It was an unusually hot cloudless day. Heat waves rolled up from the land, making it seem to sway and buck, straining the eye. Sparse plant life seemed to be wilting with the heat. The very earth itself was drab and dry. No wind stirred to chase away the heat, so the plants and land seemed to suffer in silence, quietly hoping for a something to cool them down.

Through the wave of intense heat, something seemed to move on the horizon. It came slowly, at a walk. Even from a distance one could tell that the huge form was black, and built for speed. It walked with the staccato sound of metal hitting earth, with the sound of metal against metal.

Only one who happened to live on the planet known as Zi knew what it was. And that was only if one happened to be fairly well versed in the planets odd metallic life forms.

What was walking this day was a Zoid. There were many types of Zoids on Zi, ranging from insect types, to water types, to types that could fly. This one was man-made, not the extremely rare free roaming wild Zoid. If one knew the different types of Zoids by name, they would know this one to be called the Shadow Fox.

It walked with a fluid gate, not wasting any energy in its motions. The large black body seemed to both suck in and repel the heat of the sun. The golden yellow cockpit, the silver claws, and the special yellow gyro caps seemed to glow in the light.

But this Shadow Fox was not roaming by itself. Inside the cockpit was a pilot, who helped the Shadow Fox. Both of them needed each other. The Fox needed the pilot to steer and fight more effectively, while the pilot needed the Zoid to roam the world, and have the ability to fight in Zoid Battles.

Inside the one crew cockpit was a man. He seemed to be tall, but it was hard to tell because he was leaning back, with his hands behind his head. His skin was a dark brown, not from a tan but from natural skin color. His hair was a lighter blond color, as were his eyebrows. His eyes were a bright blue, and he had one single bar of white that ran parallel to his right eye. His simple t-shirt was a spotless white, while his pants, which seemed both loose and tight at once, were a dark brown that almost matched his skin. His ankle high black boots were simple ones made for long distance walking and running.

Suddenly the man sat forward, and yawned. He seemed to be unaffected by the heat that permeated around him. It was cooler in the cockpit of the Shadow Fox, but not even the Fox's ability to keep the cockpit cool kept the extreme heat from leaking in.

"So have you picked anything up Fox?" asked the man. His voice was deeper, but it was simply the voice of a man grown into adulthood. He sat forward, taking the controls into hand. He looked at the monitor, seeing nothing. He smiled as the Fox gave a slight whine, which the man knew to be a negative. "That's fine Fox. I just want to be wary. How are you holding up? It's must be at least 125 degrees out there. If your circuits are heating up, taking a rest wouldn't be a bad thing." The Shadow Fox gave another whine, stating that he was fine. "If you say so Fox," yawned the man, once again leaning back. "Wake me if we reach a town." The man was already asleep by the time the Shadow Fox gave an acknowledging whine.

The day wore on slowly, and the Shadow Fox and its partner wandered the sparse land. For the most part the man stayed asleep, once and awhile waking up to ask the Fox if he had sensed anything on his scanners.

The Fox made his way evenly, neither increasing nor decreasing his pace throughout the day. Every now and again the Shadow Fox would swing his head, as if looking about, and maybe swing it's electro-magnetic net holding tail, but that was all.

As evening began to fall, and the twin moons of Zi began to show, the air began to finally cool, allowing the land to sigh in relief. The Shadow Fox too seemed to perk up, although there was no difference in its gait. The silver claws that held the power to use a Strike Laser Claw dug almost soundlessly in the ground.

Abruptly the Shadow Fox stopped, his black body coming to a halt in the dimming light. It let out a loud growling whine that instantly woke up his pilot.

Ras, the pilot, immediately sat up, instantly alert and awake. One didn't live like he did without being able to sleep light and wake up completely instantly.

"What is it Fox?" he snapped, putting his hands on the controls, ready to flee or fight. "Show me." The Fox shook its head, and on the view screen came an image of a small thing running. It was so distant that Ras couldn't get a closer image of it. Even as he watched though, the small figure stopped, seemed to look behind it, and then began to run again.

Ras cursed, wondering what the object was. Obviously it was alive, as it was running from something. It was too big to be a dog though, but it had four legs. At least that was what he thought it looked like. "Can't you get a closer view of it Fox?" he muttered, already knowing the answer.

Then, as he watched, a sudden explosion happened near the running creature. Ras narrowed his bright blue eyes, hoping to see better. Another explosion rocked neared the fleeing thing, and then another immediately after. Ras hissed through his teeth and uttered a small growl under his breath.

