"Well I got our team name," declared Ras as walked through the door of hotel room that he and Kain were renting. It had been two weeks since their fight, and both had decided that they would make a good team, and had agreed that they should get their team registered in the Zoid Battle Commission.

The hotel room was a simple one. Two separate beds, a simple bath, and just enough room to sleep and put their belongings. Both Chaoc and Mythe had had to stay with the Shadow Fox in the hanger they had rented for a few days. Neither of them wished for people to know about the two Organoids, and neither of them would have been able to go through the city without drawing a huge crowd, so they had convinced both of them to stay with the Shadow Fox.

Mythe was actually in his Liger form, making it seem that they each had a Zoid. During the two weeks after their fight, they had worked constantly with the Organoid, helping it to stay longer and longer in its Liger form. As it was, Mythe could stay as the Liger for up to three days, as long as he didn't have to fight. Today they would be leaving the city, both to give Mythe a rest, and so that Chaoc and the Shadow Fox could have a run.

"Yeah?" said Kain, looking from a pamphlet he was reading. Ras blinked, and saw that was about the Zoid Battle Commissions Rule Book. Ras shook his head, and smiled, waving the papers he had in his hand. "So what's our name then mercenary?"

Ras grinned, and set the papers on the table. He ran his hand through his hair, and laughed. "We're the Zephyr Team! Isn't it great?"

Kain raised an eyebrow and sat up, a small smile creeping onto his face. "Zephyr? We're the Zephyr Team? Do you know what Zephyr means?"

"Uh…I think it means 'breeze' or 'wind' or something. We're fast, so zephyr fits just fine." Ras grinned, and sat down on his bed, laying back, putting his hands behind his head. He liked the name, and thought it sounded good for their team. "Why, what does it mean? It does mean 'wind' right?"

Kain laughed, and shook his head, standing up. "I believe zephyr means 'little east wind' or something like that. Not exactly a fear-inspiring name."

Ras blinked, and looked at the kid, wondering if he was lying. Finally he shrugged, and sat up. "Whatever. Zephyr just sounds good and intimidating. I doubt very many will know it means 'little east wind' or whatever." Ras shrugged his shoulders again, and plopped back down, closing his eyes.

"Anything else they tell you?" Kain was looking through the papers, checking them, wondering what some of them meant.

"Well the officials told me that we need to either get a base or some sort of transport Zoid within six months, otherwise we're out of the Commission until we get one. Since we have no base of operations, I'll have to keep the Fox's communication lines open at all times. Which reminds me, I registered Mythe as the Storm Liger, so you'll have to make sure he's changed before each battle." Ras yawned, and blinked his eyes open. "Our first battle will probably be in a few days. Most of the battles will probably happen on Europa, but they could also be as far away as Delpoi. But like I said, most will be on Europa, so they'll be easy to get to. When do you think we should go?"

Kain yawned, and laid the papers back on the table. "Probably now. We'll have to camp out under the stars again. How much does a Hover Cargo cost?"

Ras stood up, and snorted, running a hand through his hair. "Like I know. Probably expensive though, so we'll have to save up our earnings. We can only afford to spend money on ammunition, food, and other necessities. As it is, we barely have enough credits to get by." Ras shook his head, and began packing his things into his bags. "But I wouldn't worry too much. We'll win all our battles, quickly climb the ranks, and will soon be battling the teams at the top slots and earning heaps of credits. Hell, we may even battle the Blitz or Berserk Fury Teams. I hear that those two are the Battle Leaders. They get the most money, and hold the top notch of the system. No one can seem to beat them so they stay the Battle Leaders. I suppose we'll have to change that won't we kid?"

"Do we have to wait for someone to battle us, or can we challenge someone?" Kain too was packing his belongings, although he hadn't brought much with him. For a moment he stopped and looked at Ras, then once again began to pack his things.

"I think that since it's our first that we have to get challenged. The official that it wouldn't take long for someone to bite though. He says that there are always hounds looking to take down the newbies." Ras grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. He couldn't wait to finally be able to battle and earn money for it. He had join teams for a short time before, but they hadn't appreciated his ability to pilot, so he had quickly left them to fight on their own. "Unfortunately these hounds won't know until it's too late that we bite back."

Kain laughed, and hiked his small pack over his shoulder. "Well we might as well go. I'm sure Chaoc wants to get out of here and run around. Mythe is probably wanting to change back, and I wouldn't blame him." The eighteen year old smiled, and walked to the door and stepped out.

