
I'm finding it hard to believe

In anything anymore.

That includes myself,

And all I used to stand for.

Losing Lucca, was much like

Losing life itself.

All the hope, joy, and glory

Was stored high up on the shelf.

At this point I forgot about it...

Dust settled on my best.

Losing interest in everything,

I laid my emotions to rest.

Ultimately, I let go my soul.

The pain was too much to bear.

I knew things would only get worse by that,

But at the time I didn't seem to care.

Up in smoke went my desire for drawing.

No longer I cared to talk.

Friends were of no welcome

On the path I was to walk.

But among the fog and and uncertainty,

There is a ray of hope.

The name he bears is Nico,

My only way to cope.

With Gabe always on my back,

It seems I'll never break free.

The nightmares and horrors he taunts me with,

Why oh why, poor me?

I know he could be the answer,

I understand he could help me find the way out.

But he is also Lucca's brother,

And that is not what i'm about.

I guess I'll walk through hell,

and try hard not to burned.

of course if you were out there Lucca,

you would be concerned.