Author's Note/Disclaimer: This story was Beta-read by Kamen Rider Lynx. And the characters in this story do not belong to me. They belong to the creators of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.



I didn't know what was going on. I'd never seen Kit like this. No one had. He was usually talkative, always speaking his mind, but today...he just came into the dining hall, sat down, and didn't say a word. I'm starting to get really worried about my mirror twin.

"Hey, Len?" I whispered to him as he sat down between me and Kit.


"Is it just me, or is Kit being a bit quiet today?" I breathed, praying the person in question didn't hear me.

Len looked at Kit out of the corner of his eye...and by the look on his face; it wasn't hard to tell that he could notice it too. Len opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by none other than Kit himself.

"Hey guys...I don't think I'm up for practice today...I think I'm going to spend some time meditating. Do you mind telling Master Eubulon? I don't want him to worry." Before any of us could protest, he just left.

Great. Now I was even more worried. As much as Kit hated practice (I did too), he never missed a session unless he was sick and even then only if he can barely move (the kid was too stubborn for his own good).

"Okay, please tell me I'm not the only one completely confused," Len said in one of his 'I'm going to figure out what's going on around here' tones.

"You're not. But I think we should leave him alone...for now anyway. We'll check on him later." I told him in a tone that left no room for argument.

Len huffed before agreeing. "Alright, we'll check on him after practice. Deal?"



2 hours later

Sigh. I saw the look on Adam's face; he was worried about me. I guess I couldn't blame him. I just hoped he and Len could leave me alone...just for today. I didn't mean to worry them. But this day...this day had never been an easy day. So here I was. In one of the little meditation rooms, sitting on the windowsill. Just remembering her and all the things we used to do together. I felt the tears in my eyes that I'd been holding back all morning trying to free themselves, and I let them because I just couldn't hold them back any longer.

It was hard thinking that almost 10 years had passed since I lost her, and it still hurt as if it just happened seconds ago.


Startled, I looked down on the screen of my phone. Oh. It was Len telling me it's time for dinner.

Sighing, I sent him a message telling him I'd be there soon.

As I was walking out the door, I counted my blessings, especially to have met Len and the others. If it hadn't been for them, who could tell me where I would be instead. I opened the door to the dining hall and felt my heart warm. I knew she wasn't here, but the fact that they, my rider family, were here waiting for me before anyone started to eat, made the corners of my mouth turn up for the first time today. And as I sat and joined them in discussions about our day, I remembered why I loved these people so much.

After dinner I headed to my room deciding to call it a day. Welcoming the sense of familiarity as everyone I passed said 'goodnight', 'laters bro', or something similar. And my last thought as I turned off the light before surrendering to a much needed sweet slumber was, 'Thank you, mom.'

Okay so I've gotten requests to upload a sequel and knowing myself, I probably will write one. I only ask for some patience and reviews good or bad. As for the might be a sequel or it might be a new chapter, anything further will be determined after I write and post what comes next. Thank you for taking the time to read this. - Kamen Rider Luna