A/N-Hey guys! This story was published in 2013 and as I'm writing this A/N it's 2015 and I'm just going back and correcting some things because I wrote this when I was like 12 so I'm just going through it and revising. Anyway, continue reading! There will be alot of switching Pov's btw

Percy Pov-

I stayed with Calypso on Ogyia.

I wouldn't leave her, like the heroes in the past had done. Although Calypso's love was more than enough; I still missed my friends and family. I heard the prophecy had been delayed and consequently, everyone was older.

I tried not to think about age too much, I was still fourteen and had been for almost four years now but I still changed physically. I grew my hair to the point where my bangs covered my eyes—there wasn't exactly a barber shop on Ogyia. My height had stopped to nearly 5''8 and I continued to work out every so often. Almost as if I were preparing for battle.

But I didn't have to. I didn't have to go back and face my possible death. After all, I'd been on the island for four years and there was no 'end of the world and humanity' war. I was sure the outside world had moved on after my 'death' and was celebrating New Year's today. There was no time on Ogyia but Hephaestus tried to keep me updated every once in a while. The god knew where I was and hadn't said anything to the gods or the camp.

I continued to run along the shore poking at my watch. Well technically, I had two. I had the one Tyson gave me and Calypso had given me a watch which was ocean themed with sea shells around the band.

Although it was just a watch, useless on an island where there was no time, Hercules gave it to her. It was the only memorandum a hero had left behind on her island and when she knew I was staying she gave it to me, stating she didn't need it anymore. You see, the watch meant hope for Calypso. Hope that a hero would come along and stay with her forever.

It contained something important, but a terrible fate would await if opened. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream from the other side of the island.

"Calypso!" I yelled, sprinting to the piercing scream. I uncapped riptide and faced a monster army surrounding my girlfriend in the hands of Kronos.

As if my brain were wired, I analyzed the situation. The more monsters I killed the angrier I got, edging towards Kronos. I started to slow down, my energy draining quickly.

As I reached Calypso, I crumbled to the ground. I hadn't noticed at first, but Morpheus was standing next to Kronos, struggling to keep me unconscious as I fought against his spell.

"Percy!" Calypso shrieked as Kronos flashed out with her.

I will find you even if it's the last thing I do, I promised as the darkness engulfed me.

I woke up a few hours later, my head throbbing. I knew what I had to do.

Go home.

I stepped onto the water, running across it with speed I never thought imaginable.

Annabeth Pov-

I woke up to sound of fireworks and a smiling daughter of Zeus.

"Hey," I greeted, climbing down the ladder to my bunk.

"Hey yourself," Thalia replied. "Ready for today?"

For once, my mind blanked, and I stared at my friend quizzically, raising my eyebrow.

"Our parents are coming over for New Year's." Thalia reminded me. For about four years, the gods were trying to become more involved in their children's life. The great prophecy wasn't yet fulfilled and they figured we might as well bond while we weren't obliterated.

"Don't forget the fireworks." I added on a glum note. Every year, couples watched the fireworks and kissed. I was nearly nineteen and I had no love life, whatsoever. I did once love a boy, four years ago, but he was…gone.

Thalia's electric blue eyes were kind which lifted me from my negative mood. I got ready and walked outside with her to greet our parents.

My smiling mother squeezed me to death. "Happy New Year's, Annabeth! I assume you've been working on architecture?" She asked.

"When am I not? So many blueprints…" I launched into the story of how the Parthenon should be rebuilt, with a few modern touches.

After I finished, my mother looked proud. She gave me another hug, promising to see me before left and strolled over to Zeus.

Nico, Thalia, Tyson, and Grover joined me as the gods and their children sat down for lunch. There was a clear view of the ocean, which was sea-green and calm.

As soon as I saw that hand emerge from the water, I knew were in deep trouble.

Percy Pov-

I knew something was wrong as soon as I stopped growing. I aged to sixteen—or rather, what looked like sixteen in the water's reflection—but then stopped. I should've aged to eighteen and I was positive that wasn't a good thing.