Normally he wasn't the kind to put himself into another's troubles, but that poor thing, whatever it was, had absolutely no chance unless Ras helped it. Ras muttered at curse at his inability to let things lie.

Even as he was going to tell the Shadow Fox to start towards the creature, another shelling hit near the thing, sending it flying. Ras cursed, watching as the thing struggled to rise, but was unable to do so.

"Come on Fox!" he yelled, pushing on both the foot petals and pushing the control sticks forward. The Shadow Fox immediately began its unique leaping run, giving out a loud whining growl. Ras could feel the Fox's anger at the attack. "Hurry Fox, we'll have to be quick if we're to help!"

Ras readied the 30mm Vulcan Gun for use. Whoever was out there was probably going to need a stern reminder that it wasn't usually intelligent to pick on beings smaller than themselves.

As both pilot and Zoid neared the fallen creature, Ras was able to get a clear image of it. What he saw made him give a small gasp of surprise. The thing, which was still trying to rise, looked like a smaller and less complicated version of the Shadow Fox. It was silver, and built in much the same way as the Fox. The only other true differences were that where the Shadow Fox was gold, the thing, the Zoid below him, was black. It also had a more rounded muzzle than the Shadow Fox, giving it a less stern and pointy appearance.

"Damn," Ras muttered, shaking his head. "What the hell is that Fox? It looks like a baby you. Heh, it's almost cute in a way." He quickly ran a hand through his pale hair, and looked about. "Scan for Zoids Fox. Who was firing at that thing?"

He watched the monitor as the Shadow Fox did a quick scan. Immediately two Zoids appeared. Both were green mottled Heldigunners, one with a long-range rifle on its back.

"Easy meat," Ras said softly, his dark face crinkling in a smile of anticipation. "Let's get 'em Fox! It's been awhile since we took down a Heldigunner, much less two."

The Shadow Fox growled his assent, increasing his pace towards the two lizard-like Heldigunners. Before the one with the long-range rifle had a chance to even fully realize that the Shadow Fox was there, the Shadow Fox was landing on it, destroying the gun with his Strike Laser Claw.

"Now to finish that one off!" Ras aimed his Vulcan Gun at the gun less Heldigunner, and fired. The dark man gave a small smile of satisfaction as the Heldigunner was caught in the fire, and was disabled. "Now for the other one."

Ras smiled. The other pilot obviously hadn't thought that someone would show up, and was in shock. He hadn't even tried to attack yet! "Get him Shadow Fox! Strike Laser Claw!"

As the Shadow Fox leapt into the air, the Heldigunner just stood there. Ras laughed as they landed atop it, destroying the gun on its back and sending it into a system freeze.

"Hah! That was easy," Ras crowed. "Good job Fox. Now let's go check out that thing that they were shooting at." He turned the Shadow Fox towards the small Zoid. It was aways away, but it took only a moment for the Fox to reach it. Ras opened the cockpit, and leapt the ground, and began running towards the thing.

The small Zoid had stopped trying to rise. It was lying there, its mouth open, and its oddly blue visor eyes dull. For a moment Ras was afraid that the Zoid had died. Quickly he knelt down, and touched it.

"Poor thing," he murmured, petting it. It felt like any other Zoid. "I wonder why they were shooting at you. You certainly don't look like you could cause in trouble. Your too small." Ras gave a sad chuckled. "Hey, are you alive? I'm not a mechanic, so I if your injured I don't think I can help." The dark man ran his hand through his short blond hair and shook his head. "Poor thing," he said again.

He took the chance to look at the Zoid closely. It was metal, like any other Zoid, although it was an odd color. He'd never quite seen that silvery color before, although he had heard that a Berserk Fury or a Liger Zero had natural white armor. The small Zoid was jointed much like a normal Zoid, but yet at the same time it looked more...natural. The creature was cute, but that was probably because it looked like a miniature Shadow Fox. Even the claws were separate, just like the Shadow Fox's. The tail didn't look jointed though, like the Fox's, so it probably didn't have any purpose except for decoration.

"Huh," muttered Ras, standing up. He waited to see if the Zoid would, but as the minutes went by, the Zoid stayed still, it's odd blue eyes dulled. "Well Fox, I think it's died. Sad. We tried though didn't we Fox?" He sighed, and the Shadow Fox gave a low whine. "Oh well. We might as well get going Fox. I don't want to hang out around here in case those two Heldigunners have reinforcements. It's about time we made camp anyway."

