Roses are red, terrors are… blue?

Pairing: RoxasXKairi {Roxiri}
Genre: Romance, friendship, humour, drama
Rated: T (M?)
Summary: Roxas's life has always been normal. But after becoming friends with Axel, he enters a whole new family. With two twin terrors.

Chapter One
An Accident

Twilight Town – Last night at 11 PM, a horrible accident took place at the Town Plaza. A car crashed into an approaching vehicle. Research showed the driver, Luxord W. , had been drinking too much and then took the car to go home after spending a night in the pub. When he arrived at the Town Plaza, he must've seen the other vehicle too late, and then crashed into it.
Luxord survived the accident, but the married couple, Aerith and Lea Hikari, in the other vehicle, unfortunately, died in the hospital at 3 AM.

My father sighed while turning over to the next page. "Saddening, this. Very sad indeed."
"Don't read while we're having breakfast, dear," My mother chirped as she entered the dining room with her own plate.
"Have you heard about the accident from last night?" My father retorted. "It's not so far away from our place."
My mother frowned and reached for the papers. "Can I read the obituaries?"
"Sure," My dad said, while taking a sip of his coffee and handing the papers over. "Yeah, Roxas," He said to me, looking seriously. "It's not always your own fault if something bad happens to you in the traffic. There are a lot of morons outside."
I nodded, and swallowed my cereal.
Then, my mother gasped. "Oh my God! That's so horrible!"
"What's wrong?"
"Mrs. and Mr. Hikari! They have four children!" My mother said, while covering her mouth with her hand. "And two of them are two years old!"
My father hummed. "Horrible. Terrible accident."
I stood up, taking my backpack. "I'll be off to school."
"Be careful," my mother said, still upset because of the news.
My father nodded wisely. "Now you see how much alcohol can tear apart, son."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," I mumbled while closing the door behind me.

At school, the accident was a huge topic.
"Olette, you live close to the Town Plaza, don't you?" Hayner asked her while we were walking through the corridor. "And God, Pence, stop eating for once!"
Olette nodded, looking pale. "I heard a loud crash, and when I looked through my window, I saw many flash lights. I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night."
Pence swallowed a huge bite of his chocolate bar. "I think it's very sad for the Hikari family. They had six children, right?"
"Four," Olette corrected him. "I happen to know their daughter. Poor Kairi."
I sighed. "There hasn't anything happened like this before here, right? It always seems so far away… and yet…"
"It is very close now," Hayner added with a frown. "And to think we usually held our fight competitions there… I don't think we'll organize them there this year."
Olette shivered a bit. "I hope they don't organize them at all… they're horrible. They're supposed to… you know, create friendship between participants… but all that happens is more fights and enemies."
"Olette!" Hayner wailed. "Don't be so… mature and responsible! It's boring!"
"Yeah, Olette! Think about all the free food they serve!" Pence also whined.
"Is all you can think about food?" Olette snapped, irritated. "I was being serious here, you know!"
I chuckled as I watched my friends bicker.
Still, something about that accident bugged me.
I was sure I'd heard the name 'Hikari' before.
If only I knew where…

In my English class, Mr. Brown walked in without saying a word. The room fell silent as he closed the door, moved over to his desk and sat down, not saying anything at all.
He stared at his desk, then moved his hand to raise his glasses, so they rested on top of his head.
When he raised his gaze to the class, we all stared back, confused.
"Guys… I'm sure you've all heard about the accident from last night."
"Yes, sir," We said, beginning to understand what direction this was going to take.
Zexion Brown sighed deeply, and then folded his hands together.
"I hope you'll all share your compassion with the Hikari-family when they return to school, and don't be rude to them. They're going to a very tough time right now, and the last thing they need is more trouble. Try to be nice to them. It's very hard to lose your parents, and even more when you're still a child, and you lose both of them at the same time."
None of us said something. Even Seifer, who usually had a way to ruin the silence, remained silent.
Mr. Brown smiled a bit. "I'm glad that you guys are so caring, even though you are a horrible class to teach."
And even to that, no one said something, which was very rare.
"So, when Axel Hikari and Kairi Hikari return to school, be sure to be nice to them, okay?"
Axel Hikari.
That was where I'd heard the name 'Hikari' before!
Axel was the redheaded guy who shared two classes with me, and who once called the History teacher 'Miss Fancy-Pants'. He was put in detention and I heard he was suspended too after he lit the Headmaster's bicycle on fire.
But even though he seemed to be horrible to teachers, I heard he was a funny guy to be with.
Shame this had to happen to him.
Nobody deserved an accident like this in their lives.