Love Doesn't Need a Horcrux (A Remake)

Disclaimer: Nothing but this plot belongs to me. This is not being redistributed for money or any sort of profit. Everything goes to its rightful owner(s).

Author's Note (1): This is actually a fanfiction of a internt friend of mine's, Key (her username for this site is Taemin. Foreves), and unfortunetly, she was unable to continue it, and I offered to work on it for her. I had asked if I could just start from the begining, because there were a lot of gaps in her fic that I wanted to fill, and she said yes. This will keep to her version with slight variations (But to her old readers, don't worry; The plot will be the same!)

Author's Note (2): This is HBP compliant, except for the part where Dumbledore dies; Dumbledore is still very much alive (as much as I hate the man, Voldy forevah!)

I hope you guys like it!

Chapter 1: Time Traveling

"I have given you all reasons as you why you should go on this mission," Albus Dumbledore said, "And reasons for why you shouldn't. I will leave you to decide amongst yourselves if you will go on this journey or not." The old man stood, nodded to the four students sitting across from him, and left.

They all sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, till the oldest of them spoke up.

"Well?" Hermione said, "Is everyone willing to go?" She looked around at the other three in the room, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley on her left, and Draco Malfoy on her right.

"Mum and Phlegm will kill me for missing the wedding," Ginny said with a smile, "But I'm game."

Harry chuckled at his girlfriend's words and said the same thing.

Hermione looked toward Draco Malfoy who gave her a long look before slowly nodding.

"No doubts?" Hermione asked.

"None," her two friends said, while the blond didn't bother to answer.

"Do we... wait till Dumbledore gets back?" Ginny asked after the four became silent again.

"Fawkes?" Harry said, looking towards the phoenix. As if he understood the raven-haired man, Fawkes gracefully flew from his perch and out the door, bringing back Dumbledore in just a few seconds.

"I assume that you all had agreed?" They all nodded in answer.

The old man smiled at them, and then said, "Well, quickly then; We have to leave now!"

"What? Right now?" were 4 cries of surprise, but Dumbledore ignored them and quickly led them out of the room.

"Now," he said, "You don't need to worry about my past self questioning you about the future; He's, or rather, I'm already expecting you!"

"How is that possible?" Hermione asked.

"At the time, Miss Granger," Dumbledore said, "Gellert Grindelwald was rising, and was slowly becoming known as the darkes wizard of all time. I told myself that if i couldn't defeat him, I would look for a solution in the future and a means of time travel as to go back in time and defeat Gellert. Of course, after hsi defeat, there was no such use of a plan, but I kept it just in case, should the need ever arise."

Hermione stayed silent as she and the others all processed this.

None of them even realized that they were walking toward the Room of Requirement till they were actually in front of the door.

"You will arrive 2 days before the start of the term so the my past self has time to convince Headmaster Dippet to let you into the school," he said as he handed them each a bag full of galleons, "During those two days, you will stay at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, and purchase all the nessesary items you wil need."

As the four entered the Room, the old headmaster said, "The date is August 30th, 1943, And don't forget toalter yourselves slightly so that you don't look too alike to your ancestors."

He gave them all a smile, to which they responded with a nod of their head. And then he shut he door.


Outside the Room, Dumbledore pointed his wand at the door and whispered, "Avada Kedavera." A green light filled the hallway, and though there was no sound which Dumbledore heard, Minerva McGongall asked him later what the great explsion was.

When he opened his eyes, the door was gone, and instead there was a large scorch mark on the wall. A strange feeling came over him as he stared at the mark.

If anyhing happened to those four children, he would never forgive himself.


Inside the Room, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco were terrified; It went eerily quiet for a minute, not even their breathing could be heard. And then the room went black before being illuminated by strange runes along the part of the wall close to the ground.

More runes began appearing, slowing crawling their way toward the ceiling; The new runes connected to the old ones by lines that glowed in the same way, each varying in thickness.

The last thing each of them before blacking out was eachother's faces.

Author's Note: I hope that this wasn't too short, my chapters are usually 1,500 words to 2,000 words, but this is just the introductory chapter!

I hope I had explained Dumbledore's plan decently, I didn't understand it very well when Key was explaining it -_-

So yes, please pretty please review! I want to make sure that this is accepteable for Key's readers and any of my own readers!

Also, because I don't know the meaning of shame, could you look at my other fic please? It's called Time Gone and Time Retrieved :)

(Review!) Till my next chapter,
