Hello! This is my first Vampire Diaries fanfiction story. I absolutely love the character Kol. Please let me know if you think I should continue, and please tell me any suggestions or what you would want to see happen. Thanks for your time!
Tale As Old As Time
Chapter 1: Allow Me to Introduce You
Elena's tears had dried after what was a rough night, to say the least. She had ruined everything. Damon and Stefan seemed to have put their brotherly bond first, before her, so they had decided to not even bother talking to her. Then there was Bonnie and Caroline. Her sisters. Now she wasn't so sure.
She couldn't help but have bitter thoughts towards Bonnie. Yes, Bonnie's mom had been turned because of Elena's predicament, but when it came down to who had lost the most people- Elena definitely won. She couldn't really blame Caroline, now that she thought about rationally. Caroline probably figured that Elena would be able to find comfort in Damon…or Stefan. Caroline was too preoccupied with her weird relationship with Klaus to be knowledgeable like she usually was.
Then there was Elijah. The one person who seemed to truly understand her, and her actions. But he had left. Or so said his elegant letter. Elena wished fervently that he was still around, or that he came to his senses and returned soon.
The rest of the Originals posed a problem towards Elena also. Not that Elena cared, but Finn and Esther were probably furious at Elena. But Rebekah…that was one regret. Rebekah and Elena could have been great friends, but that was no longer a possibility, at least for now.
Oddly enough, Klaus seemed quite jolly around Elena, for multiple reasons she assumed. First, she was his prized doppelgänger. Secondly, he was highly entertained by the ironic love triangle she and the Salvatore's were entangled by. And lastly…Caroline. Elena was smart enough to see that Klaus had taken an unashamed liking to her blond vampire friend, and if he was on civil terms with Elena, it meant that he would see Caroline more frequently.
Elena thought for a minute. Who was she forgetting? Kol. She hadn't met him personally yet, but from what she had seen with his spat with Damon, he seemed like the ultimate mischievous bad boy. Kol reminded of her of Elijah…with more outwardly deadly intentions and a love for fun.
Her curtains flew down, allowing the room to be engulfed with light. Elena sat up, looking around. "What…?" Caroline flashed aross the room and curled up on Elena's bed.
She looked apologetic. "Sorry," she pointed to Elena's phone, "I'm faster than my texts." She beamed at this realization and then looked at Elena with concern.
"Are you okay?" There was Caroline's mother hen attitude. Caroline looked guilty. "I'm sorry that I didn't realize the issues with 'the brothers'".
Elena shook her head, slightly embarrassed. "No Caroline, it's fine. Don't worry. Maybe it's time everyone stepped back anyways. Besides, Damon has found comfort with Rebekah…" she trailed off softly.
"GROSS! Well but still!" This was very Caroline like- not being able to let things go. She huffed, "You shouldn't have had to be alone last night. So I'm sorry."
Elena smiled, trying to reassure her friend. "Well you have been a little preoccupied with Klaus."
Caroline bit her lip, feeling ashamed. "Look Elena, I know that-"
Elena cut her off. "I know that I should being feeling a really deep hatred for Klaus. And I did, once. But now…seeing him with his family and him oddly justifying how everything was for the family…I DON'T forgive," Elena said quickly, "but I can begin to empathize. Especially seeing what a bitch their mother is…to even think about killing Elijah- the most moral vampire I've ever met!"
Caroline looked at her, nodding in understanding but still astonished. Her phone began ringing. "Go ahead," Elena looked at her, "Take it. I'm fine."
Caroline looked at the phone, and Elena watched with fascination the different emotions on her face. First surprise, then disgust, and then a smile. Klaus. It had to be. Caroline looked a little guilty and then answered the phone.
"Yes? If you're calling to yell then just know it's going in one ear and out the other." Caroline rolled her eyes, and then mouthed to Elena 'so moody!'
And then Caroline quickly paused, looking like she was debating something hard. "Well…"she trailed off into the phone, very aware that Elena was watching intensely, "I did not know that Kol was going to be daggered so I apologize to him, yes Klaus I hear him, and tell him to keep dreaming. Listen here, I did what I had to do to protect MY FAMILY. Friends can be family too Klaus." Caroline huffed but looked relieved.
