Disclaimer: I own nothing. All Harry Potter characters, stories, plot lines belong to J.

15 year old Harry Potter had been at the Burrow for 3 weeks now and it was almost time to go back to Hogwarts for his fifth year

"HARRY, RON, HERMIONE! DINNER TIME! " Mrs Weasley called.

Everyone rushed downstairs to get the food before Ron got there and ate it all. Everyone dug in and ate every last scrap of the food on the table. After dinner Harry, Ron and Hermione went into the kitchen afterwards to help clean up the dishes. They stopped at the door and listened as they heard a very agitated Mrs Weasley arguing with her husband.

"But Arthur, Harry must know."

"Yes he does, but not right now he doesn't."

"Of course he does Arthur it does after all concern him!"

"No Molly. I will not tell him this soon."

"We have to tell him Arthur!"

"Tell me what?" Harry asked as he entered the kitchen with Ron and Hermione.

When he got no answer Harry asked again. "I said, tell me what Mrs Weasley?"

Mrs Weasley gave Mr Weasley a look that said 'tell him or else'.

"We have bad news Harry" Mr Weasley said with a grave expression. "Your uncle has been arrested."

Harry gave a laugh. "No seriously, what's the bad news?"

"That was the bad news Harry dear" Mrs Weasley said wearing the same expression as her husband. "Your aunt has been arrested as well and your cousin is currently a ward of the ministry.

"What! Why?" Harry exclaimed.

"For the mistreatment of a child." Mrs Weasley said with disgust as any self respecting person would at the thought of hurting a child.

Harry paled. "Y..y..you know?" Harry stuttered.

"Yes of course we know" Mr Weasley said questionably. " How do you know Harry?"

"I was involved but don't you already know that."

"We do now thanks to your little confession." Mrs Weasley said coldly.

"We are taking you to the ministry right away you little monster." Mr Weasley said with disgust.

"You can join your aunt and uncle in Azkaban until your trial."

Harry paled even more. "What? Why? What did I do?"

"You helped your aunt and uncle you FREAK!" Hemione Screamed.

"No. No, I didn't! I didn't do anything wrong!" Harry protested.

"Oh, save it for court you monstrous creature." Ron said in a voice that Harry had never heard before. It was a voice that was cold and filled with hate. Harry didn't put up a fight on the way to the ministry of magic. The reason for this was that Harry Potter was in complete and total shock.

When they got to the Ministry the aurors were called to come and get Harry and take him to a holding cell. The holding cell had just one door and was like a cake at the zoo except a lot smaller. The cell was guarded by a single dementor that the ministry had picked out especially. The dementor that they had picked out was a mild one because it was just a holding cell but it was still extremely frightening. Harry didn't scream out as he relived his worst memories but you could still see the horror on his face.

The next morning Harry was taken to the Wizengamot for his trial. His Aunt and Uncle were there as well. Dudley was no where to be found. The trial was due to start in 5 minutes and everybody was there.