Storyline: After killing Tobias, Spencer Reid tries anything he can to fight the high it earns him. As skitzophrenia sets in Reid tries to fight his urge to murder any way he can, even turning to drugs to satisfy his mind. Morgan sees the change in his friend but when the murder scene points every finger at Reid, Morgan goes into hyperdrive to proctect the man he has promised to always watch over.

Point of View: Spencer Reid, limited third person; Derek Morgan Limited third person

This story is based off a video on youtube called spencer reid-the unsub by spencerreidgirl. she gave me permission to write a story based off her video. I will try to put a link to it here but Fanfiction doesn't like links. If not, then look it up on youtube.

This story starts out just after the episode Revelations then picks up a month later after a new case.

I do not own Criminal Minds, any of it's characters or the storyline for the episode Revelations or the story line of Reid being an unsub.

"However Beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." Sir Winston Churchill

Reid held the gun shakily in front of himself, aiming at Tobias, or whoever he was right now. Tobias pointed the knife agressively at him but Reid didn't flinch. Tobias said something to him and took a step, swinging the knife back.

Reid took the shot. As soon as Tobias moved to attack and opened himself up. Reid told himself, If I don't, he'll kill me, and many others. and so he took the shot.

His blood coursed through his veins and his pupils dialated. He hoped it wasn't the drugs having some sort of after effect. He breathed erratically and tried to calm down as his brain supplied excess dopamine to his system, that was long overdue. He tried so hard not to feel glad as he crawled over to Tobias and leaned over the dying man.

He tried not to look happy that the man was dying, as he listened to the young man's last words.

He tried to not feel exuberant when the light faded from the man's eyes.

He tried so hard not to enjoy the feeling of taking another life. The power he had never in his life felt. The power that a man of his stature, metaphorically and phisically, could never feel any other way.

The team thought he was happy to see them, and he was, but the true happyness lay at his feet. As much as he wished he didn't, Spencer Reid enjoyed killing. As much as he tried not to, He wanted to do it again.

He stole the drugs from the dead man's pocket and then stood shakily. His time with Tobias was over, but his sin had just begun

Morgan watched Reid sleep. They were on one of the bench seats of the plane and Reid was curled on his side with his feet near Morgan. Morgan closed his book and took his large headphones off his ears, resting them on his neck. All the others were alseep except for, of course, Gideon and himself.

Morgan put a hand on Reid's ankle and felt him trembling lightly. Reid's face was hidden in his arm, but Morgan didn't need to see Reid's face to know something was wrong. Reid's breath started to come in short, whining gasps.

He was having a nightmare. Morgan shook Reid's ankle in attempt to wake him up. Morgan remembered when he had developed his overprotectiveness for Reid.

Reid was acting strange that day and Morgan had noticed. He asked Reid what was up, and after a little prodding Reid had answered.

"Do the nightmares ever go away?" He had asked shakily. Morgan had answered the only way he knew how.

"I'll get back to you on that." Morgan had said. The nightmares for Spencer Reid still hadn't gone away.

This last case had been hard on all of them, but particularly hard on the kid. Today was the one month aneversery of Reid's abduction. Morgan shook Reid's ankle again.

"Reid. Hey, Kid. Wake up." When Reid turned over and whined but didn't wake up. Morgan grabbed him by the shoulders," Reid. Wake up." He shook Reid lightly and Reid shook his head and slowly opened his eyes. Morgan let go of Reid's shoulders so as not to scare him.

"What's going on?" Reid asked, sitting up and putting his feet on the floor. He leaned over and rubbed his eyes.

"Nightmare. You alright?" Morgan asked, putting a hand on Reid's back.

"Yeah. I'm fine now." Reid answered, nodding slightly to himself.

"He's dead Reid." Morgan muttered.

"Yeah." Reid scoffed," And that's comfort?" He said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Morgan leaned over so that he was looking through Reid's curtain of short, brown hair at his face. what he could see contorted in... Was that grief or fear? Or something worse Morgan couldn't see?

"I killed him, Morgan. I killed a man." Reid whispered so quietly that Morgan almost thought he hadn't said anything.

"You had no other choice." Morgan tried to assure him. Reid just nodded and stayed leaned over, his face resting in his palms. Morgan patted Reid's shoulder and sat back in his seat, putting his headphones back on.

He watched Reid for another moment then opened his book and started reading again, as his music drifted in and covered his conciousness.

Reid was the first off the plane, bags in hand and sunglasses on. He waited for the others by the vehicles. Morgan sighed," I'll take you to headquarters to get your SUV." And Reid smiled. He had carpooled to the plane with Emily but she had to get to a cousin's birthday party.

Gideon called to them from across the parking lot," Reid. I would like a word with you. Do you mind if I take you?" He walked up and smiled at the younger agents.

"Sure, If Morgan doesn't mind?" Reid looked at Morgan who smiled.

"I don't mind. I'll pick up Garcia and take her out for a good old fashioned Friday night." Morgan climbed in his SUV and drove away moments later. Reid nervously walked next to his old friend. His hand dug excessively at his bag and he licked his dry lips.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked as he climbed into Gideon's vehicle.

"Nothing much. We just haven't spent a lot of time together lately. You alright?" He looked at Reid's shaking hands.

"Yeah, fine. Just not sleeping well." He smiled.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked, kindly. Reid loved how fatherly Gideon was to him, but he couldn't let him know what was going on in his mind.

"Not at the moment. Eventually, but I can't right now." Reid answered truthfully.

"Alright. Whatever it is, I'm here to talk to you when you're ready." Gideon smiled and drove on silently.

"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." Reid muttered.

"Robert Louis Stevenson." Gideon smiled," My 'fear' ... is my substance, and probably the best part of me." Gideon glanced at Reid who was also smiling.

"Franz Kafka." Reid smiled to his hands then looked up at the man driving. He always had the right words, even when they were borrowed from another. Reid wished that everything was alright, that he could just forget everything and enjoy his time with Gideon.

There were only two things that could do that for him, and he couldn't share either with Gideon. He would go out with Gideon and pretend nothing was wrong. He didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to go home. He didn't want to worry Gideon. He smiled as Gideon pulled into a small Jazz would spend his time acting normal then he would go home and try to fight the urge building inside.

Thank you to spencerreidgirl for letting me use her clip as a basis for this story.

Thank you for reading.
