S.E Hinton owns the Outsiders.

1 month

"Bug! Time to get up! Hurry up and get ready and come eat!"

"Ughh!" I rolled over and put the pillow over my head. I didn't wanna get up. Another day of trying to be invisible, watching boys from the side lines. Another day of trying to avoid the whole soc/greaser conflict.

"Katie! Get up now! Get dressed or you're going to miss breakfast!"

I turned on my back and looked at the ceiling. She'd come up here in a few minutes. With back up.

I sighed and got up. After I got back from the bathroom I looked in the mirror to see what I had to deal with today.

My eyes had huge bags under them. My dull auburn hair was fuzzy and all messy. And my blotchy red nose didn't help matters.

I took one last look, sighed again and went for the closet.

"Katie! Get up!"

"Mom, I'm up!" Sheesh

I picked out a red button up shirt and a blue jean skirt. Soc's skirts were long. Almost to their ankles. Greaser girls were half way up their thighs. I liked mine right at my knees.

Then there are the skirts. Greaser girls wore tight shirts. Tank tops and button ups. I think 'cause they were probably hand me downs. Soc's usually wore some kind of loose shirt with a sweater or their boyfriends letterman jacket over it. Me? I wore shirts that were a little baggy. My clothes screamed middle class, and that's the way I wanted it to be. I didn't like getting in the whole greaser/ soc fight. I'd seen what it could do.

I looked in the mirror again. Now for my hair. I grabbed my brush and brushed it down to where it was as flat as it was gonna get then pulled it into a pony tail. My nose and eyes weren't as red as they were. I put on a little mascara, pinched my cheeks and stepped back to look at my work.

I saw a middle class girl with fuzzy brown hair and squinty eyes. Scrawny with absolutely no boobs to speak of.

This was as good as it was gonna get. I put on my socks and shoes, grabbed my jacket and books and ran down the stairs.

Mom was sitting at the table. She looked up at me and smiled.

"You look pretty today."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"What? You do! You look very pretty Bugsy. You're looks have been changing here lately. Pretty soon you'll have boobies."

I laughed cause when she said boobies she shook her chest.

She laughed too and got up and kissed me on my forehead.

"Now eat your eggs! You're gonna be late!"

I sat down and took a bite of eggs then looked at mom. She had on a very oversized t shirt that went past her knees. Her short brown hair was in a low pony tail. She looked the same every morning before she got ready for work. Then she'd turn into the secretory that drove two towns away. It was the only place she could find that needed a secretory and the pay was fairly good. So every day she would drive the two and a half hour drive there and back.

The situation with dad didn't help matters either. He lived on the North side. Greaser territory. He lived in a run down house with his then girlfriend and drank all day. He didn't help mom in any way and never invited me over. Not that I would go.

I took one bite of eggs and looked at the clocks.

"Mom, I'm gonna go now. The bus is going to be here any time now."

She walked over and kissed me.

"Be safe. Tell Bayli I said hey. Love you!"

I gasped. I'd forgot about meeting Bayli.

"Love you too mom! Bye"

Bayli Leery had been my best friend since preschool. We did everything together. Today I was supposed to meet her early.

I ran out of the house and towards the bus stop.

I got there right when the bus got there. I ran on and plopped down on the first seat next to Bayli. She looked at me with a annoyed look. Lately she'd been getting all dressed up and wearing lots of makeup. She had gotten her boobs. And since she got those she thought she should dress up. So now her strawberry blonde hair was always curled. She caked on the makeup. Which made her hazel eyes pop. She had got curves and wasn't stick thin like I was. She had turned into the pretty swan. And I was still the ugly duckling.

She had changed in other ways too. She used to be really awkward and shy, like me. Then she'd got her boobs. Which must be some kind of ticket to popularity. Cause she ain't shy anymore. She's got boys falling all over her. . And a lot of people wanting to be her friend.

"Where were you Katie?" she squealed out. " I got here thirty minutes early and you didn't show! Do you know how embarrassing that was?"

"Sorry. I woke up late."

She smacked her lips. "Well you should have set your alarm. You forgot to set it again didn't you?"

I smirked. She knew me to well.

"Yea. I guess I did."

"Katie." She huffed. Then looked ahead.

She probably wouldn't talk to me again until we got to school.

I didn't much feel like talking anyway.

Hope you liked it! Pretty please with a cherry on top review. :)