Ras grinned, and shook his head, following him. The kid acted all cool and calm about this, but the mercenary was sure that he was just as excited as him to finally be battling real teams. All he had ever done was training and more training with Mythe. He'd told Ras that he'd never even been in an official battle. Well that would change.

Over the two weeks he'd been working and training with Kain, Ras had grown to like and respect his ability as a Zoid pilot. He realized early on that the kid had amazing talent, and could one day become one of the best pilots to ever exist. The kid was determined to become a better pilot, and that was something that Ras liked to see in a person. Kain also had guts, and wasn't afraid of a challenge. In many ways Ras already considered Kain a sort of younger brother, and he often treated him as such by teasing him.

"So, how long do you think it'll take the Storm Liger to be able to change his generators into blades? It can't be too much longer. I've seen you working with him," said Ras, catching up with Kain, who was striding calmly down the hall.

"Dunno. We're getting closer, but it takes a lot of energy on the Liger's part and I've been pushing Mythe really hard." Kain gave a small smile, and raised an eyebrow. "I think he's starting to regret being my partner. I will admit though that he can change faster now, and it is nice that he is able to stay changed for days at a time. I know what I'll be working on next with him though."

"Oh, and what's that?" Ras moved the pack over his shoulder, making it easier to hold and balance. They came to the end of the hall, and walked into the lobby. They'd paid before, so they simply walked out the door after dropping off the keys to the room.

Kain snorted as the walked out the door and into the sunlight. The streets of the city were filled with people. Cars and other vehicles lined the streets, and vendors called out their wares and foodstuffs. The buildings themselves in this area weren't the best, but then again they weren't in the best part of town. Crime was an everyday thing in this neighborhood, although the thieves had been intelligent and had left both Kain and Ras alone.

For a moment the pair just walked down the street, their eyes searching for anyone who would try to rob them. Then Kain looked at Ras and shrugged his shoulders.

"The boosters," he said, gazing about. People were everywhere, and they all seemed preoccupied with what they were doing. No one gave them a second glance. "I'm going to work on the boosters next, and the ability to change his armor to make him faster. Basically, I'm going for an integrated Liger Jager look. He'll be able to move as fast as the Jager, and have the ability to break the sound barrier." Kain yawned, and quietly tripped a would-be pickpocket who had seemingly been reaching for his trench coat pockets. "Don't try that again. You'll just get hurt that way."

"Nice," murmured Ras as he watched the young man run away. "Nicely done. So you're going for speed first huh? After that what will you do?" Ras turned the corner, and looked at the hanger where the Shadow Fox and the Storm Liger were being kept. It was a run down place with barely enough room for the two Zoids. The mercenary could hardly wait to get them out.

Kain shrugged his shoulders and followed Ras. "I don't know. It'll take awhile to get that done, so I'll think over it then. Right now I think I'd like to focus on the changing the generators into blades. Of course I'll still be able to generate the lightning and use the Pulse Laser Guns."

Ras nodded and walked up to the door of the hanger. "Well here we go. Hopefully I'll be able to keep Chaoc under control until we get into the desert." The mercenary grinned, and Kain laughed as Ras opened the door.

Inside, both standing seemingly staring at nothing, were the two huge Zoids. The Storm Liger was smaller than the Shadow Fox, but it's size made it even more maneuverable than the Fox, if only just so though. The black Shadow Fox suddenly seemed to notice he was there, and gave a loud whining growl, and began to wag its tail. In contrast the grey Storm Liger stood there, and calmly looked down, its tail lashing back and forth slowly.

"Hey Chaoc! Relax bud, we'll be able to go in a moment. Just let me put this away, and we're off!" Ras grinned at the huge Zoid, and walked over to a hidden compartment in the Shadow Fox, and threw in his pack. He turned to watch Kain not even bother with that. The kid simple hopped into the cockpit, strapped in, and stood there, waiting for Ras. The mercenary laughed, and jumped into the cockpit of the Shadow Fox. He quickly buckled in, and patted the controls of the Fox. "Nice to be back Chaoc. I bet you can't wait to get out and run!"

"'Chaoc can't wait to get out of sick city and run in the desert. Fox says he can't wait to run either. Chaoc been bored the past few days. Missed Ras and Kain. Chaoc couldn't play in small place where he was resting. Can Chaoc and Ras leave city now?'" The Shadow Fox gave a small whine, and Ras laughed.

