AN: Odd that I actually start writing a fic by writing an authors note especially one this long, usually they are the LAST things that I write, but this story is a departure for me so it had to come first. Klaine has been the heart of my fandom writing for over a year now – I can't believe that it has been that long. And now tumblr happened … and I can both curse and praise whoever it was that first reblogged a link that sent me to my second favorite ship.

Of course, having come to Queer as Folk through the Klaine fandom, comparisons were inevitable. One thing that struck me was the physical resemblence between Emmett on QAF and Kurt on Glee.. Their styles, while different, are both very much 'in your face', they are not ashamed to be blatently obvious gay men and both have that same insecure side that hides behind the snark. And then the bunnies went HAH ! And this is the result. Bunnies don't respect the time/space continuium, so apparently 2001 in Pittsburg is 2011 in Ohio …. don't ask me, I just take dictation.

As far as canon relative time frame goes – this is set somewhere Between 206/207. Glee time frame is a bit of a future fic – spring break current season, tho I started it before the MJ ep so I am not sure if that will become canon here or not.

Like it, hate it? Let me know. This is just a short Prologue - story will update twice a week.

WARNING: While our boys may start of the sweet Ohio high school boys that they are in canon, this story will take a turn to some extreme OOC behaviors. If blatent sexuality, open lifestyle, or questionable behaviors bother you …. get out while you can.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the laptop that this fic is being written on and the modem that will have sent it across the internet to you. That is truly too bad too cause LORD knows what I could do with ANY of the characters in this story (or the men who play(ed) them) if they actually belonged to me …. No copyright infringement intended and this is all in fun. Here's to beautiful men, complex relationships and the joy of being QUEER, in whatever way you are.

Lima, OH

Easter Sunday, 2012

"So tell me again about them Kurt and how we ended up going to Pittsburg for a week."

Blaine Anderson was sitting on Kurt's bed, suitcases sitting neatly on the floor, watching his boyfriend go through his closet for what seemed like the hundreth time. They had spent the day at the Hudson-Hummels for Easter dinner as Blaine's parents were, again, out of town for the holiday weekend. Then again it seemed like his parents were always out of town for holidays, birthdays, or anything remotely resembling family time.

Kurt's had become home to the dark-haired boy over the summer. Since his audition at Six Flags had fallen through and he ended up working the Lima Bean as a barista, he and Kurt were always either there or curled up on the sofa at Kurt's. Recently the sofa had been exchanged for Kurt's room once his dad realized that an open door policy did nothing other than send the two looking for alternate places to spend their time. Unfortunatly, in small town Ohio, two young gay men finding places to be alone was just too dangerous and Kurt's dad had finally relented.

"How many times are you going to make me explain this sweetie?" Kurt asked with a quirked eyebrow "It's simple really. My mom's cousin's husband made your father seem like dad of the year when he found out his son, my second cousin Emmett, was gay. He got kicked out and after a brief detour through Lima about ten or so years ago, he ended up in Pittsburg. Somehow he saw one of Dad's campaign ads and got back in touch not realizing that Mom had died. He and Dad got talking about me, and that led to the "I remember tea parties in the back yard with Kurt when I was there," which led to the "Yeah Kurt's gay too Emmett", which led to the fact that there are no gay role models in Ohio, which led to an offer of a week in Pittsburg with he and his friends. End of story"

"OK" Blaine replied still looking at Kurt with a confused expression "That explains you, how in the heck did you convince your dad to let me go along?"

"Simple psychology Blaine, especially when you know my dad. All I really had to do was tell him that while I felt that a chance to meet Emmett and his friends felt like a wonderful idea, the thought of heading out there where I knew no one felt awkward. Add that to the fact that I kinda made him think about how you felt, with no moral support at home, and the fact that even though I was going to be staying with Emmett it might be safer to have someone there who was going to look out for just me. It doesn't hurt that Dad really thinks of you as one fo his sons now either. So two and two resulted in you and I going to visit Em."

"So how old is Emmett then?" Blaine asked.

"He must be about ten years or so older than us, and from the little he has told me his friends range in age from ours up to their early thirties. I haven't heard much about them individually other than this one kid, Justin, who graduated from High School last year and is studying to be an artist. Emmett thinks that we would get along well and that was really the deciding factor for Dad, the chance to meet other people 'like me'" he said extending air quotes above his head "I mean it's basically you and I here and Dad thinks that it would be healthy to get a bit of a different perspective on things."

Blaine bounced a bit on the bed before holding his hand out to Kurt and pulling him into a brief hug "I really can't thank you and your dad enough Kurt, I mean to get out of here for a bit is great in itself, but to get the chance to be somewhere where we actually fit in, with people who won't judge us, sounds wonderful. So what time is our flight again?"

"Tomorrow at 4 in the afternoon so you and I have a packing date tomorrow morning so we can both be fabulous for a week. That means the bow ties are staying here Anderson."

Blaine laughed "No the bow ties Kurt, how will I ever survive?"

Liberty Avenue, Pittsburg PA

The next morning

"OK Emmett, why the fuck are we going to be babysitting a couple of school boys for a week?" Brian Kinney asked bluntly as they sat in the Liberty Diner waiting for Deb to bring them their breakfast.

"Because Brian, Kurt is my cousin and I know how he feels being stuck in some little town where you are queer all on your own. I mean the only gay people he has ever met are his boyfriend, the closet case who bullied him for years and the parents of one of his friends. Uncle Burt is fine with him, unlike most of our parents, but my god, the boy is so isolated that I just wanted to let him out to have some fun." The tall honey haired man answered.

"You know what Emmett, you can have fun taking the school boys on the scenic tour of Queer Pittsburg, I am not going to be having a couple of kids trailing after me fucking up my nights."

Brian Kinney was a very attractive brunette with piercing eyes and a wardrobe full of Armani and Prada. He grinned as he leaned over to the shorter blond next to him and pulled him into a searing kiss.

"I mean look what happened to the last school boy I took pity on." He continued with a laugh.

"Yeah right Brian" the blond replied, leaning into him and pulling on his earlobe with his teeth "Justin Taylor, boy toy extroidinare at your service. And here I thought you enjoyed the fact that an 18 year old can go for hours."

"Trust me, I enjoy it several times a day Sunshine." Brian replied.

"So Emmett" a dark haired man sitting across the table asked.

"Yeah Michael?"

"What do you know about these kids? I mean seriously, what are we talking here … on a scale of straight to queen, what should we expect? And also, how much do you expect us to behave? Because I seriously doubt that Brian here can keep the innuendos down for more than 15 minutes, if we're lucky." he said with a scathing look at Brian.

"Well from what Uncle Burt said, and the little bit of conversation I had with Kurt, he probably is a little mini-me, you know – flame burning bright. I know he is very into fashion, knows lables even better than Mr 'Stud of Liberty Avenue' Kinney over here, and both he and his boyfriend are singers. The boyfriend I don't know much about, his name is like Blair or something, and they have been together for a little over a year.

"Like I said they are small town here. Apparently the boyfriend was some private school kid, Kurt got together with him when he transferred to the same school last year after the bullying got physical, but they both are back in public school now. I would imagine that they are both a bit sheltered, I mean, seriously, small town Ohio? If they are lucky there is probably one gay bar in town and it's probably some little dive.

"I want you guys to be yourselves, just maybe tone it down a bit" he said with a pointed look at Brian "at least until we figure out if they can handles the perverts of Liberty Avenue."