Worth The Fight



Disclaimer: I do not own anything! R&R

Chapter Nineteen

I walked through the knee length grass to the stone that I hadn't seen in weeks. I smiled softly as I bent down and grazed my fingers lightly over the engravement.

Janine Hathaway - Loving Mother and Wife

Will be missed dearly but always remain in our hearts.

I blinked away sudden tears but a few slipped down my cheeks and I kneeled on my knees, "Hey Mom. God, I miss you. I-We found your killer...Ambrose... I'm so sorry, Mommy. You should have never been hurt. You should still be alive today. Be here beside me but... you're in a better place now. And I know with certainty that you're watching over me right now. Hell, you're probably standing beside me and scolding me for cursing in such a peaceful place," I chuckled, "But I now know that. That your in a better place. And although I can't see you, I know your here with me and Dad."

"You should be here to meet Dimitri, though you probably knew him, huh? He's a great man, isn't he? I love him and by some odd stroke of fate he loves me back. I . . . I think that I may actually marry him-if he purposes, that is. What am I saying? We just became official two weeks ago!" I chuckled again, "Ugh. . .I miss you mom, but I love you and soon in the future I'll see you again. And then in a few decades you'll meet your grandchildren as well. Bye, Mommy, I love you. Always and Forever." I smiled softly as I patted the tombstone and stood on shaky legs.

Glancing at my watch, a good hour had passed as I'd spoken and finally said goodbye and accepted her death. I looked up at the sky and surprisingly an eagle was perched on a thick branch, blinking at me. An eerie look in it's eye as if it knew something. Could that possibly. . . ? I shook my head, I need to get some sleep and stop think about such absurd ideas.

I looked at the bird as it soared higher into the sky and walked back to my car, smiling as a sense of a new beginning washed over me.

. . .

I closed the door to the manor and looked at the ready luggage at the bottom of the staircase. I smiled softly as I looked up at Dimitri who had my second and last bag in in his hand.

"Hello Rose, where'd you go?" he asked, pecking me on the forehead and setting the bag down. I smiled up at him, his wavy hair brushing his shoulders and his usually cold and emotionless eyes warm and love swirling in the dark abyss.

"My mother's grave. . . Just final goodbyes," I murmured, holding his hand in my own and intertwining our fingers.

"You okay?" he asked worriedly, his eyebrows creasing together. I smiled at him and nodded, standing on my tip-toes to peck him on the lips.

"I love you," I murmured.

"As I love you," he replied, grinning down at me. I smiled back at him and sighed before hopping and clapping my hands together.

"You ready to see your family?" I chirped, smiling as he grinned and nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Yes, you ready? The plane leaves in about an hour and-"

"Yes! Let's go!" I said, cutting him off, he narrowed his eyes at me but I grinned before grabbing my bags and skirted around as he tried to take them, "I got it, Dimitri!" He pouted but I just rolled my eyes pecking him on the lips and groaning when he still took the heaviest one. I glared at him before sighing and walking out the door.

"Controlling Russian," I muttered.

"What was that, Roza?" he asked louder than necessary. I twirled and grinned at his smirking face.

"Oh, I think you heard me Belikov," I murmured seductively. His smirk fell from his face and he groaned. I laughed loudly and turned, opening the back door and throwing my bag inside. He was muttering to himself about a "vixen" and I giggled as I skipped around the car and hopped in.

"You are evil," he murmured as he slipped into the car and pulled me so that our lips fused together. I smiled softly and kissed him back, pouting when he pulled away.

"We have to go, Roza..." he groaned as he started up the car, "Later."

I grinned evilly as I turned to look at him, "Wanna join the Mile High Club, Comrade?" His eyes snapped to mine in astonishment and I busted out laughing.

Hey, Guys! So this is the end of the story! No epilogue since I'm going to write a sequel which I won't start till about June, once schools out. Review for one last time! Thank you so much for being patient and continuing to stick with the story as I held off on updates and maybe did things that you didn't necessarily like. I appreciate the praise and criticism that I've gotten, it's what helps writers improve. Love you guys so much for your support! Always continue writing no matter what others say! Talk to you all in a few weeks! :D