Klaus said something softly, which made Caroline's shoulders sink. "Yea, I guess that's fine. But- I'm bringing Elena! So don't try anything funny."
Elena couldn't help herself, but she smiled as she heard Klaus' laugh coming from the phone.
Klaus hung up his phone quickly, beaming from his conversation with Caroline.
"Kol, I know you're still there," Klaus muttered, not even bothering to turn around, "You can't even leave when I ask for privacy, rude little brat."
Kol walked lazily into the room, not showing the slightest bit of regret at being caught. "Well, brother, after a century of being in a coffin, forgive me if I miss spending a little time with my brother. It's the least you can do to include me." Kol spoke in a mocking tone, wanting to get a reaction from Klaus. 1000 years hadn't made a difference in Kol's need to poke and prod someone.
Instead, Kol got a somewhat excited looking Klaus. "Kol, actually that's not a bad idea…why don't you join me. I'm heading to the grill in a bit. I'm meeting a friend. You can come along."
Kol knew better than to think that Klaus was suggesting this out of just the kindess of his heart, but smirked. "Why thank you. I feel so special to be your plus-one."
Klaus' eyes narrowed, but he forced himself to smile and rip his brother a new one. This would work out perfectly.
Klaus knew that Kol was going to show interest in Caroline for two reasons. First, anything Klaus liked Kol automatically liked so that a competition started. Secondly, she was a beautiful creature, and Kol could never resist good-looking women. But Klaus had a spectacular plan. Back in the day when he and Elijah fought for the gorgeous Tatia's heart, Kol had always been lurking in the background- barely a man, but with an evident crush on his older brother's shared love.
Klaus set down his drink and smirked at Kol. Tonight was the night that he set up his brother with Elena Gilbert.
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Kol threw open the door to the grill, probably with too much force than necessary. "Can you imagine brother, one little bar for all social events? That enough makes me want to flee this enchanting little town."
"Relax, Kol. Not everything revolves around liquor." Klaus looked around, and spotted Caroline and Elena perched by booth, talking softly.
He motioned for Kol to follow. They gracefully moved right behind the two women, and before Klaus could clear his throat, Caroline whirled around. "You're late." She said in a mocking tone.
Klaus played along, "Well this one," he jerked towards Kol, "had to check his appearance at least twenty times."
Kol rolled his eyes, "Must I be blamed for everything?" Caroline sent Klaus a questioning look, probably wondering why he decided to bring his brother along for this visit. Elena had quietly made her way from behind Caroline, and was now in view of the two brothers.
Klaus watched Kol carefully, taking in his reaction. Klaus could only tell that Kol was taken aback because he had known him for a thousand years. No doubt, Kol had seen Elena at the ball, but between her being surrounded by the pesky Salvatores, Elijah, or his mother, Kol was forced to find distractions elsewhere. Kol's seemingly cocky move by titling his head to the side and smiling was actually Kol being genuine. Klaus grinned- now he could have time with Caroline- alone.
But as Klaus had spent his time carefully studying Kol, Caroline had been shooting daggers at Klaus, being cunning enough to see through Klaus' plan. She lifted her eyebrows as if to say Really? Klaus avoided her gaze and smiled at a hesistant Elena.
"Brother," he gestured to Elena, "Surely you know of the lovely Elena Gilbert."
Kol never took his eyes off of Elena and smirked, "Well I don't live under a rock Nik. Elena?" Kol smiled, secretly loving the way her beautiful name sounded like coming off of his tongue. "I would love to hear about your interactions with my- with Esther," he said quickly, "I never did hear the whole story...and I admit, I am quite interested to know how you got my lunatic of a sister to not kill you." Elena smiled warmly, and decided that she wouldn't back down to Kol's veiled challenge. Kol motioned towards the bar, wanting to be rid of the extra company that Klaus and Caroline presented.
Elena gave him a genuine smile and walked alongside him to the bar.
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Caroline looked up at Klaus, and despite her better judgment, grinned. "I must say…I'm impressed."
Klaus looked down at the feisty little vampire. "Well of course, love. But dare I say not as impressed as Kol?"
Caroline swatted at him playfully and Klaus shook his head- he could already tell Kol was in for the long run.