This idea just popped into my head randomly before I went to sleep. I quickly wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it.

Sorry I haven't posted anything recently; I was only on a day or two ago and I only had time to send nomination messages for my Best Phienas and Ferb FanFictions Awards.

Disclaimer- I don't own anything; except Meagan (My OC)



Phineas threw open the door and just collapsed on the chair in the living room. He was so tired from work he didn't even lock the door or get changed out of his clothes. Of course if Isabella was here he would have gotten up lie in bed with her, but she was away in Mexico visiting her family. She invited Phineas, but he declined because as much as he wanted to go with her, he couldn't leave Ferb here to take care of their work business by himself. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the cushioned chair.


Phineas woke up with a start when he felt someone on top of him. For a second he smiled, but then when he realized Izzy wasn't home; she was in Mexico, he shot his eyes open. "Who are you and why are you here?" Phineas growled to the intruder.

The stranger smiled and said, "You don't remember me, Phineas Flynn, because I remember you."

He took in a quick breath when he realized who was on top of him, "Meagan…" He breathed.

"Hello Phineas, how are doing?" She replied.

"Get off me!" He snarled.

Meagan shook her head, "I don't think so, but don't worry. I won't be here long; I only came to inform you of what I've done."

Phineas narrowed his eyes in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Meagan gripped Phineas' wrists harder and leaned close to his face, "You broke my heart, Phineas Flynn! I said you'd pay for it and you will!"

Phineas winced from the pain he was starting to feel in his wrists, "I didn't say yes because I was in love with Isabella, not you!"

Meagan smiled, "Oh, so you're still hanging around that twit, huh?"

"She's my wife; don't talk about her like that!" He snarled trying to get free but failing.

"I could've made you happy, but since you rejected me, I am going to take away all of your happiness!" She declared.

Phineas' eyes widened, "Don't you dare touch her!" He yelled.

At first Meagan was confused, but then she caught on and smirked. "No need to worry about your precious Isabella. I'm not going to kill her;I'm only going to kill someone who means much, much more to you."

Phineas thought for a brief moment, but once he realized who she was talking about he gasped, "Ferb…" He muttered.

Meagan smiled and said, "Ding, ding, ding; we have a winner!"

"Why?" Phineas asked in outrage.

"Because Phineas, I told you that you'd pay for breaking my heart and you will; except with your brother's life!"

Phineas felt tears in his eyes, "No…" He muttered and tried to free himself but he just didn't have the strength.

"Yes, it's too late. He should have eaten the poisoned food about an hour ago-"

"You would he eat poisoned food? He's smarter than that!" Phineas asked.

Meagan nodded her head, "I am aware of that, but it did help that the food was from you!""

"What?" Phineas asked in confusion, "I didn't give him any food." He said slowly.

"I know, but the note had your name signed underneath the dear message that his brother wrote for him."

"How?" Phineas asked.

"Oh, it was easy really. Remember that cute little girl who asked for your autograph outside of your store today?"

Phineas slowly nodded his head.

Meagan smiled and then continued, "Well, it wasn't very hard to add a note above your name."

Phineas would've pushed her off of him right then, but he couldn't. He was too worried, too scared and he just didn't have the strength. He felt the tears run off of his face.

"That's right, cry because after all; it is you fault that your brother is about to die." Meagan taunted him.

Then as if on cue; Phineas' phone rang. Meagan smiled and grabbed the phone out of Phineas' pocket. She read the caller ID and said, "…Vanessa…" She looked over at Phineas' worried face and smirked, "Who is she, his wife?" She rolled her eyes and tossed the phone to the ground, "She's probably calling because she's worried about her dear husband. Too bad it's too late though."

Phineas let out a cry and screamed his brother's name, "FERB!"

Meagan threw her hand over his mouth and smirked, "Goodnight, Phineas Flynn." Then all went black for Phineas.

Is this worth continuing? If I did continue, it would be brotherly fluff. It would have hints of Phinbella and Ferbnessa, but mostly brotherly fluff. That's the main reason why I'm writing this because I love brotherly fluff. xDDDDDDDDd

R&R please?