"Uh oh," said Murmur.
"What is it now?" asked her master, Deus.
"Nothing," Murmur denied. Behind her back was a large rod that was almost snapped in half. A small piece was still attaching the rod together. Unlike the last time she accidentally broke time and space, she had to fix it. This time she shrugged it off, because this damage seems very interesting.
He gently caressed my long black hair, sneaking his fingers under my orange hat. I quivered as he proceeded, meeting the lips of the stalker.
My fingers slightly touched my small fanny pack that was full of darts.
I have a dart with me.
That's right. I thought. It'll be all over if I stab him with this.
While I was doing that, the boy whispered, "You didn't stab me. That is the [FUTURE]"
A week ago was just another day of school.
"Did you hear?" yelped a girl, "Machine Deluxe is having a discount for ten people!"
"But we don't have enough people." said another girl. She looked at the person closest to her. It was another girl, who was looking in her cell phone.
"Hey," she called for the girl on her cell phone, "Yukino, do you-"
"Don't." her friend stopped her.
Yukino was still pushing the buttons of her phone. She stood up and left her class.
The girl looked dumbfounded.
"It's hard to get along with Yukino. She's always on her phone."
"Is she texting in her phone?"
"No, she is writing down her DIARY."
"I see." She thought, then it hit her on who she should have asked. "Gasai-kun. Would you like to join?"
Gasai kindly rejected as he watches Yukino leaving.
I have always been a bystander. Back in elementary school kids would invite me to play with them.
While walking she runs into a rock that was always in her way when she walks home from school. She thought of what direction should she go today. She chose right.
However, I would always turn them down. I had nothing else better to do in life, I started writing down a diary without even noticing when I started. I would record things like a bystander's view every time. Every time I do that, I feel at ease.
She opened the door, locked it, and took off her shoes. She read a note from her father. I won't be at home today. Dinner's in the fridge. She climbed upstairs, to her room, and sat on her bed, reading her entries.
Dartboards were hanged on the walls of her room. Playing darts was her most favorite things to do. Her room alone was proof she enjoys playing darts.
Nevertheless, I do have friends. Even though they are imaginary, I can easily say they are indeed my friends.
She wrapped herself with her blanket, closing her eyes, letting her mind into the imaginary world.
Her room shifted its setting to a space that was far bigger than her room. In front of her was her imaginary friend Deus and his little servant, Murmur.
Deus notices his friend, "Oh. It's Yukino. Please wait for a moment." He tapped skinny rod cranes in the same manor of typing a keyboard.
"I'm currently adjusting the Law of cause and effect."
Yukino's curiosity rises, "Does that mean something is going to happen?"
"You could say that the world will be turning into an exciting place."
She chuckled, "When you talk about exiting stuff, wars would be it wouldn't it?"
"Please don't say such things," reprimanded Deus, "Besides this is more interesting."
She sighed, batting an eye at him, and started to type her phone again.
In front of her is the Lord of time and space. Deus ex Machina. He controls time and space. Basically, he is a god. Bad things can happen if one does not listen to his words. Deus was someone that shouldn't be taken so lightly.
She typed, "Just got home. Deus is up to something. Better be careful."
"You like to write a lot of things. Don't you?" said his little servant, Murmur. Murmur decided to climb on Yukino's bed.
"I like writing things around me. The time, place, and incident. It's really fun." she smiled. Murmur looked sad. "That's nothing special."
"Of course. My diary serves no purpose. It's a NO DIFFERENCE Diary."
Neither a dream nor a goal. All I have I is this diary and this imaginary world.
She closed her eyes an opened them again. She was back in her room, wrapped in her security blanket.
Are you feeling lonely? She heard Deus in her mind.
"If you could change a situation, could you do it?" Deus's long fingers was holding Yukino's phone. "Let's see. I entrust THE FUTURE to you."
"How would you do that?" She then realized Deus had her phone the whole time, "Isn't that my phone?" She took it back.
"What are you scheming?" She asked, thinking Deus would do something harmless.
"An interesting game."
"Never mind." She typed her phone, writing down the last few minutes, "It's all in my head anyway."