raids when he won something, and that wasn't too often. The rest of the nights he found himself losing a bit more than the agreed upon budget he and Nick placed on themselves. But he had money to waste. Enough to waste for the both of them.

He didn't think he had a problem, but Aaron did, and Zak wondered how Aaron got the time to even worry when he spreads himself over other friends, projects, and travelling. Zak didn't count how many times Aaron tried to intervene, but when Aaron brought up Nick, his voice playful, but an obvious threat to call Nick and tell him what's going on, Zak had begged him not to.

"What the hell has gotten into you, bro?" Aaron asked quizically, stepping back as Zak crowded into his space and held on to him by his elbows. He was nearly just a shadow, the dim lights of Zak's house the only thing keeping the place from being pitch black in the middle of the day. He looked around, "Man, it's this house or something. Open the damn blinds!"

"No, it's not my house, Aaron! I like it this way!"

"You like it this way because you love keeping yourself and Nick here in your own little world- keep yourself in the dark, the only time he could hold you." He pulled his arms free and tugged Zak into his chest, tucking his head under his chin. "You act like he's broken up with you, or something."

Zak melded his body against Aaron's thinner frame, something he became accostomed to doing, something he became adequate at when Nick was so thin in the beginning of their affair. But the hold wasn't strong enough, not like how Nick pulls him against him, and when Zak laid his lips against the side of Aaron's neck, the response was not the same. Aaron chuckled, though he sounded a bit awkward, and slowly ran his hands down Zak's warm skin before resting at the dip in his back.

"Sorry." Zak mumbled and turned his head to the side, but kept his body curled around the other man.

"It's cool, bro. I don't mind. Just, dude, I'm not Nick." Aaron said with a smile, pulling back. He snorted softly when Zak held on, "You're a clingy thing, aren't you."

"Stay with me tonight?" Zak asked, face pressed into Aaron's t-shirt. He tightened his hold, hoping he would.

Aaron sighed. "I could do that." Zak's arms fell away and Aaron squeezed him against his chest before pulling back, himself. "But we're only sleeping. I don't roll that way."

Zak laughed half-heartedly, batting at his arm before sitting on the couch. Aaron switched opened the steel shutters without warning and Zak nearly hissed, his arm coming up to shield his squinting eyes as light suddenly filled his home.

"Aaron, that wasn't cool!" The other man laughed.

"We got to get you accostomed to the sun again. When's the last time you went out in the day?" He pulled Zak to his feet, smacking his bum to get him walking. "Get in the shower, get dressed, we're doing somethin'."

The day had been fine when the sun was out. Zak seemed to relish in the sunlight to the point where it looked like he nearly glowed. Aaron couldn't keep the fond smile from taking over his face as Zak enjoyed his time. Has it really been so long since Zak spent time with friends? Aaron had to wonder.

"Who've you been out with lately, man?"

The slight dip in Zak's smile made Aaron wish he had just shut up and enjoyed their time together too. Zak shrugged.

"I didn't really call anyone else." He said and glanced away for a second. Aaron took his attention back.

"You know, it's not good to take our work into our personal lives."

"Nick tells me that too." Aaron snorted, throwing an arm over Zak's shoulders.

"He's right, you know. Come on. When's the last time you went into the Adventure Dome?"

The day had been just fine, but the night came and the excitement dwindled. They had walked around the strip, the flashing lights and crowd taking up only a tiny fraction of their attention. Aaron was pretty good now at hiding. Simply pull up his hood, and he blended into the crowd quite well. Zak, though- the fans knew his shape, the type of clothes he wore recognizable. They had been stopped every thirty minutes from fans of all ages and the people clinging onto them seemed to put Zak in a quiet frenzy. Watching the younger man at the corner of his eye, Aaron signed a girl's camera before walking up behind the photographer taking the picture of a fan with Zak. He had seen his public smile falter when the lady he was posing with put a hand on his hip, her thumb grazing the skin under his shirt. A light blush stained his cheeks, pulling away only marginally as the flash went off. Aaron's lips pressed together, a tight smile the only possible mask as protective instincts went off inside him. Taking Zak by the arm, he told the fans that he and Zak had an appointment to meet and broke away from them with ease.

