Rachel and Quinn had been together for a long time, they'd had their tough moments during high-school, but it all changed when Quinn got pregnant.

By some strange reason, Quinn knew Rachel was going to be the only one that wouldn't judge her, the only one that would keep the secret, the only who would be there for her, so a week after she found out she was pregnant she found herself driving to Rachel's home, she was just about to breakdown and needed someone to catch her. She was choking back tears and holding to the drive wheel as if her life depended on it. She arrived at Rachel's house, pulled over and turned the car off. Before she got out she took a deep breath trying to control her emotions, she took it one step at the time until she was finally in the door way and knocked on the door trying to steady her breathing so she wouldn't start sobbing the second the door opened, but as she saw Hiram appeared she couldn't hold it any longer, she lowered her head and started sobbing.

Quinn felt Hiram's strong, yet gentle, hold on her arms as he guided her into the house and to the feet of the stairs and heard his strong voice:

"Rachel! Rachel honey you need to come down. Now!".

And in less than 30 seconds Rachel was coming down the stairs and Quinn heard her loud voice reach to her.

"What do you need Daddy? Is everything….. Oh my god! Quinn?"

Rachel skipped the last couple of steps so that she was next to the blonde in less than a quarter of second.

"Quinn? Quinn? What happened? Are you all right? Quinn! Tell me what's wrong please".

But Quinn couldn't speak, she was having trouble holding herself from falling to the ground and sob uncontrollably, so she just shook her head and held Rachel's hand silently asking her to not let go.

"Daddy. Quinn and I are going upstairs and I'd really like it if we weren't disturbed for the time being".

Hiram just nodded, his eyes filled with concern for both girls and watched as Rachel guided Quinn to her room holding her hand and couldn't help but to wonder what could possibly had happened to the girl that made her so sad.

When they got to Rachel's bedroom Quinn just fell on the bed as Rachel put the lock on the door and rushed to Quinn's side holding her hand waiting for her to say something. But the girl seemed lost, she was lost in her thoughts, she was fighting something inside of her and Rachel could see it in her eyes so she decided not to push it. But after a while she saw Quinn's eyes tear up again and she pulled her close and whispered in her ear:

"Quinn, you need to tell me what's wrong. Tell me what happened. Tell me how can I help. Hey hey, I'm here and I am not going anywhere ok? Just hold my hand and tell me what happened".

Quinn, slowly, lifted her head until she met Rachel's eyes, those brown concerned eyes and she saw only honesty and it got to her.

"Rachel I…."

"You... What Quinn? What happened?"

Quinn started to cry again "I…. I can't. I can't"

"Ssh, Quinn. I am here ok? You can trust me, I promise. I won't say anything you don't want me to. I promise. Trust me okay?"

"I… I'm pregnant" and she broke down to tears again clinging into a very shocked Rachel Berry.

That had been 6 years ago, that day Rachel promised Quinn she was going to be there for her, and she had kept her word.

Two years after Quinn got pregnant they finished high-school and moved to New York. Quinn had gotten to NYU and Rachel to Julliard and they had never been more in love. Rachel's dads had gotten them an apartment next to a subway station so they could both get to their classes on time, Quinn's parents never looked at her the same way after Beth, her father didn't really looked at her at all or talked to her for that mattered, and Quinn didn't have any complaints.

She had been surprised though to find out that her mother had been saving up some money to give her when for when she was ready to go away to college.

She had just hugged her goodbye and handed her an envelope before she turned around and got in the house closing the door behind her. Quinn got into Rachel's new car with the envelope in her hands and she kept wondering what could it be… she opened it and inside lied 5.000 dollars and a simple note:

I'm really proud of you. Good luck Quinnie. Mom.

She looked at Rachel in who was as surprised as she was and heard her whisper

"Guess there's still hope in the world".

That had been 4 years ago, and everything felt so distant, everything felt as if it had just been a dream, or a novel Rachel had read, or a movie she'd seen. She was laying in bed with Quinn like she had for years, but there was something different, something went missing over the years, something…

Rachel wasn't sure of what it was or when it happened, but somewhere Quinn had fallen out of love and in to settlement with her, and while they were both aware of that neither said a thing, they had silently agreed to live like this.

But Rachel was at a breaking point, she was still in love with Quinn, she was still hers just as she promised all those years before, but there was no pushing the feeling that Quinn just didn't love her anymore and she didn't know what to do about it.

She was losing Quinn and she refused to accept that, she had always known her girlfriend was bad when it came to emotions and feelings so she couldn't keep waiting for her to make the first move. She was going to win Quinn back but… She had no idea where to start.