"Boy, you sure are getting good at talking Chaoc! Yep, in fact we're leaving right now. We'll be in the desert soon, so both you and Mythe can run all you want! I'm sure you want to stretch your legs. I know I do. And guess what Chaoc, we're in the Zoid Battle Commission now! Now we'll be able to battle a lot more, and you'll be able to have fun! Not to mention that we'll get paid for fighting. Doesn't that sound fun boy?" Ras grinned, and began to walk the Shadow Fox out of the hanger. The doors had already been opened, and they were all set to leave. There were special roads in the city that allowed for Zoid passage, so there were no people about as the two Zoids walked out of the city.

"'Chaoc and Ras and Kain and Mythe get to fight more now? Mythe says he's been bored because only Chaoc and Mythe have been practicing. Mythe says that we aren't good enough to fight against, although Chaoc thinks that Mythe is just grumbling because he is tired. Mythe is grumpy isn't he Ras? It's not because he really doesn't like Chaoc is it?'"

Ras shook his head at the Organoids words. It seemed like yesterday when he'd been forming baby sentences. Now he spoke almost like an adult, and every time that Ras read his words he got an eerie feeling that Chaoc was much smarter than any other Organoid, or maybe even human, around.

"No Chaoc, it's just because he's a grumpy Organoid. He likes you just fine. If he didn't do you think he'd talk to you? He's just tired because Kain and I have been working him hard so that he can stay a Zoid for a longer amount of time."

"'If Ras says so.'" The Shadow Fox seemed to give a sigh as they walked through the city. Then abruptly they were free of the buildings, and looking into the wide expanse of the desert.

"Looks like we're finally free of the hellhole," said Kain, popping up on Ras's monitor. The red circles on his forehead seemed to stand out starkly on his pale skin. "Mythe says he'd like to stretch his legs and get away from here and change back." The young man smiled, and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure Chaoc and the Fox want to, to. Shall we?"

"'Chaoc wants to run, and now!'" Then, before Ras could press forward on the petals or on the controls, he was rushing forward, the Shadow Fox taking great leaps in his run. "'Chaoc wants to run in the desert! Shadow Fox says yes too! Chaoc and Shadow Fox run, and beat Mythe!'" The Fox suddenly gave a loud whining growl, and sped up.

The mercenary laughed, and took his hands off the controls, and brought his feet off the foot petals. "All right Chaoc, I'll let you have fun. Just make sure you don't run us into a mountain or something. And please, don't agitate Mythe. He's too tired to fight.'"

"'Chaoc will be good Ras. Don't worry so much about Chaoc. Chaoc just wants to run and have fun. Chaoc was sick of being stuck up in the Zoid house. If Ras wants to, he could sleep while Chaoc and Mythe run.'"

Ras snorted, and rapped his hand on the visor, pretending he was rapping Chaoc on the head. "You're funny, you know that Fox-boy. And no, I won't sleep. Not because I don't trust you, but because, well, I don't feel like sleeping. Not to mention I don't know where we are going to camp tonight. Hey, Kain, how's Mythe holding up?"

"I think he's enjoying the run. He keeps grumbling, but I think that's because he's tired. Where do you think we should camp tonight?" Kain suddenly yawned, and Ras laughed. "Oh shut up Ras. I'm tired, just as you are, although you're too stubborn to say it."

The mercenary chuckled for a moment more then looked at the kid. "I don't know. How much longer can Mythe run? I think there is a small oasis straight ahead about twenty to twenty-five miles away from here. We'll be able to get ourselves a drink, and be able to sleep under the cover of more than just our tents. Do you think the Liger can do it?"

Kain raised an eyebrow, hooking a lock of hair behind one of his ears. "Of course we can do it. Mythe thinks you have no faith in him. Running doesn't really tire him out like changing into a Zoid does. Plus I think he likes the freedom of the desert. Hell, I bet we can beat you. How about a race? I promise I won't use my ion boosters."

For an answer the Shadow Fox gave a bark, and leapt forward, running even faster than it had before. In response the Storm Liger gave a deep roar, and bounded after the Shadow Fox, taking great leaps and quickly catching up to the Fox.

