Ok, this story is definatly not one of my best, but the idea wouldn't leave me alone so I did my best. Feel free to steal the idea and make it better if you wish.

I still own nothing.

Chapter 4: The End of The Boggart

The four men stood in front of the closed wardrobe. Apparently the boggart had retreated back into it as soon as it's victims had left. The wardrobe shook violently as the four men stared nervously at it. The three knights had their hands on their swords, even though they knew they could do nothing to the boggart.

"Well go on, Merlin." Gwaine said nervously, giving his friend a slight push. "You are the one who has magic after all."

"Chicken." Merlin hissed as he stumbled forward.

"Yep, that's me." Gwaine grinned. "Now destroy that thing before Arthur comes back."

Merlin glared back at his friend before turning back to the wardrobe.

"Oscail." His eyes flashed gold and the wardrobe doors flung open.

It was rather strange to see Prince Arthur crouching inside a wardrobe. Merlin took a deep breath and held his hand out as the boggart slowly stepped out of the wardrobe and closed the space between it and Merlin.

"Sorcerer!" The Arthur boggart shouted. "How could you? You liar!"

Merlin trembled as he took a deep breath and focused on a way to make Arthur amusing.

"A dhéanamh dom gáire!"

Merlin's eyes glowed gold and a ball of gold light shot from his hand at the boggart. It stumbled backwards and when it looked back up at Merlin, Arthur was sporting a pair of donkey ears, large bucked teeth, hot pink skin, and a sky blue dress.

The three knights burst out laughing, and Gwaine hit the floor as the boggart opened its mouth and let out a loud bray. Merlin held his laughter just long enough to say the second spell.

"Scrios le gáire!"

His eyes glowed gold again and another golden ball of light flew from his hand and hit the boggart in the chest, blowing it to pieces. Merlin turned around, goofy grin on his face.

Their was silence for a few moments. Gwaine was on the ground, holding his stomach, and tears were in all of their eyes. Then they all burst out laughing. Merlin joined Gwaine on the floor, tears streaming from his eyes. Lancelot fell into the chair and held his head as he laughed. Percival remained upright, his loud laugh booming through the room. None of them heard the door open.

"What is going on here?" Arthur shouted when he saw three of his knights and his servant laughing in his room.

"N..nothing, Princ...Princess." Gwaine choked out between laughs.

"Just talking." Lancelot added.

Percival nodded in agreement.

"You three, training grounds, now!" Arthur ordered angerily.

"See you later, Merlin." Lancelot said as he walekd out the room.

"See you." Percival said as well.

"I'll come and get you later, Merlin." Gwaine announced. "We're going to the tavern tonight!"

Merlin groaned softly. "All right. See you then."

"My stables still need to be mucked out." Arthur said as he crossed his arms and glared at his manservent. "What have you been doing all day?"

"Chores." Merlin replied with a grin. "And talking."

"Get to work." Arthur ordered with a shake of his head.

"Yes, sire." Merlin said, hiding his laughter as he imagined Arthur as the boggart.

Arthur watched his giggling manservant walk out of his room. The Prince Regent shook his head. He would never understand that boy.
