Light's Thunder
Chapter Eight_ The Plan

I woke up to find myself under Hiten. We were still in the cave obviously; we hadn't left. My eyes were sore from all the crying I did last night. Last night was amazing; he was gentle with me until I adjusted to the situation. I ran a hand over my neck, it was tender were his fangs pierced my neck; he claimed me, his mark was on my skin.

"Hiten," I whispered gently, "Darling," I ran a hand through his loose hair. Hiten groaned but he didn't wake up; his arms tightened around my waist. I chuckled lightly and closed my eyes again, "Another hour or so won't hurt."


Me and Hiten walked in to the castle, we stopped when we heard voices and stood outside an open door silently.

"I cannot believe that he went after her," Loten, Hiten and Manten's father, growled.

"Loten darling why are you making such a big fuss over the girl," Aimi wondered. "I think she's just wonderful."

"Are you insane?" Loten asked.

"Loten," Aimi sighed. "You and I both know that Hiten hasn't really changed but maybe with a gentle soul like Hikari maybe he will."

"This is absolutely ludicrous Aimi; did you forget what her kind did to our family?"

"No I haven't. Believe me, but she wasn't involved."

"But her clan was, because her clan is the one who nearly completely destroyed our tribe."

"You can't be serious. You honestly think that she is related to them?"

"I don't think Aimi; I know that she had something to do with, because she killed our daughter."

"No I didn't," I said. The couple turned. I looked at Hiten, "Hiten I have no idea what he's talking about."

"Do you or are you just saying that?" Hiten wondered. "This isn't a game Hikari; we're talking about my family."

"Hiten…Why would kill people I've never met and hasn't done a single thing to me let alone a little girl?" I asked. "I didn't kill anybody."

"You lying little bitch," Loten seethed.

I looked at him, "I'm not lying!" Then I looked at Hiten, "I'm not. I didn't know about it until you told about it."

"Hikari darling," Aimi stood.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Do you have a sister by any chance?"

"Aimi what are you doing, who cares?" Loten asked. Aimi put a hand on his arm as a signal to back off.

"Yes ma'am, her name is Chiharu. We're identical twins…Oh my God…"

"What?" Hiten asked.

"The day your clan was attacked, like you told; Chiharu went out that day and didn't come back for a week…then she disappeared three days after she came back and she hasn't been back since."

"And you think she did it." Loten crossed his arms.

"It had to be her, because I was babysitting the whole day when my father went out with some men…and they didn't come back for a week either…"