YEAR ONE-James and Sirius walked down the hallways, irrepressibly smug about their first prank. The last thing they saw was a shock of red hair as their victim's best friend jinxed them.

YEAR TWO- After they won the cup and he was toasted, James scanned the room for the only face he knew wouldn't be smiling. Her face was like stone, beautiful marble. He tried to shake off the itch of hurt and succeeded, returning to revel in the victory with his mates.

YEAR THREE-As he boarded the train to leave Hogwarts for the summer, James impishly reflected upon the success of his year, the strength of his friendships, the extent of his popularity. He was bored. He needed a challenge. Lily's fiery hair brushed past him as she slipped into her compartment. Challenge accepted.

YEAR FOUR-The more popular James became, the more successful his tricks, the less Lily seemed to like him. James was more concerned with the former, but still constantly flirted, harassed, and nagged Lily. He never stopped to consider that making her love him would be a lot easier if he didn't use her best friend as a punching bag. Remus shook his head.

YEAR FIVE-The forbidden word. An enraged, protective James. A forced kiss. A resounding slap. Tears of indignation in her endless, glorious eyes. The decency to leave her alone for a while.

YEAR SIX- A discovered transformation. Her promise to keep silent. A new-found respect. Arrogance replaced with goofy gallantry. Many, many the joke shops. Dates nonetheless.

YEAR SEVEN- A dark future. His comforting arms. Stolen kisses in abandoned corridors in the place of Head Boy and Girl patrols. A proposal at the edge of the lake, where his love for her had first been realized in the hardest of ways.

"One thing I never asked", says Lily's best friend Marlene as she watches her white-clad friend share the dance floor with her father. "Did you love Lily right away, James?"

The groom nods to acknowledge her question, but is unable to tear his eyes away from his radiant wife.

"No". A long time passes before he adds, "She crept up on me".