Ras turned away from the small Zoid, and began to make his way to the Shadow Fox. He couldn't help but shake his dark head at the fact that the poor little Zoid had died. He wasn't a sentimental man, but he found the death of the Zoid as pointless. Well, there was nothing he could do now.

A sudden noise behind him made him stop. Slowly he began to turn around, wondering if perhaps the Zoid was alive after all. Suddenly he was thrown the ground, a grunt escaping his mouth as he hit. Immediately he rolled over, grabbing for his gun, expecting an irate Heldigunner pilot to be attacking him.

Instead it was the small Zoid. It was standing back from Ras, its front end on the ground in a bow. It was making whiny barking sounds, and it was wagging its metal tail back and forth. The blue eyes were bright, and Ras had the sudden feeling that Zoid had been playing dead. Suddenly it stood up, and bounded towards Ras. The dark man tried to scoot, back surprise and slight fear marking his face. Instead of mauling him, the small Zoid simply nuzzled his face, making a whining sound. Ras grunted and grimaced as the Zoid nuzzled him. The small Zoid may have only been as high as the middle of his torso but it was strong, and the nuzzle hurt.

Ras sat up, and pushed the Zoid away. "Okay, that's enough of that. It's nice to know your okay little one." Ras gave a small smile, and stood up, brushing at his shirt and pants to get the dirt off. The dark man looked at the small Zoid. It was standing back, wagging its tail, once again in a play bow. "Well it's nice to know that you're okay. It's time for you to go and be free." Ras turned around, and once again started making his way to the Shadow Fox. He stopped when he heard footsteps behind him, and he turned around to the small Zoid. "Look, your free now. No one is going to hurt you. Go on now. Go. Shoo." Ras made a shooing motion with his hand.

The small fox Zoid cocked its head to the side, and made a low whining sound. Suddenly it bounded towards him again, but this time it stopped and nuzzled his stomach. Ras could resist a quick pet, but then pushed the small Zoid away. "Go now. I don't have the ability to take care of you. I'm sure you'll be a real nice Zoid for someone else." He gave the Zoid another push, waiting to see if it would go. It stood there, its head cocked, looking at the dark man. "Wonderful," Ras muttered, shaking his head. "Look, I know you can understand me. It's time for you to find a person to be with, or something. I already have a Zoid, see?" He pointed at the Shadow Fox. "We're partners already. The Fox might get jealous if I have another Zoid hanging around. You see the dilemma don't you?"

For a moment it looked like the Zoid would get the hint, and go away. Then suddenly it barked, and ran to the Shadow Fox, and began to make various whines, barks, and growls.

Holy shit! thought Ras as the Shadow Fox growled and whined back. That little Zoid is talking to the Shadow Fox! What kind of Zoid is that?! I've never heard of a Zoid that can talk to other Zoids.

As Ras watched, the two Zoids seemed to hold a conversation. Then, as suddenly as it started, the conversation stopped, and the small fox Zoid seemed to nod its head, and turned to Ras. The dark man had the sudden feeling that an agreement had been reached, and that his opinion had both not been taken into consideration or cared about. He watched warily as the miniature Zoid made his way to him, and nuzzled him again, wagging its tail. It gave another bark, one that sounded decisive.

"No way," he said, once again pushing the Zoid away. "I don't need another Zoid. Fox, what did you do?! I don't want another Zoid!" He gave the small Zoid a look that would have made any man step away. The Zoid just seemed to give a barking laugh, and stepped up to nuzzle him again. Ras pushed the Zoid away yet again. "No. Way."

The small white Zoid seemed to smile, and stepped back, a compartment on its back opening. Ras blinked, wondering what it was doing. It certainly didn't look like a gun, or any sort of weapon. What was the odd Zoid up to? Ras blinked a screen suddenly appeared in front of the white Zoid.

"A hologram screen? What for?" The dark man shook his head, wondering what the Zoid was doing. Suddenly words began showing up on the black screen. They were short, like the sentences of a young child. Ras read them aloud. "'Ras bonded to Chaoc. Shadow Fox say yes. Both make Ras happy. Friends.'"

"You...can talk?" said Ras in stunned disbelief. "What kind of Zoid are you?! I've never heard of a Zoid that could talk. Sure, a good Zoid pilot can understand what their Zoid is saying, but they have never all out talked! Just what the hell are you?!" Ras shook his head, not sure if he could believe his own eyes. What Ras read next made him fall to his butt in complete astonishment.