"You know I'm going to beat you kid. Chaoc wants to run, and he ain't exhausted like the Liger. Why don't you just give up now before your poor Zoid falls on his face and humiliates you? It would be better don't you think?" Ras grinned at Kain, who was looking intently out the visor. The kid never even looked at Ras, instead keeping his eyes focused ahead of him. "Well I gave you a chance kid." Ras laughed, and pushed harder on the petals, making the Fox speed up.

"'Chaoc will beat Mythe in the race because Chaoc is much faster than Mythe. Chaoc could run circles around Mythe. Poor Mythe, he's so tired that even a Cannon Tortoise could beat him.'" The Shadow Fox seemed to give a laughing bark as he ran faster towards the oasis that couldn't even yet be seen.

The Storm Liger roared, and accelerated, nearly catching up with the Shadow Fox. Even as the Storm Liger neared the Shadow Fox, the spines on his back came down, giving him the same sort of extra kick power that the Liger Zero possessed. Almost immediately the Liger ran past the Shadow Fox, roaring in triumph.

Ras laughed, and for a moment closed the communication lines to the Storm Liger. "Good job Chaoc. You think Mythe needs to win huh?"

"'Mythe has been unhappy lately because he can't change fast enough. Chaoc thinks he needs to win so that he'll feel better. It's not hard to goad Mythe, and Chaoc has fun teasing him.'"

The mercenary grinned, opened the communication lines again, and sat back to enjoy the run.

"Look Ras, there's the oasis! I'm going to beat you for once you know." In the distance a spot of green could be seen, standing out starkly against the drab brown of the desert. "For once I'm going to win, and Chaoc is going to have to pout about."

Ras laughed, and put on a burst of speed. It was enough to start catching up to the Storm Liger, but not enough to over take him.

"So you think your gonna win huh kid? The moons will be black when you do that!"

"Whatever Ras! See ya there!" Kain laughed, and the Storm Liger once again sped up, pulling farther ahead of the Shadow Fox.

Ras smiled, and watched the kid run ahead of him. Kain needed a break just as much as his Organoid did. The kid pushed himself too hard, never resting. Taking a break in a cool oasis and a break from training would make them all feel better.

"Hah! I win Ras!" crowed Kain as he ran into the trees, the Liger easily dodging them all. Ras followed him in, just as easily dodging the trees and fallen logs.

In front of him the Liger stopped, the cockpit opening. Ras brought the Shadow Fox up to stand beside the Storm Liger. In front of them was a wide pool of clear aqua blue water. Grass and small plants covered the small meadow around the pond. The mercenary could see fish in the water, along with animals that were fleeing from the Zoids sudden appearance.

"Nice place huh?" grinned Ras, jumping out from the Shadow Fox. Behind him Chaoc seemed to leap right out of the Zoid. The Organoid gave a happy bark and trotted over to Ras, sat down, and began to wag his tail. The mercenary smiled, and patted Chaoc's head. "You did good Chaoc. It's okay you lost, although you don't look particularly sad about it."

"'Chaoc isn't sad because Chaoc had fun running. Running was all that mattered to Chaoc. Did Ras enjoy the run?'" Chaoc was wagging his tail so hard that his whole body was shaking.

Ras laughed and patted the Organoids head. "I had a great time Chaoc. I love running in the Fox, and you know that."

"Thanks for the great run Ras," said Kain, coming up behind him. Beside him was Mythe, now in his Organoid form. Mythe was walking slowly, and his yellow eyes were duller than usual. "Don't worry about him," said Kain, catching Ras's look. "He's fine, just really tired. I think he's happy he finally beat you though." Kain grinned up at Ras and winked.

"That obvious huh?" laughed Ras, walking over to the pond. Silently bent down and cupped his hand, drinking some of the cool water.

"Only to me," said Kain softly, also drinking. "I don't think he knows. I do know that he needed it though. He's starting to get discouraged. If only there was a faster way."

"Well there isn't so he and you will both have to deal with the slow pace. Anyway, we're taking the day to relax. That hellhole hotel wasn't my idea of a relaxing place to visit." The mercenary gave a wry grin, and stood up, shaking the water off his hand.

"To be honest, not mine either." Kain grinned, then suddenly his eyes widened. Ras took a quick glance behind him, and shook his head, closing his eyes.

Chaoc was barreling at them both, barking happily and wagging his tail. Suddenly, just as it seemed he was going to crash into them, the Organoid jumped through the air to land in the pond, making a huge splash, and soaking both Kain and Ras with water.