No more than ten minutes later, Aaron was sure he heard their names being called, but for once he ignored it. Zak followed quickly beside him, watching his lead as they pushed through casino doors, quickly getting lost in the crowd. Aaron recognized the casino in seconds and made his way to the bar. At least by hiding in the bar, they'll cut off a good fraction of possible sitings by fans. He found a booth, taking Zak to a seat before taking his own on the other side.

Zak stared at him, a grin slowly appearing on his face. He snickered. "My hero." A waitress came over, asking them what they would like, and when Zak opened his mouth Aaron ordered for him.

"Water would be good for now." Zak pouted, murmuring something about his beer, and Aaron laughed. "Water, Zak. You know how you get when you drink."

Zak sighed, but more amused than anything. He leaned back in his chair, his feet accidentally knocking into Aaron's, but it's not like they're strangers. The simple contact was comforting. "You got us out of there real quick, buddy." He received a snort.

"You got my back in the lock down, bro. I got yours when we go out." Was Aaron's answer. He grinned, adding on, "It helps that I care about your discomfort too." He thanked for the both of them when the waitress dropped off both of their waters. Zak drowned his, the sound of the ice clinking just a whisper as club music played around them.

It wasn't too late in the night, just a few minutes after they ran into the bar when a couple of women asked them to take them dancing on the dance floor. Aaron grinned, couldn't say no to dancing with a pretty woman, laughing nervously as the dark haired one cuddled into his arm. Zak was up to, raising an eyebrow at Aaron as the one with platinum hair hooked a manicured hand into his elbow, her other hand feeling up his bicep.

They lost each other as they got lost in the music. At one point, Zak had been in front of him and to the right, but a couple of hours in Aaron couldn't find the dark spikey hair and blue eyes he could recognize in the natural dark. The lady he was dancing with bumped against his front and distracted him for another good five minutes as they moved together on the dance floor. It wasn't until the blonde Zak had been with turned up beside him, pouting, that Aaron got worried. He took out his phone to check the time, cursing when he realized they've been there for almost four hours. He wondered how long exactly Zak had been around on his own.

As he pushed his way through the sea of people, Aaron tried to convince himself that Zak would be just fine. He was a grown man and he knew this scene better than Aaron did. But Aaron knew how Zak could be too; when the man was caught off guard, he was almost agreeable with anything if he didn't want to cause trouble. His breath caught in his throat when he found Zak sitting at the bar, a beer in one hand and a man sitting by his free arm. He growled as he watched the stranger whisper something in Zak's ear, concerned when Zak turned his head to look the other guy in the eyes. He just managed to get to the edge of the crowd when Zak stood up from the bar stool, nodding for the other man to lead him away.

There was no time to be considerate; Aaron shoved people to the side to reach Zak. Just as the stranger was about to grab his hand, Aaron caught Zak around the waist, pulling him back. He stared down the other man, recognizing features Zak probably would've related to Nick. He yelled over the music at him to get lost and with a narrowing of his green eyes, the stranger left Aaron and Zak alone.

"I think it's time to go home." Aaron said into Zak's ear, his voice heavy after the frantic chase. Zak wouldn't even look at him, shame coloring his cheeks as he was led from the casino.

In Zak's home, Aaron made sure the living room was bright enough to see each other clearly. Zak sat on the couch, watching with worried eyes as Aaron paced back and forth. He didn't even know how to explain himself. At the bar, he just wanted a drink, something to help loosen him up as people crowded and pressed into him, but then this man, that man that painfully almost look like Nick asked him if he wanted-

"Look, Zak, you can't just-" he cut himself off, rubbing his forhead, "What would Nick say if you started sleeping around?" Aaron almost wanted to take back his words when Zak winced.

"I wasn't going to," Zak started, but he couldn't even believe himself. He actually didn't know what he would've done if Aaron wasn't there to drag him away. But he needed to be close to someone, had to share the energy that he was sure was building up in him. He looked up into Aaron's dark eyes, his own shining hopefully, although he didn't know what for.

