Disclaimer: I do not nor will I ever own Chronicles of Narnia.
Welcome To Narnia
Chapter one
Beginning the Adventure
England 1940's Families were torn apart as the men marched off to war against the Germans. England was riddled with the German's bombing cities such as London and others. The children living in the cities were to be evacuated to the country and out of harm's way.
Helen Pevensie feared for her four children, Peter who is the oldest at sixteen, Susan the second oldest at fourteen, Edmund the second youngest at twelve, and of course the youngest and her baby Lucy who is only nine. There was no time to be a child in these days filled with worry and fear that they would be bombed at any moment. She didn't want to send them away. But on this particular night when Edmund had run back inside the house she knew that she had to send them away.
The next morning she took them to the train station to leave the danger behind and to be safe in the country side. They didn't want to go but knew that they had to. Peter trying to be the man he knew his father would want him to be. To protect his siblings the best he could. They said their goodbyes to their mum, boarded the train and were off to the country side.
England wasn't the only country afflicted by the war. In Dublin Ireland a girl named Bridget waited by the phone to hear anything about her father who has been MIA for three months. Her long reddish brown hair tied back in a messy braid as her emerald eyes stared at the phone. Her mother sighed as she went over to her daughter touching her daughter's hair.
"Look Sulkie, sitting by the phone won't bring your da home. Your grandparents have asked how you are. I said that I will send you to them to get your mind off this war and have some fun. You will be going to Devonshire tomorrow to be with your grandparents," she said making her daughter look at her with tears in her eyes.
"You're sending me away? Why mum? I want to be here with you and wait for news on da," she protested. Her mother just hugged her and stroked her hair.
"I know Sulkie but you will be happier with your grandparents. They have already bought your ticket. Please go for me?" Her mother pleaded causing her to sigh in defeat as she went upstairs to pack.
Few days later she was in England on her way to Devonshire where her mother's parents lived. Once she was there she looked around the mansion and heard her grandmother coming down the stairs saying "She's here, she's here," and sure enough her lovely grandmother came flying down the stairs like she was a teenager at Christmas. It made her smile as she was grabbed into a hug.
"Hello grandma," she said hugging her grandma back. Then she saw her grandfather coming down the stairs and he smiled at her. She hugged him as they looked at her and how much she has grown in over the years.
"Welcome love we are glad to see you. My you have you grown into quite a beautiful young lady," he said.
"Come on in love. Let's get you some tea and a bite to eat. I bet you're starving from you trip here. How's your mum?" Her grandmother asked of her daughter.
"She's good. Misses you bunches." Bridget said as they went inside for a late lunch and to get settled into her new surroundings. This will be the first time without her parents being here. She felt so lonely but knew that she couldn't let on and let them know she wasn't looking forward to staying here.
Weeks passed since coming to stay with her grandparents. Bridget received letters from her mom asking if she was adjusting well to living in England. No news about her father still which caused her heart to break. One day as she was sitting at the desk in her room writing a letter back to her mom, she felt a sudden blast of cold air coming from somewhere in the room. It wasn't coming from the window which puzzled her. It was coming from the wardrobe that was in the corner of her bedroom. The wardrobe was beautifully decorated with all sorts of shapes almost as if telling a story.
Bridget walked up opening the door as the breeze grew stronger. She felt as if she was being drawn into the wardrobe by some unseen force. It seemed like it went on forever until she felt something fall on her hand. Something cold and wet looking at her hand then deciding to keep walking until the clothes changed to branches as they gave way revealing a winter wonderland.
Looking around she smiled taking in the beautiful sights. She could hear voices and shrieks of laughter just a few feet ahead of her when something flew past her ear. Curiosity made her take a closer look to see four people around her age having a snowball fight. Then one pelted her smack dab in her face causing her to fall backwards.
"Oh I am so sorry I didn't mean to hit you," a boy with blond hair said coming over to her. He stopped and stared at her as she wiped the snow from her face. He helped her up brushing the snow off her.
"It's alright no harm done. It's just snow after all. You do have a good arm in that throw. Knocked me right off me feet and on my arce*." She laughed making him blush. She finally looked at him and smiled as her green eyes locked with his blue ones
"Peter what's going on?" someone asked coming over to him. Bridget looked past the boy as one of the others came over to see what was going on.
"Oh hello." She smiled. She was the youngest of everyone as now Bridget was surrounded by the other three. "I'm Lucy Pevensie. These are my brothers and sister Peter, Edmund and Susan. Who are you?" She asked cheerfully as she held her hand out to Bridget. She took it shaking it as she smiled.
"Nice to meet everyone. I'm Bridget O'Sullivan. Where are we?" she asked Lucy.
"We are in Narnia. We are about to go and visit my new friend Mr. Tumnus. Would you like to come with us Bridget," she said making the older girl smile and nod.
"It will be my pleasure Lucy. If that is alright with your siblings." she said. The oldest Peter nodded without giving the other two to object the company of their new found friend. "Oh and by the way call me Bri*."
The wind started to blow reminding all of them that they weren't dressed for the snowy terrain. They didn't have coats or boots or gloves and hats. Susan being the one who was more logical had to say something.
"Well we can't go hiking through the snow dressed like this," Looking down at our clothes. Peter went back and took out coats from the closet and handed them to the others.
"I don't think the professor would mind us using these. Because logically we aren't even taking them out of the wardrobe," he handed everyone a coat. They all gladly slipped them on to get warm from the cold world they were now standing in. Handing Edmund one when the younger boys nose scrunched up. "That's a girls' coat," he complained.
"I know," Peter said. He wouldn't take the coat back until Edmund reluctantly took the coat from his brother putting it on. They all started towards Mr. Tumnus place with Lucy in the lead.
Bri*~ pronounced Bree
Arce*~ butt
Author's Note: Hello it's Cerulean. I hadn't reread this in a long time and realized that I can put much more details into this story. So here is a rewrite of the chapters. I will be replacing them as fast as I can. So here's hope that you all like the rewrite.