Ryo pulled away from Akiho and strode towards a shelf with books. Kimi observed him intently, never letting her eyes stray from her target. He slowly pulled an old leather black book from the shelf before turning back to face her. An overwhelming feeling of dread washed over Kimi's body. She involuntarily took a step back.

"Am I making your nervous, Kimi?" Ryo smirked as he dusted the book. Kimi growled. She had a terrible feeling and she didn't like it.

"Where is my daughter, Ryo?" She repeated. She would not back down. She had to protect her family.

"I told you we have to discuss some things. I have what you want, and you have what I want. I have decided…" Ryo leaned on a nearby stalagmite before continuing. "…that today you would finally be useful."

He rushed toward Kimi and pushed her against a wall in surprise. She suppressed a yelp from her back hitting the sharp wall. Ryo never took his eyes off of her.

"You and I have a lot more in common than you know." Kimi grabbed Ryo's shirt and roughly pushed him away from her. His smirk never left his face. She moved herself away from the disgusting being that was Ryo.

"I have nothing in common with a low life like you." Kimi sneered. She clenched her fists. "If you want to stay alive, tell me where my daughter is, Ryo. Or I promise I will tear you apart and feed your remains to Akiho."

Akiho flinched. Ryo let out a boisterous laugh. He tossed the black book to Kimi who let it drop to the floor. He crossed his arms.

"That brat is in safe hands. What I need from you is to open that book before I send Akiho to have fun in disposing of her in front of your mate." He slowly strode closer to Kimi. "Really, I should be punishing you, Kimi. I told you to come alone and you disobeyed me by having your mate and his clique follow."

Ryo shook his head in disappointment. Kimi's eyes widened. Sesshoumaru was here? With who? Ryo snapped his fingers.

"Akiho, go get the brat and kill her." Ryo commanded. Akiho smirked, finally she could get her hands dirty. Kimi bit her lip. She knew he wasn't actually going to get her killed but she couldn't take any chances with Mizuki's life.

"Fine." Kimi muttered. Akiho stopped moving. Kimi picked up the book and held it in her hand. "I'll open your stupid book. But anything happens to my family, I will destroy you." Ryo nodded.

Kimi stared at the black leather book. The dreadful feeling was a lot worse than before now that she was holding the book. She knew this was probably a terrible idea seeing as Ryo wanted the book for his plans. But the decision was simple, have her daughter killed or help Ryo.

She slowly opened the lid of the book. Once opened, nothing happened. The first page was blank. This is what she wasted her time for?! A blank book!? Before she could curse him out, Ryo spoke.

"Repeat after me." He smirked. Kimi raised a brow. "Tenebrescere aere circa me. Tenebrosi spiritus audiunt, recuso. Confirmate corda tenebrae et lux. Da mihi virtutem. Release!*"

Kimi stared at him in disbelief. She had no idea what it meant. What if-

"Now!" Ryo shouted. Kimi slowly repeated the words exactly how Ryo had said them. Once done, an unknown force hit Akiho square in the stomach and tossed her out the castle window. Kimi had no time to react. A blinding light erupted from the book. Kimi dropped it to the ground and backed away. Ryo laughed.

Kimi covered her eyes with her arms. What had she done? What did she cause?! Darkness surrounded her body. Her eyes jolted open just in time to see Ryo being covered in light before the darkness took over her.

When she opened her eyes again she was in a pitch black room. She was naked. Where had her clothes gone? She shrugged the thought away and called out. Her voice echoed. Soon she heard footsteps. Swiftly turning, she noticed the elder woman who had warned her of this mess.

A light engulfed her. After the light dwindled, a woman stood there. Her auburn hair cascaded down her small frame. Her stern indigo eyes never left the young woman standing before her, even when she tried to cover herself up. A white robe was wrapped around her body but the most interesting thing about this unknown woman was what was behind her back. A pair of grey wings.

"Staring is quite rude." She spoke. Kimi blinked twice. The woman was beautiful. An angel. The woman strode up to Kimi and stroked her face. "I tried to warn you twice about it. I tried to protect you… but you ignored me. Now look what you have caused."

"You are the elderly woman…" Kimi whispered. The brunette nodded her head as she dropped her head to the side. "Why did you need to protect me?"

"I don't have much time to prep you. I am Akemi, your mother." The woman started. Kimi gasped and fell to her knees. Her hands started to shake and tears filled her eyes. She tried to form words but they wouldn't come. Akemi petted Kimi's hair. "I know it's shocking."

"B-but you're dead…" Kimi cried. Akemi shook her head with a smile.

"That's where you are wrong dear. I am an angel. It's contrary to what humans have put into your head." She started to explain, her grey wings flickered. "Angels are a species just like demons. They live on Earth and we lived on Terris, the sub terrain of Earth, high above the clouds.

Quick history lesson. Angels and demons were arch nemesis. No one knew the exact reason why, it's just how it's always been. Demons had a darker aura where angels had a pure one. We were always able to purify the demons.

Well, one day I had a mission to go down to Earth and spy on this demon. Would you believe I fell for him and him me? For months I hid our secret, but once I was discovered he was killed and I was banished to wander the realms for fallen angels. What they didn't know was I was with child… you."

Kimi didn't even know how to digest all this knew information. It could've been a ploy… but it was just couldn't be. And when she looked into Akemi's eyes…

"Yes, I know. It's a lot to take in. Save your questions for later. We don't have much time. What I didn't know is that for each angel there is a fallen angel born. This is a security so that if the fallen angel decides to tap into their dark powers his or her partnered angel has the duty to stop them. I'm sure you have guessed who yours is." Akemi raised her brow.

"Ryo…" Kimi blurted.

"That's right." Akemi acknowledged. Before she could continue Kimi stopped her in panic.

"But Mizuki! She's going to go through this too!?" Akemi raised her hand to shush Kimi.

"No. Your angel side has been blocked. Which I will get to in a bit. Mizuki is full demon... now where was I? Soon, Ryo's mother let him go to earth. I didn't know what to do and panicked. That's when I heard the prayers of your earth parents and made the decision. I created the bracelet you are wearing to mask your light aura. This allowed your demon aura to take over. You were weaker than other demons but the angels would never find you and murder you.

This is also why Ryo was so attracted to you… he knew you were destined for him but in the wrong way. I've been watching over you since then… I can appear on Earth in short bursts but if I stay to long I risk my death. I had a vision of what would happen if you mated Sesshoumaru… so I warned you…

That back fired. You ran away and fell into the well. When you came back I cried. I knew Ryo would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Here we are now…"

Kimi stopped her sobbing by the middle of Akemi's speech. She slowly stood up and watched her with her emerald eyes. This whole time her mother was trying to stop what was going to happen regardless. She couldn't stop her destiny. Kimi held her mother's hand and squeezed.
"The effort was valiant… but this is my destiny." Kimi whispered proudly. Akemi squeezed her daughter's hand back.

"I know… it's the ending I don't like…" The brunette sighed, her eyes worried. "You have a choice… live your life as is but allow Ryo to roam free or destroy him with the powers that you have summoned."

Kimi stared at her mother. Was that really it? The choice was easy. If she left Ryo off the hook, he would destroy everything and anything in his path. And since she was his equal and the only one who could defeat him…

"I see you have made your decision… I think you must know that there are consequences…"

Hope you enjoyed!
Let me know what you thought!
Please R&R~
Love, Snowy B~

*Darken the air around me
Dark spirits hear my plea
Strengthen light and dark hearts
Give me the power