"There are two different worlds. One is Earth, for humans. The second..."

I thought back on what our grandpa told us before he passed away.

"..is a world for creatures, mutants, and magical beings. Our two worlds have been joined. Everything isn't what it seems. Hikaru, Kaoru, I want you to remember this piece of information I'm giving you."

I glanced over at my look-a-like, Hikaru. I wonder if he remembers that too... I turned my head until I stared out the window. Hikaru and I never really believed grandpa, we always thought he had gone crazy. Mean? No.. Judge mental? A little, I guess. But... it doesn't matter now.

"Hitachiin-samas we have arrived." the driver informed us. He opened the door for us to get out. "Have a nice day, Hitachiin-samas."

"Bye." Hikaru and I waved. We turned around and headed toward the enormous pink building.

"Hi Haruhi~!" Hikaru and I chorused, slinging our arms over said girl's shoulders when we arrived in the classroom.

"Hi guys." she replied.

"Have a seat everyone. We have a new student that i would like to introduce." the teacher announced. And so we did.

"Everyone this is the new student, Neko Night." In front of the class was a boy around Haruhi's size, which is pretty small for a guy. If he wasn't wearing the boys uniform i might've mistaken him for a girl. Also, he had messy brown hair that had bangs slightly swept to the side with blue eyes on his small delicate face.

"Uh, Hello. I hope you treat me well here... and, er, um.." he stuttered for the right words and looked off to the side. I looked around the class to see all the girls blushing and squealing about how adorable he was. I even saw some... boys blushing?

"Okay, Night-san please take a seat by... Hikaru Hitachiin." the teacher instructed while looking at the seating chart. The brunette student looked over the class and spotted Hikaru, who was raising his hand. Neko walked over to his desk and sat down. Well... this should be interesting.

I can't believe that I have to go to school! It's so frustrating! Stupid mom, making me go to a prestigious academy. Oh, Neko darling I want you to go to Ouran academy! I know you have a... condition, but I have great plans for you~! Oh, Mom. What type of plans? SELLING ME TO A ANIMAL SHELTER? Gosh, do I want to choke somebody...

I ran down the halls trying to find the dang restroom. Aha~! Thought you could hide from me? I rushed in it quickly. I looked into the mirror and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness they didn't pop out.." I mumbled. Just then my human ears disappeared and was replaced by cat ones. And my tail popped out, swaying side to side. "Oh there you guys are." I rolled my eyes and searched through my bag for the- Haha! found ya! I pulled out the bottles with the pills and popped one in my mouth. Instantly the cat ears were gone and human ears were once again back. My tail was gone too.
"Now that that's done and taken care of.. Time for food!" I cheered and skipped happily out the bathroom.

~The Host club is open for business.~

"Tamaki-kun, have you heard of the new student?" a girl with straight black hair and hazel eyes asked.

"Of course I have. But I wont ever forget about my lovely mermaid princesses." Tamaki flirted.

"Oh Tamaki~!" the fangirls yelled.

"Neko-chan is so kawaii (cute)! Don't you think so Tamaki?" a brunette with matching eyes asked eagerly.

"Well, he could never be cuter than my beautiful fairies." he replied smoothly.

"Kyaa~!" Tamaki's customers screamed.

~Host club is closed~

"Hika-chan, Kao-chan I heard there is a new student in your class room!" Hunny said happily eating his cake.

"Yeah. This kid named Neko." Hikaru replied.

"Ah, yes. Neko Night. Age 16. Male-" Kyouya started.

"We don't care, Kyouya-senpai." an auburn haired twin interrupted.

"Hikaru! You just fed yourself to the...lion!" Kaoru whispered. Hikaru directed his attention from Kaoru to Kyouya.

"Eh...um, senpai..?" Hikaru looked at Kyouya cautiously. "Senpai?"

"Erm, anyway! I was thinking...since the customers like this 'Neko' so much, we should make him part of our family!" Tamaki suggested. "What do you say?"

"I want Neko-chan to eat cake with me!" Hunny cheered.

"Hn." Mori agreed with Hunny.

"We could use a new toy." the twins grinned.

"I don't really care." Haruhi stated, shrugging.

"It will raise profit.." Kyouya nodded.

"Great! Here's the plan; whoever gets Neko to join...uh..." Tamaki trailed off.

"How about whoever gets him to join has Haruhi for themselves for a whole day!" the twins suggested, cheshire cat smiles plastered on their faces.

"Yeah!" Hunny agreed eagerly.

"Fine! The prize is a whole day with Haruhi!" Tamaki smiled.

"What do I get?" Haruhi asked.

"Well it's unlikely that you'll win," Hikaru started.

"but if you do," Kaoru continued.

"then you get a whole day to yourself!" they both finished.

"I should get a day to myself whenever I want..." Haruhi mumbled. Of course she was ignored.

"Okay, so the game will start tomorrow!" Tamaki announced.

Let the game begin.

So...Yeah. Please review! I know it's boring. But it will get better! I'll try to reply to all the comments!
Hikaru: Hopefully...
Hunny: R&R~!