Apart from that, there were no signs of trouble or impending danger.

As I glided across the water, my vision darkened and snippet of scenes flashed by quickly. I saw a hand shooting out of the water, and then the scene shifted to me defeating a man before arriving on shore.

I snapped out of it, but before I could dwell on this, trouble found me.


Annabeth Pov-

I pulled out my knife, advancing towards the water. I glanced over at the sea god, waiting for his command.

Poseidon had his trident r aised and through clenched teeth, he said, "Oceanus."

Nothing Poseidon or anyone did stopped the hand as it rose to the surface. We managed to slow it down slightly but the hand slowly, but surely, advanced towards the shore. Suddenly, a figure dashed across the water, facing the hand.

As far as I could tell, it was a teenage boy. He drew a sword that glistened black and had a silver hilt.

All heads turned towards Hades who said, "He's walking across the water and you're asking me if he's my son?

Poseidon shrugged and said, "Oceanus can let whomever he wants onto the water."

"I don't care whose son he is, he's a demigod and hopefully not my kid cause he's hot." Aphrodite said.

"How can you tell?" Demeter inquired.

The love goddess shrugged, turning her attention towards the unknown boy.

Said boy was surprised at the sword he held, but then the hand morphed into a man between known as Oceanus. He had white hair and thin lips that turned into an evil smirk plastered onto his face. The titan extracted a terrifying sword with a navy color, clearly intent on exterminating the boy.

The boy smiled as if knew what was about to happen; he waited for Oceanus to strike and when he did; the boy slammed the hilt of his sword on the back of the titan's head. Oceanus stumbled and blindly swung his sword in the direction in the direction of the boy. I took a sharp breath and I realized I had been holding my breath.

As Oceanus ended his lethal swing, the boy was on the other side of him, completely relaxed as if he battled titans daily.

My jaw dropped, who was this guy? Sure enough, Oceanus became frustrated; he threw his sword aside and conjured up a tsunami size wave at his adversary.

The boy yawned and with a flick of his hand, the vast wave evaporated.

Thunder crackled, the seas clashed, and the smell of death consumed the air, blocking the formerly clear sky. The boy plunged his sword into Oceanus, whose body faded, then was promptly swept up by the remaining breeze.

The teen's sword vanished as he glided towards us.

"Does anyone know who this is?" Zeus asked. Behind me, I heard Hephaestus laughing his head off.

"You know who this is?" Zeus asked his son.

"Know who?" The boy stood in front of us and I could see him clearly. Real clearly.

He had a lot of black hair that looked as if it had a mind of his own, it seemed uncontrollable but it suited him. He had a well-built body and looked about 16. Aphrodite was right—he was hot. He pushed his bangs out of the way, revealing those swirling sea green eyes that I had missed so much.

"Percy?" My voice was barely a whisper.

"Oh, hey Annabeth." The boy—Percy—said cheerily.

"Are you kidding me? Just 'hey Annabeth.' It's been four years!" I glared at him. "Gods, you're a freaking MORON! You can't show up all 'hey Annabeth' don't 'hey' me, buddy! Where have you been and why do you sixteen? You can't just waltz in and say hey, and what even are you? A vampire? No, let me guess, you're an idiot who just stops showing up and has no contact with his friends at all!"

Percy just stood there, his grin widening as my vocabulary got louder and inappropriate.

After finishing, my face was red and I felt extremely embarrassed.

"You good, fam?" Percy asked.

I nodded, satisfied with my rant.

"Anyone else got something to say?" He glanced around.

"I was just gonna yell at you, maybe throw in a punch or two, but I think Annabeth's got me covered." Thalia said.

"Perhaps I should tell you what happened," Percy motioned for us to sit. I took a deep breath and Percy started his tale,

"It all started when I blew up a volcano…."

A/N-Thanks for reading and if you liked it, please favorite and follow!