Aaron sighed, scanning the other man's face. "What do you need."

Without a thought, Zak's simple reply was, "Nick." Aaron shook his head. They fly in four days, Zak will see him in five. He saw the other man visibly deflate, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "I need him... I need to..." he trailed off, unsure how to continue.

"Come'ere." Aaron murmured and Zak stepped closer. He put his hands on Zak's shoulders, holding him arms length away. "It'd be impossible to drag Nick over here when he's in the clutches of his wife." He got a small smile for that and continued, "Just how can I possibly fix this?"

"Stay with me, Aaron." Looking into his face, the older man knew exactly what Zak meant. Nick was going to kill him if he ever found out, and Nick could be quite a scary man. But Zak had never seemed so small since Aaron met him. He's without his base and it's knocked him off balance. Aaron just couldn't leave him like that.

Time seemed to skip and Aaron was pretty sure he didn't know how he got from standing around Zak's living room to laying in the other man's bed. Aaron had undressed, stepped into a pair of basketball shorts before climbing into the covers. He thought maybe Zak might chicken, kind of hoped he would, and then just maybe try to find comfort sleeping wrapped in a brotherly hug. But as he watched Zak pull his shirt over his head, his skin contrasted and illuminated with the moonlight, he knew that whatever was maybe going to happen was definately going to happen. Heavy pants hit the floor and the bed dipped as Zak climbed in next to Aaron, his skin sliding smoothly as he cuddled up to his side. He bit his lip when he felt the younger man's flaccid cock nestled against his thigh. As soon as he was there, Zak was gone, moving closer to his side of the bed.

"I'm scaring you." Zak said quietly, closing in on himself. He had felt the thin body tense and he wasn't going to push himself on someone who didn't want it. Of course Aaron wouldn't be comfortable. He already toldZak he didn't-

"It's okay." Aaron cut off anything Zak had been thinking, turning over and pulling in the muscled frame. "It's for comfort, right? I'm volunteering." He planted a kiss on Zak's forehead, more of a sibling type of affection than anything else and the body in his arms uncoiled. "Won't say I'll get on off this, but I'm here for you, bro."

Zak nodded, a bit unsure, but the hand carressing down his back and taking him in to an accepting embrace gave him a bit of confidence. He was embarrassed to admit that he was already hardening, the large hand stimulating as Aaron touched his skin. Sliding a leg up over the other man's, shivering as he felt the scratch of sparse dark hair against the inside of his thigh, Zak started moving his hips up, his cock pushing into Aaron's abdomen. He didn't want to make it anymore awkward by making this even more intimate, even though he wanted to feel the slick slide and heated friction that he becomes so aware of when he feels another hardness rubbing against his own.

A leg cradled up under his groin and Zak bit his lip, trying to keep the noises he was making low. Aaron caught his eye, smiling. "You don't have to be so quiet. I'm not going to say anything."

"I'm not used to doing this with another man besides Nick." Zak mumbled, but he knew he couldn't hide how turned on he was. Aaron snorted fondly.

"It feels like you're doing just fine. Come on." He rolled onto his back, bringing Zak to straddle his stomach. He was a heavy weight on his abdomen, but even Aaron had to admit, he looked really good there. His own stiffening cock, though he tried to ignore it, was fit snuggly against the rounded ass. He tried to push Zak up further so he didn't have to worry about it, but Zak didn't want to move. He laughed softly. "I'm getting hard, bro. You're fine like that?"

Zak nodded. It felt as if the room became ten degrees hotter as he spread his legs over Aaron's body. Anchoring his arms around the older man's head, Zak angled his hips down, moving sensually against cock and stomach as he looked curiously into Aaron's eyes. If he saw even a second of discomfort, Zak was going to go into the guest's bedroom. A few seconds of softly grinding, feeling the other man moving his hips back had Zak closing his eyes, needing to find release and pass out in sexual bliss.