"Chaoc!" cried Ras, shaking his head to get the water out of hair. Kain, who was taking of his trench coat to shake it out, was laughing. "You dunderhead! Why'd ya go and do that for!"

"'Chaoc wants to swim in the pond. Chaoc hasn't had the chance to swim forever. In fact, Chaoc has never swum before. Ras, this is fun! How come Chaoc hasn't been swimming before?'" The Organoid was swimming through the water happily, his tail wagging. The fox Organoids blue eyes sparkled as he swam about, splashing and playing.

"Because we haven't had the chance to. And how was I supposed to know that you knew how to swim, or even liked water for that matter? Tell me that Fox-Boy!" Ras was chuckling, although he was trying to hide it. For a moment he stood there, then shook his head and laughed out loud. Then he took off his shirt and boots, and jumped into the water.

For a while he just swam about and played with Chaoc while Kain set up the camp for the night. It didn't take Ras long to become cold and tired of swimming, and when he dragged himself out of the water, Chaoc followed, periodically shaking water off his metal body.

"You sure are lucky that you're waterproof Chaoc. What an Organoid you would have been if you'd shorted out or electrocuted yourself." Ras grinned, and sat down in front of the Bunsen burner where their dinner was cooking. Kain had set up both of the tents, and was sitting down next to Mythe who was curled up just a few feet away from the burner.

"How long are we going to stay here?" asked Kain, stirring whatever was in the pot. "Stew," he said shortly, catching Ras's gaze at the pot. After stirring moment, he set the ladle inside the pot and sat back, looking at the mercenary.

Ras shrugged and yawned. "Dunno. A day, maybe two at most. Depends really on if we get a battle challenge or not." Ras smiled, and looked at the stew. "So how long until it's done and we can eat? It's going to be dark soon, and we both seriously need some sleep."

Kain raised an eyebrow and reached into a pack and pulled out two bowls. Silently he tossed one to Kain, along with a spoon. "It's done now mercenary."

Spooning some stew into his bowl, he looked at Kain. "What's wrong kid? You don't seem yourself."

Raising his eyebrow again, Kain grinned. "Nothing, I'm just tired. You go ahead and eat, I'm not hungry. I think I'll go sit down by the pond."

Ras shrugged, and began to eat. "Fine by me kid. Just don't get lost." The mercenary grinned as he ate, and watched as Kain made his way down by the pond and sat down. "Wonder what's up with him."

Ras ate silently, enjoying the stew. When he finished he walked over to the pond and cleaned off his spoon and bowl, and put them back into the pack. "Want me to leave the burner and stew so you can eat later?" he called to Kain, who was still staring at the pond.

"Sure," he called back, not taking his eyes off the pond.

"You sure you're all right kid? You really aren't acting like yourself?" The mercenary made his way over to the eighteen year old, and sat down next to him. "Anything you want to talk about?"

Snorting, Kain turned his head toward Ras. "Believe me, it's nothing. Nothing you can handle. You look tired. Why don't you go to bed?" Even as Kain spoke, Ras yawned, a wave of sleepiness washing over him.

"You sure kid? I am a good listener you know."

"I'm positive mercenary. Go to bed and leave me alone for a while. Just something I need to think about okay? If I've figured it out by morning I'll tell you about it. Now go to bed."

Ras opened his mouth to retort, but a yawn took over instead. Another wave of sleepiness washed over him, and he looked at the kid. "Fine," he said coolly, and made his way to his tent. He walked inside, muttering about the ungratefulness of the younger generations. Silently he drew out his blanket and laid down on it, meaning to think on what could be bothering the kid.

Another yawn caught him unexpectedly, and before it was even finished he was asleep.

Kain sat at the shore, staring and waiting. After fifteen minutes had passed he stood up, and walked over to Ras's tent. For a moment he stood in front of it, listening. Inside he could hear the mercenary's soft snores. He was asleep, and would remain that way for the rest of the night.

"Sorry Ras," Kain said softly, walking over to the drugged stew and dumping it out. "But I can't have you interfering with this." Silently he put his trench coat back on, and walked silently away from the camp. Not even Mythe knew he that he was going.

After making his way out of the oasis he stopped and stared at the sky. The two moons were both half full, providing more than enough light, even with the dying sun's rays still touching the land. Kain smiled at the beauty of the desert, with its oranges and golds. For a moment he just stared, smiling at the beauty, then he turned around, once again staring back into the oasis.

