So this one is a bit shorter than the rest, but it's the last bit. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who read this story, and an extra-special thank you to everyone who reviewed.

Rose sits on the edge of her bed, legs shaking in anticipation. She waits for Madam Pomfrey to reenter the room, hoping that today she will finally be released. She's missed a week and a half of school, and grimaces to think what she will have to make up.

At this moment Madam Pomfrey bustles in. Rose upturns her chin, eyes hopeful, but lets her head hang again as the Matron stops at the only other occupied bed, a first year who slipped in the mud and twisted his ankle.

Finally she reaches Rose, smiling slightly at the young girl's ill-disguised hope.

"You're free to go, Miss Weasley," the old woman says, but the words are barely past her frail lips, and Rose is already gone.

Madam Pomfrey raises a hand to her chest. These students are going to be the death of me, she thinks, trying to slow her frantic heart.

Breakfast is well underway by the time Rose reaches the Great Hall. A couple of younger students, maybe some of Lily's friends, wave at Rose nervously. Rose smiles back and enters the Great Hall.

As she stands in the doorway, she realizes life is nothing like the Muggle movies she sometimes watched with her mum. Hardly anybody halts conversation, let alone the entire Hall. Her eyes flit to the Slytherin table and notice a distinct lack of platinum blond hair.

Disappointed slightly, she makes her way to the Gryffindor table and sits beside Albus, who turns and grins brightly at her.

"Where's Scorpius?" she asks.

Albus shrugs. "Library, probably," he says.

Rose frowns. Scorpius, in the library? How long had she really been unconscious?

Rose has hardly set foot in the library when Madam Clearwater greets her with a smile.

"How are you feeling, Rose?" the librarian asks.

"Loads better," Rose assures her, trying to subtly glance around the woman for sights of her boyfriend.

"I think you've been rubbing off on your friends," Madam Clearwater says with a smile.

This puts Rose's full attention on the former Ravenclaw. "Huh?" she asks, eloquently.

"Your brother and Mister Malfoy have been frequenting the library in your absence," Clearwater informs her. She nods her head to a corner of the library and then wanders off.

Rose, startled, hesitates for a moment before heading off in the direction Clearwater pointed out. She rounds a bookshelf and finds her brother and boyfriend sitting in silence, Hugo scribbling on a piece of parchment with a textbook in his lap and Scorpius leaning back in his chair, feet in highly polished shoes resting on the edge of the worn table. Neither boy notices the bushy-haired girl.

"Feet off the table, Mister Malfoy," Rose says, in a teasing tone of voice.

All six feet—four from the chair and two from the boy—are suddenly on the floor. Scorpius stands, a wide smile breaking out over his face at the sight of Rose. Hugo looks up from his essay, glad to see his sister, but Rose has all her attention on the older boy.

"Never thought I'd see Scorpius Malfoy in the Hogwarts library of his own free will," Rose says with a slight smirk.

Scorpius opens his mouth, but no witty comeback emerges. Instead he grins and says, "Glad you're well."

He takes a little step forward, and all of a sudden, Rose is kissing him.

Scorpius smiles into their joined mouths. This is perfection, he thinks.

It doesn't take long for Rose's life to fall back into place; in fact, by the same day she has already forgotten what it's like to be gone. She's spoken to all her teachers, and they've all given her the notes and assignments she's missed. She sits in the Gryffindor Common Room, smiling to herself as she reads over her notes and outlines a Transfiguration essay.

"Rose!" Suddenly Hugo is in front of her.

Rose looks up, startled. "What's wrong?" she asks, taking in his urgent expression.

He grins. "Nothing's wrong. Scorpius wants to see you. He's waiting outside for you."

Unsure, Rose stands, saving her seat with a textbook, and walks gracefully to the portrait hole, aware of her brother's eyes watching her.

Sure enough, Scorpius is outside, leaning against the stone wall, something—Rose cannot identify what, in the dim light—in his hand.

He sees her and his face breaks into a smile. "Hey, Rosie," he says. "I brought you something."

He raises his arm, and it only takes Rose a second to identify the flower in his hand. She looks up at him, hardly daring to believe it.

"I ordered it this morning," he tells her, "as soon as I knew you were out of the Hospital Wing. It only just came, about ten minutes ago."

She takes it delicately, staring at it with wide, joyful eyes.

When she looks at him again, he is watching her with anxious eyes, hoping she will like it. She knows in that moment, from the combination of the flower in her hand and the expression on his face, that Scorpius Malfoy loves her.

"I love you too," Rose breathes, throwing her arms around Scorpius and kissing him fervently, the red carnation smashed into his beautiful blond hair, all but forgotten.

There, my first completed multi-chapter fic! Let me know if you have any ideas for other stories, or if you just want me to go away.