The Art of Falling in Love

Summary: The WHOLE story of Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta. From beginning to end…

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hunger Games…Amazing Suzanne Collins does.

Author's Note: Here is my 1st story (EVER on this site or any site) on Finnick and Annie. It is going to be so fun to write. I hope that I don't keep you guys waiting too long. I will try to post every day. I also would like to tell you that I have a quote at the beginning of every chapter. And please review. Enjoy!

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
~Franklin D. Roosevelt

~After the Reaping~


I couldn't believe I had been called. With my jaw tight, and my eyes quickly feeling with water, I walked up on stage. I could not even express how much I wish I could just cry and fall on the floor. My mother would come and comfort me. Her warm arms would find their way around me. And she'd make me better. Mothers had the power to do that.

The male tribute was a 12 year old boy named Matthew Waters. His parents owned a meat store. He was quite rich. But he was young and scared. I was scared too. I promised myself right there on stage I would do my best to make sure Matthew won, because I knew I wouldn't.

I am Annie Cresta. I am 17 years old. I have two sisters, one died from odd disease. Came from the fish. The same thing happened with my father. One brother. He is 13. He was very quiet, never talked, not even to mother. I like music. And books. Or at least the ones I can get my hands on. I always imagine myself living in a nice big warm home with a plethora of food. But that sort of thing didn't seem realistic. Especially in Panem. But there is place called Europe. I wonder what it is like there.

Anyways, we were taken off into the Justice Building, and the last thing I heard before the heavy metals were closed were the weeps of Matthew's mother. She sounded like she might die. I turned to Matthew. He had a serious look on his face but I could still see the tears glistening in his eyes. I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to glare at the chunky Peacekeeper.

"Keep walking," he ordered.

I turned my head back. We were placed in this humungous room.

"Your family will be in here to say their farewells."

The Peacekeepers left, leaving me with Matthew. I sat down on a cushioned chair. Very uncomfortable. I sighed then got back up.

"I am going to die," Matthew said suddenly, causing me to jump.

His voice echoed in the room. It bounced up to the ceiling then fell.

"I am too," I said, scowling at myself afterwards.

I should have said something encouraging. But I didn't. I sat there, studying his face, knowing he was going to be crying hysterically in seconds. That was when his mother came rushing in. I exhaled, as Matthew got up and threw himself into his mother's arms.

"It is alright, everything will be fine," she murmured tearfully, gripping him.

I was an optimist occasionally. But I knew what happened in the Games. This was no time for "Everything will be alright". My mom came in a few minutes later. Alone. I didn't ask her where Maggie, my younger sister, or George was. I just hugged her. I didn't cry. I don't know why. I just couldn't. But my mother cried a lot. She stroked my hair and cried into my dress.

"I love you," she whispered, stroking my hair.

"…I love you too," I replied.

She hugged me again. Within 15 seconds, she was being pried off me. She grabbed for me, but the Peacekeepers dragged her out the door. Her cries remained in the room. I buried my face in my hands and tried to cry. It didn't work.

"Come with me," a Peacekeeper said strongly, stretching a long arm out to us.

Matthew and I both sat there staring at him and his hand. Then we finally got up.


I dropped one more sugar cube in my coffee then put the mug to my lips. I had a massive headache, and I was tired.

"What'd you think?" Mags asked, "Do you think we have a winner?"

"I won't know one thing until we meet them," I replied, after swallowing some coffee.

"Broke my heart," Mags breathed loudly, "Seeing that boy's face."

I didn't answer. Just sipped on my coffee.

I am Finnick Odair. 19 years of age. I won the 65th Hunger Games at age 14. I hate the Hunger Games. It makes my skin crawl thinking of being in the arena. It also makes my eyes water. I use to write before I entered the Games. Now I am a mentor. And a sexual slave. President Snow didn't refer to me as that though. He sells me so those damned Capitol people, females and males, could take advantage of my body. I was told I was attractive. I hated my life. The only time I got a peace of mind was in my bed before sleep and my morning talk with Mags, depending on what we discussed.

Mags began mumbling to herself. She did that every other day. In a few minutes, we would be on a train. And I would meet the two tributes.

The train made a loud groan, as it started. It speeded on its tracks. Mags and I found our chambers. Then we set off to meet the two tributes. They sat at the table, studying the features of the train. I first noticed the girl. Her name was…Annie Cresta. When she walked up on stage, I noticed her eyes full of water. She looked sad but unable to express it. The boy…Matthew Waters.

"Hello," Mags spoke first, her voice soft yet inspiring, "I am Mags."

"Finnick," I said, "We are your mentors."

Matthew sniffed, and Annie poked at something on her shoulder. Then she spoke:

"I am good at hiding. Very hard to find," she said simply.

"Okay," I said, "Hiding works really well in the arena. What about you…Matthew?"

"I…can run really fast, I guess," he said, covering his mouth afterwards.

He had been crying. Very hard.

"I will work with you, Matthew, since you are so young," Mags said slowly, "And Finnick will work with you Annie. You two are around the same age."

Mags sat down with Matthew right there at the table. I motioned Annie to follow me. She got up without another word and followed me to the smaller room right next to where they met.

"Tell me," Annie said, when we sat down at the small table, "what it is like to be in the arena. And no lying. I want the truth."

"I wouldn't lie," I replied, "Being in the arena is like being locked in a cage…like a rat. The people outside can do anything to you. And you can't get out until it is all over. It can drive some people mad."

Annie sat there silently thinking on what I said. "Since you are my mentor, can I tell you how I really feel? You won't tell the entire Capitol, will you?"

"Of course not," I answered, "You can tell me anything that you wish to."

"…I am scared."

Then she got out of her chair and ambled out of the room. Probably heading back to her chamber.


I threw myself onto the gigantic bed that was in my chamber. I had never felt so comfortable when I laid down. I snuggled up with my pillow. It reminded me of being with my mother on a Sunday. We sit outside, snuggling, staring into the sky. That is when I cried. All the water in my eyes finally drained out. I buried my face in my pillow to drown out my moans of despair.

I cried until I was called to dinner. I didn't even wipe the tears from my face. I tucked my hair behind my ears and walked to the table. Finnick was there, Matthew and Mags too.

I sat down next to Matthew who was gulping down the drink that was in his glass. A few minutes later, food was brought out for us to eat. It looked amazing. Warm baked chicken, sweet potatoes, greens, and soufflé.

Another few minutes later, the District 4 host, Samuel Longhorn, came rushing in. He had on eye shadow and mascara. And his clothes were obviously too tight.

"I am so sorry I am late," he said loudly, sitting down next to Mags, who didn't even attempt to hide the rolling of her eyes.

He turned to me and Matthew then grinned a toothy smile, "Hello you two. You must be Annie Cresta and Matthew Waters. I am Samuel Longhorn."

"We know," Matthew said softly, irritation in his tone.

"Oh thank you," Samuel replied, flattered by the remark.

We ate, and I had hard time trying to not just gouge down the food. The dinner served at my house was good, but not as good as this food.

"Are you alright?" Finnick asked me later that night.

"Yes," I sighed.

"You must get better at lying," he smiled.

This was no place for smiles. But his smile warmed me. It made me feel good. I smiled back at him, then went on eating.