"You can come out now. The mercenary won't interfere, and neither will my Organoid." Kain was smiling faintly, watching for the movement he knew would come. Then suddenly it was there, and Kain ducked to the side, easily avoiding the knife that had been aimed at his throat. "Come now, you can do better than that. You would have had me in the city if you'd been quicker and not so stupid as to do it right in front of me."

"Bastard!" snarled a voice from the trees. Suddenly a man was running at him, a dagger in his hand.

"Oooh, hand to hand combat! You should have brought a gun really. Too bad you're a knifer instead of a gun boy. You might have had a chance if you'd used a gun." Kain laughed as he sidestepped the man's initial charge. As the man ran past Kain lazily put out his foot and tripped the man.

"You're gonna pay for that kid," snarled the man, standing up. Another knife appeared in his other hand. "I'm trained for silent assassinations. Too bad you couldn't have died in the city. It would have been easier, and not mention quicker, for you."

Kain smirked, and showed his empty palms. "Now why would some one want to kill little old me? Hmmm? Why not tell me your name and go home without having me hurt or maybe even kill you? I don't like killing people, but I will do it if I have to. Defense you know."

The man snorted, watching Kain closely. He was dressed in black, and the only thing that stood out clearly was the man eyes. He melded perfectly in the darkness of the night. "Like I'm going to tell you. And don't worry; torture won't work if you'd thought of trying it. But anyway, time to kill you. Bye kid."

The man in black suddenly lunged at Kain, the knives flashing in the moonlight. Kain laughed, and danced about, easily dodging the man's lightning quick jabs and slashes. Abruptly the man was flying back from a kick that Kain had delivered to his stomach.

"Aaaw, is the poor little assassin having a problem killing his target?" Kain grinned, once again showing his palms. "Here, let me give you another reason to leave." Suddenly his palms were no longer empty. Instead he was holding two daggers that had been hidden up his trench coat sleeves. "Look assassin I know how to knife fight too. I'm probably better than you are, so you might as well go tell your client that you failed. Please, don't make me kill you." The eighteen year old smirked at the man, who was cautiously watching him.

"I never give up a kill once I've given it a go. You're too weak to kill me anyway," sneered the man. Then he was moving again. This time though he didn't use his knives. Instead he began to kick and punch at Kain. "I'm also trained in the martial arts kid. Goodbye!" The man punched for Kain's throat, hoping to crush his windpipe.

Kain simply laughed, settled the daggers back into their sleeve sheaths, and began to fight. He easily countered all the man's attacked. The young man was a flurry of movement, his trench coat not impending his movement. Then once again the man in black was on the ground, wiping away blood from his face.

"Not bad kid. Didn't know you knew martial arts too. My client has been very uninformative of his intended target. Oh well." The man gave a wry laugh, then lunged at Kain, the knives once again coming into his hands.

Kain sighed, growing tired of this boring fight. "And here I thought you'd be a worthy person to fight. Your boring and predictable assassin. I'd say that you should learn some more moves and techniques, but it's too late for that now. I'm sorry," he said, the daggers once again appearing in his hands.

The man laughed a dark laugh, and charged at Kain, his daggers ready for throwing. Then suddenly he pitched forward, landing face down on the ground, his knives falling from his hands.

Shaking his head, Kain walked over to the dead man, and turned him over, pulling his dagger out of his eye. "I warned him," he said softly. Silently he picked up the man's knives and placed them in one of his trench coat pockets. Suddenly he grinned, and hefted the corpse onto his shoulder and began to walk back towards the oasis. "It was kind of fun though. It's been awhile since someone's tried to kill me. It was nice to get the adrenaline flowing. Well, I can't have Ras finding out about this."

For a while he searched for a place to put the body, and finally found an old rotted tree that had a large hole in it. He doubted that Ras would be searching the woods much, and so he stuffed the body in there, careful not to get any blood on his clothing.

"Well," he said, after checking himself over for any blood or cuts, and finding none, "I guess I'd better head back." Kain suddenly yawned, and shook his head. "Boy, that tired me out. Better get some sleep."

Silently he once again made his way through the woods, finding the camp quickly and quietly. Then, without a word or any sign of distress Kain took off his trench coat, walked into his tent, laid down, and fell asleep.