Circe's POV (Point of view)

"Keep moving, kid"

I felt the Providence soldier's gun push against back for about the ninth time as I was being escorted down to Black Knight's office. One of the two Providence soldiers behind me started to speak.

"You know, why don't we just put the goddamn collar to use and make her walk?" His voice was deep and sounded tired. To tell you truth I kind of agreed with him. Why did they just put this dull, heavy mind control collar on me if they weren't going to use it? I felt its cold touch against my neck as I kept walking down the empty hall.

"Because we're on strict orders from Boss Lady not to use it until she's finished with her."

That made the situation even worse for me, now I know that I'm on my way to Black Knight's office for what maybe the "Interrogation from hell". Continuing down the white empty hall, we made a right into a larger hall with a black door in the middle.

We stopped in front of the door to see that there was a password panel right next to it. One of the Providence soldiers stepped up and typed a bunch of different characters in about two seconds. The black door opened to reveal Black Knight sitting in her chair smirking maliciously.

"I've been expecting you for a while, Circe. It's so good to see you again. "What did she expect me to say? Oh nice to see you too, how are the kids? Wait, you don't have any. I silently prepared myself for the questions she was going to ask. I turned around just in time to see the two Providence soldiers walking toward the door. "Please don't leave me alone with her "I silently thought to myself.

Of course they left, talking about Saturday plans as they walked out the door and silently closed it. Thanks for nothing bastards. I'll get you for this later. I turned around, ready to be bombarded with questions from her highness. She started to speak in that fake motherly voice of hers.

"Do you want me to call you Circe or Catherine?" Weird way to begin an interrogation if you ask me.

"Why does it matter to you?" I said coldly.

"I just want to make you feel comfortable by calling you on what you prefer." It was obvious that she was just trying to get me to let my guard down. There were only two people who would always call me that. And now even thinking about those two people made my chest hurt like hell. Catherine was a name reserved for people only I trusted.

"Call me Circe" I drew in a large breath of the air in her office and let it out in an uneasy breath.

"Please Circe, calm down. Feel completely at ease. I just want to ask you some questions." I knew it, it's an interrogation. "Would you like something to drink? Water? Orange juice? Coffee? You name it."

Coffee? Is she being serious? This is just another attempt to let my guard down. Don't play along. She got an immediate reply. "No thank you."

"All right then. " She looked no different from when I last saw her on every single Providence poster on about every single flat surface in Hong Kong. Same dark purple hair, same black cape, same everything. It bothered me though, something seemed different about her, I couldn't figure out what though. She opened her mouth to the most unexpected words I never expected to hear.

"Tell me Circe, what do you know about Daetrix L90?" I just stared at her blinking my eyes. Daetrix L90? What the hell is that? So I gave her the worst possible answer in this situation.

"What?" The words came out before I could stop them. Now the interrogation begins.

"Daetrix L90." She repeated. I might as well be honest with her.

"I don't know what that is."

"Suit yourself. " She opened a drawer from her desk and pulled out what looked like a rubber glove that had wires through it. It was white but every two seconds certain lines through it would light up in the color of red. She walked over to where I was standing, put the glove on. And before I could react she placed the gloved hand on my forehead and then torture began.

I fell to the floor using my hands and knees to support myself; it felt like my head was on fire, with an awful burning sensation that might as well melt my brain. The weirdest thoughts were going through my head. The formula for area is 3.14 r². Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006. ROY G BIV are the colors that are visible to the human eye. To this day Ryan Higa is the number one subscribed person on YouTube. I was in too much pain to even care; now it felt like someone took a hammer and started smashing it against my head. I opened my eyes to see everything was blurry; everything started to fade to black. My hands and knees couldn't keep me up anymore; they gave out as I crashed onto my side on the black floor.

Everything was disappearing; I looked up just in time to see Black Knight Looking down at me. She was saying something but I couldn't hear. I felt so tired, as if I didn't sleep for four days. The only thing I could do was pass out on the floor of course.

Black Knight's POV

I left the teenage girl passed out on the floor as I called two of my Black Pawns to carry her down to prison cells. It was obvious that the mind collar wasn't going to do anything on her considering her nanites. I walked over to settle in my chair once again, only to be greeted with the Black Pawns already in my office.

"Take her down to the prison." I said simply. With a "Yes ma'am" they dragged her unconscious body out the door. I stared at the back of her head which was facing me. The K.E had obviously been too much for her. I took a mental note to interrogate her later. I stared down at the picture of Circe, the only one I could find. It was when she was fourteen, she looked younger of course. Her skin was less pale and her hair was shorter but still dyed red at the bottom. The biggest difference was that she was smiling; she was in front of a beach wearing a red sleeveless shirt with a black caprice and flip-flops.

Staring at the picture I looked up to the Circe in front of me. She looked just like her mother, same eyes, same hair, and same personality. As soon as they left I said aloud…

"So that's Cynthia Nightwalker's daughter…"

I think the second chapter's better than the first. It'll be coming out soon, until then review!