Ras was sitting by the Bunsen fire he had turned on to keep him warm during the night. The nights on Zi could be frigidly cold. The fires heat held no interest for Ras though.

Beside him laid Chaoc, the Organoid. The blue eyes were bright, and they were watching Ras with intense interest. The only thing that Ras could do was sit there, unbelieving of what was happening.

Organoids. They weren't supposed to exist any more. The only known Organoids were now Ultimate X's such as the Berserk Fury and the Liger Zero. But they were completely and irreversibly fused with the Zoids. So how could this small fox thing be an Organoid? Not only were the two known Organoids stuck in Zoids, he also heard that the only shape that Organoids had come in were dinosaur or dragon types. Ras had never heard of a type of Organoid that came in the shape of a fox, much less one that could talk.

"So," began Ras, looking at the Organoid. "Your name is Chaoc? Is it Chaoc, like chaos but with a C, or is it Chaoc, with a CH sound? Never heard of a Zoid that gave itself a name anyway." After hearing that the small white fox Zoid had indeed been an Organoid, Ras had simply stood up and jumped into his Shadow Fox, and made his away from were the fight had taken place. He hadn't said anything to Chaoc, refusing to think about it. His mind had been in too much shock for him to think effectively.

Ras watched as the view screen popped on, and as words appeared. "'Chaoc name like chaos. Friend. Bonded.'" The Organoids tail wagged back and forth slowly. "'We together forever.'"

The dark man could only shake his head, wondering if he had gone insane. He was talking to an Organoid, a living myth. This certainly couldn't be real.

"So it's Chaoc then. Good." Ras ran his hand through his hand. He took a quick glance at the Shadow Fox who was standing behind him, like a huge sentinel. "Uhm, right. Anyway Chaoc, why were you running from those Heldigunners?"

"'Bad Zoids. Chase Chaoc. Want him for bad things. Chaoc say no. Run away. They try hurt Chaoc. Bad Zoids.'" The small white Zoid gave a low growl of anger and disgust. Its tail stopped wagging, and Ras could have sworn that the Zoid was actually feeling anger. "'Chaoc run. Ras save. Ras and Chaoc bonded. Chaoc and Ras together forever. Partners.'"

Ras could only shake his blond head. This was totally unbelievable. "Why me?" he asked, not really expecting an answer.

"'Chaoc and Ras meant to be together. Chaoc help Ras fight. Don't like fighting, but will help. Must help Zoids.'" Chaoc growled again, and stood up, and walked over to Ras, and nuzzled him carefully. Ras absently petted his head, his fingers running over the living metal. "'Chaoc love Ras.'"

Ras blinked, then sighed. The Zoid was cute, that was for sure. It was almost like have a small child with him, but one that was metal, fox shaped, and could bond with a Zoid. Suddenly a feeling of affection washed over Ras, and he chuckled. Well if the Zoid wanted to be with him so badly, why not? Having an Organoid with him would make the sanctioned Zoid Battles more interesting anyway. Not to mention it wasn't everyday that you were presented with an Organoid that wanted to be your friend.

Suddenly something that Chaoc had said made him blink, and look at the Organoid. "Help Zoids? Why would Zoids need our help? What do you mean?" Ras watched as the fox Organoid backed up, and sat down, cocking its head questioningly. "Don't tell me you don't remember, because I know you do. What do you mean by helping Zoids?" Words appeared on the screen. "What do you mean you can't say? Come on, your an Organoid and you can talk. Obviously you can tell me." More words appeared, and the Organoid whined and lowered its head. "You really can't? I don't understand this. Perhaps your memory has been erased." Ras scratched his cheek thoughtfully, and looked at the unhappy Organoid. "Oh don't worry about it Chaoc. If your memory has been erased, although I don't know how they'd do it, it's not your fault. Come here."

The small Zoid seemed to sigh, and made his way back to Ras, nuzzling him, making small whines. "'Chaoc sorry. Chaoc curious. What Ras and Chaoc do tomorrow?'"

Ras lay down smiled, pulling the blanket he'd use for the night up to his chest. He watched in slight surprise as the Organoid curled up beside him, making small happy sounds. How did a person like Ras, a mercenary through and through get his hands on a mythological Organoid?

"I don't know Chaoc. I honestly don't know."