The older man couldn't keep an aroused flush from scattering across his body as he held onto Zak's waist, feeling how slender he really was, and how effortlessly the body moved against his own. As he moved his own hips back, Zak gasped, quivered in his arms. He grunted when Zak started moving almost furiously against him, almost as if he was staving off his release, or as if it wasn't enough. Pushing on Zak's shoulder, Zak slowed down and got up on his hands to put space between them. Aaron couldn't help looking at how their bodies contrasted and slowly ran his hands down Zak's chest before stopping at the waistband of his underwear. A whimpered, "Please, Aaron," put him into action.

He pulled down the front of Zak's shorts, viewing Zak's hard cock, the first time he's seen another man like this. The cock head was red, bobbing as Zak swivelled his hips. Clear fluid collected at the tip, sometimes cascading down the blushing length, other times dripping onto his own flat stomach. He was only given a few seconds too look before Zak laid flat ontop of him, his dick warm, hard, and heavy as it slid wetly across his stomach.

Zak blushed above him, unsure how comfortable Aaron was with this, and hid his face into Aaron's neck as he grinded on Aaron's body. He could feel the older man arousal pressing into his ass and taint, but he didn't comment. Instead, he concentrated on how he moved his body, making sure to rub himself as well as he could over the buldge, knowing it'll get himself off even faster. A strong hand came down his back to cup his ass and Zak buried his face deeper into Aaron's shoulder as he let out an embarrassed needy whimper. Another hand came to join it, this one sliding into the lowered waist band of his briefs, flushing darkly as fingertips stroked between the sweaty crevice of his ass and pressed into his aching pucker. Zak panted, a quiet moan leaving his lips as gentle touches had him seeking more than a simple tease. He hasn't touched himself there since Nick moved and feeling another person's fingers playing with it now pulled wanton little noises from his throat.

Fuck, Aaron at this point really thought he shouldn't be doing this, at least he shouldn't be responding the way he was. As he lightly stroked the hot pucker, cupping and pulling a soft cheek to the side through Zak's underwear, Aaron's cock throbbed as he felt the wrinkled entrance push open and pull closed, an almost intoxicating suction on his fingertip. Watching the expression on Zak's face, Aaron put a little more pressure, a short panting chuckle leaving his lips as Zak whined behind biting his lip. Sliding that same finger down further, massaging the sweat slick taint, Zak bucked, sitting on Aaron's hand, grinding down and moaning as the older man moved his finger back and forth, his thumb pushing smooth circles into his throbbing hole.

Aaron could feel Zak's asshole tensing and slid his finger tip back over the pucker and inside. The hard cock leaking along his stomach twitched in near completion and without hesitation, Aaron wrapped a hand around the hot flesh. Soft little gasps of Aaron's name left Zak's lips as he rutted through his orgasm, creamy liquid coating Aaron's hand. He gave a small smile as the body above him slowed down and Aaron slowly slid his hands from their positions on Zak's body and down on the bed, careful not to touch the quivering body more than he needed to. The pleasured gasps leaving Zak's mouth was something he tried to ignore before he tries to find his own release with a person he really shouldn't do it with.

Zak carefully slid off Aaron's lap, a leg still thrown over Aaron's. He kissed the side of Aaron's neck, a hand crawling down the thinned frame to cup him threw his shorts. Aaron grabbed his wrist.

"It's cool, Zak, I'll take care if it later." Aaron consoled. He didn't want Zak to think he needed to return the favor because he didn't. He didn't need anything in return. Zak shook his head.

"It's not fair." He was still a bit breathy, his eyes clouded in the aftermath. He whispered, "I want to."

Aaron studied him for a full minute, the only thing breaking his instense stare was Zak suddenly palming him in his warm grip. He let go of his wrist, unsure how he could deny Zak without possibly leaving him dejected, or guilty. He nodded, but fought with himself as the other man crawled down his body and straddled his legs. His mind went blank as Zak pulled down the front of his shorts and cradled his heavy balls in a light grip, but he couldn't deny the flair of arousal as he watched Zak lick along the length of his cock.

Aaron pushed back the dark hair, groaning as the raven haired man took him into his mouth. He told himself not to get used to this, but hell if he wasn't quickly getting addicted to the feel and sight of Zak pleasuring him. The five days couldn't come any later. Aaron was damn sure he'll be a dead man upon Nick's arrival.