A/N: Hi everyone! I am so sorry for not posting. I just got into playing video games which is so weird because I used to HATE video games. They are strangely addicting. Well thanks to Bluedrayseverus I am back to posting. Another reason I didn't post is because I accidently activated the paragraph symbol on word and it annoyed me so much I didn't want to type. I finally figured out how to get rid of it by typing in "word backwards p' into google. Oh the wonders of the internet. Well, enough of my boring life and back onto the story.

Sirius: Finally, I though you died.

Me: I didn't die.

Sirius: Okay.

Me: Enough chit chat I have a heap of writing to do.

Chapter 9

Harry wandered over to the couch and collapsed into a fit of laughter. Sirius, frightened by the loud noise rushed into the lounge room to see what was wrong. When he caught a glimpse of Harry on the couch he stared at him strangely. Several minutes later Harry sat up out of breath. Sirius just continued to stare at him like he was a lunatic.

"What the heck is so funny that you laughed non stop for seven whole minutes?" Sirius asked.

"Dumbledore." Harry replied.

They both got the point. Harry didn't need to explain because the old coot was so darn predictable.

"Took you off the quidditch team?"


"Expected you to beg on your knees for the position?"

"Most likely."

"Tried to convince you that the raging psychopath who tried to kill you was innocent even though there were lots of witnesses?"

"Of course for the 500th time. Well, feels like it anyway."

"That man is an idiot."


"What do you mean no?!" Sirius exclaimed.

"He is so old and shrivelled he can hardly be considered a man. A thousand year old prune looks younger than he does."

"Good point that."

"You know I think it is payback time." Harry said mischievously.

"I like what you are thinking. So what's the plan?"

Harry and Sirius whispered to each other the entire afternoon making notes and laughing the whole time. Dumbledore had better hide. He is in for it big time.

In Dumbledore's Office

Dumbledore was just sitting in his chair thinking about how to get Harry Potter to do as he said when a peacock flamed into his office and sat itself on Fork's (A/N: Hope that's the right spelling. If not let me know in the comments.) Perch.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Dumbledore screamed. "What are you and what are you doing in my office. The peacock trilled and squawked.

"Oooooooooooh. You're Forks and I'm pink. Okay…wait a second! I'm what!?"

Dumbledore ran towards the mirror. Unfortunately he forgot to slow down and slammed into it. He picked himself and the mirror up and stared at himself. To say he was shocked would be and understatement.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!" Dumbledore squealed with a squeal that could be heard in Antarctica and stared Earthquakes in Australia. Dumbledore then took a second look in the mirror and noticed that he had turned yellow. He screamed again.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!" this time his screams could be heard all around the world and started earthquakes on the moon.

Dumbledore was not a happy chappy and unfortunately for the rest of the world the idiot decided to look in the mirror a 3rd time. This time however he was not shocked, he was not scared, he was terrified. He screamed louder than ever before and everyone within a 5 kilometre radius went temporarily deaf and….you don't want to here about Uranus do you? Well, alright. Uranus exploded in a fireball before shattering into a million tiny pieces and knocking into every planet except the always lucky Earth. The planets were knocked of course and into the sun where they burned making the sun even hotter thus starting global warming. If only Dumbledore knew that this was just the beginning of a very, very, very, very, very, very ,very long prank war. Harry and Sirius heard Dumbledore scream through their no noise earmuffs and though in unison 'let the fun begin.'

A/N: Thank you for reading chapter 9. It was very short I know but I am just getting back into the swing of it.

Sirius: Thank you for reading.

Me: Please use my 3 step process that I like to call RRPMOAA. Also known as Read, Review and Put me on author alert.

Sirius: Thanks for reading.

Me: That's enough Sirius.